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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. This is all you need to know about Sarah Palin: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/05/p...t_n_131967.html Okay. Fine. I already knew I was going to hell anyway, now I have another reason.
  2. Well, I see that this thread will challenge everyone's notions and ideas about things.
  3. What's worse is when they have those halogen headlights that are SUPER BRIGHT WHITE and the insist on having them aimed and then they drive around lighting up all and sundry for 10 miles in all directions.
  4. Yeah, I'm not crying any tears for OJ. Justice delayed is justice denied.
  5. If Obama wins, it's probably going to take all 4 years of his first term and then the next 4 years if he's re-elected to clean up this mess. What's funny is that Bill Clinton was derided as a "tax and spend liberal" following Bush 41 and Reagan's "fiscal Conservative" policies, and yet in the last 28 years, he's the only President under whom we had a budget surplus....I believe it was around $200 billion dollars. Hell, I'll go back to having Presidents get blowjobs daily if it means we can go back to this country as it was from 1993-2000.
  6. What I find most hilarious is the idea that by vetting and debating about someone we are scared of them. Sarah Palin is not scary. Well, her stupidity is scary but her as a person.....nope. I don't fear not one hair on her air-filled head. Why in the name of Jesus tap dancing Christ would I be scared of some empty-headed hood ornament the GOP is parading around? No one aside from hardcore Conservatives are buying her shit. Her favorables are dropping like a fucking stone, she made no effect on the polls following her debate and the "Palin bounce" after the RNC was gone within a week. McCain campaign staffers were even saying publicly as recently as 4 days ago that her being on the ticket was a problem and that if she completely tanked the debate, McCain would have to consider dumping her for the sake of still appearing competitive. And myself and other Democrats are supposed to be scared of this? Are you completely deranged?
  7. Gas in Guilford County here in NC is between $3.55-$3.69. Gas in Forsyth County where I live, it's no lower than $3.89. That's nuts to me; a $0.30+ difference if you go east across the county line.
  8. Kindly tell him that the word is spelled "boring". If you're going to chastise someone for being none-too-bright, please make sure you spell all the words in that post correctly.
  9. I don't think Sarah Palin understands much of anything. When CBS aired that clip of her unable to name another case besides Roe v. Wade that she disagreed with, the first thing that popped to my mind was Exxon v. Baker. The case that lowered the settlements dispersed as a result of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. She was on record no more than 2 months ago, railing against that decision. How could she have forgotten it? Or better yet, why didn't she say Plessy v. Ferguson? You know, "separate but equal"? The one that was overturned in Brown v. Board of Education? I think that's something to disagree with, no? She's just intellectually incurious. That's not a problem, a lot of people are. But when you want to be Vice President, it is a problem.
  10. I want to see it, because anytime I can watch the Religious Right get their shit pushed in, I will. Hell, I'll watch it twice. I've had it up to my eyeballs with these hypocrites who on one hand decry the Islamic faith and demand we end the theocracy of the Middle East, yet on the other want to turn the United States into a Christian theocracy called JesusLand: The Theme Park. Apparently religion influencing laws is only okay when it's Christians doing it and no one else. There is no end to their willingness to exploit honest God-fearing people for the sake of turning this country into a fundamentalist, backwater joke. These are also people who will believe any and all spurious lies they hear about anyone, including Barack Obama. Case in point: I was at the grocery store yesterday doing my shopping. I have an Obama/Biden pin on my purse, but it's small and only really noticeable if you're right up on top of me in line or something. When I was waiting to get rung up, this woman behind me tapped me on the shoulder and remarked about my pin. I said yes, I am voting for Obama in November. She looked at me and said "how can you vote for a Muslim n-----r?" I said he's not a Muslim and he's not a n-----r, and I'd appreciate it if you kept your bigotry to yourself. So in the true spirit of Christ (and she said she was a Christian shortly thereafter), she called me a "n-----r lover" told me I'd burn in hell and then followed it up by saying she hoped someone "cleanses" the White House if he wins. Now I know this woman is not representative of Christianity as a whole. But she is representative of Fundamentalist shitheads who are taking over not only the Republican party, but the image of Christianity OTHER people around the world have. And that must end.
  11. Palin won the debate? On what planet did that occur.....because it sure as shit wasn't Earth. The only way Sarah Palin was going to win was if Biden dropped out of the debate and she talked to an empty lectern. If you actually GASP! read the snap polls taken after the debate or watched CNN as people watching the debate responded to what each candidate said, you would have seen that the only people who actually liked what she had to say were Republicans. No Democrats and most importantly, no Independents. You know, that really important group the GOP keeps trying to ass-kiss into voting for them. The national and state polls taken Friday and yesterday, the first two days of polling after the debates show absolutely no bounce at all for McCain. None. How can you win a debate and have ZERO affect on your candidate? Rather, Obama has moved up a couple ticks in the national polls and has strengthened his lead in key swing states. She winked, she faked the folksy charm and she gave a shout-out like she was on frickin' MTV......that's not impressing anyone but people who get perpetual boners when she opens her mouth. You'd have to be so far up Karl Rove's ass you can see his uvula to think otherwise. So stop. Just stop. She didn't win, not by any responsible or educated poll and metric. The only victory the GOP can take away from that debate is that she didn't shit herself and pass out.
  12. The only ones she'll be making are appearances on the stump....she'll be doing no more interviews, nothing live.....not even Meet The Press. For good reason, the Republicans want a fighting chance.
  13. Good. Fuck him the ass with a broken beer bottle. He should be on Death Row right now, but better late than never. I hope he enjoys being Bubba's bitch.
  14. My high school had ethnic clubs as well, and they aren't racist. You didn't even have to be that ethnicity to join. Every year our school put on International Fest and those ethnic clubs would put on performances. The Irish Club would do the Reel, the Italian Club would do the Tarantella, the Asian-Filipino Club would do traditional Filipino dances, the list goes on. The sole purpose for the clubs to exist in the first place, were to 1) prepare foods, dances and exhibits for International Fest and 2) to go on field trips or other such school-sponsored events that highlighted that cultural group. My school was big on highlighting and celebrating diversity. I'm not Irish in anyway, but I was a member of the Irish Club all 4 years, because my two closest friends WERE Irish and I liked being a part of their performances every year. No big deal. Why don't you find out the purpose of these clubs instead of assuming there's some kind of racist connotation to them.
  15. Have you any idea what Palin's pastor DID say? No, you probably don't. So let's not accuse one of saying something more stupid than the other when you don't take the time to research what the other party has espoused from the pulpit. Furthermore, can you at least spell peoples' names correctly? I don't agree with Palin or McCain's politics, but I spell their names right.
  16. Watch out, Sarah Palin is getting whiny.......... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/03/p...c_n_131655.html So, let me get this straight. She was annoyed because Katie Couric was asking hardball questions that were designed to put her in a lose-lose situation. You know, hardball questions like "What newspaper do you read?" Additionally, it would seem she also had a problem with how Katie Couric wouldn't let her ramble on incoherently for eons until she finally got to the point where she was able to verbally thrash Barack Obama. So, what? Was she expecting the questions to be phrased like, "So tell me Sarah. Do you think Barack Obama hates America very much, and do you believe he's a ruthless terrorist waiting to savage honest hard working hockey mom's like yourself?" News flash, Sarah. No one is required to hand you this election on a silver platter. Some people actually want to know what they're getting out of their candidates.
  17. THE FIRST LEDZEP. That dude. I posted right after him, so I figured I wouldn't need to quote it.
  18. Can you stop spamming the threads? Kthnx.
  19. I'm a Midwesterner and we can pronounce nuclear correctly. I didn't say he was middle class. I said he's closer to middle class than John McCain is, so it doesn't appear as much of a stretch for him to say he can understand them or that he wants to appeal to them. For Congressman and other such types, he's on the low-end of the income scale.
  20. Of course she did better than expected. People expected her to either shit her pants, cry, speak like she did in the Katie Couric interview or some combination of all three. The fact she didn't is a clear victory in that regard. But only in that regard. When it came to policy and knowledge of the issues and ability to put them across to the American people, Biden clearly won. And isn't that how we're supposed to judge debates anyway? Not by how "folksy" or "cutesy" the person came across, but by how knowledgeable they were? I'm baffled by the people who think she DID win, because I wonder what drugs they were on while watching the debate that would lead them to that conclusion.
  21. McCain's Palin Problem in a nutshell: 84% of those surveyed say she exceeded expectations in the debate; but only 46% thought she was qualified to be president and less than 26% thought she was smarter than Biden
  22. Biden isn't middle class like my family is middle class, no. But he takes Amtrak from Delaware to Washington everyday, he's worth less than $1,000,000 and has no outside income. He's a hell of a lot closer to the "middle class" than John McCain.
  23. My jaw dropped when Palin said, on stage, in front of everyone, that she wasn't going to answer the questions the way the moderator wanted her to. She was just going to talk to America about whatever the hell she felt like. Then she didn't. She didn't answer a single question. One of my favorite times was the question of the Bush Administration's handling of Israeli and Palestine, and Biden gives a list of specific examples of failure, including the election of Hamas in the West Bank, Hezbollah, etc. Palin went off on a talking point completely unrelated to the question at hand. Unreal. But since she strung together complete sentences at a 5th grade level, its a victory for her?
  24. Well, for what it's worth, Time in their debate score card made mention of that. They said that she was very general in her answers and veered off-topic when it showed she didn't have a clear-cut answer to give. Which was apparent the first question in.
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