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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Who gives a rat's ass? Right now Barack Obama has a greater chance of winning in a landslide than McCain has of winning at all. All I'm concerned about is that their ground game in states like Ohio, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia continue at the pace they're going. If we can take VA and NC, two states that haven't gone blue in 42 years, I'll crap my pants in joy. If we win Florida, I'll crap my pants in joy and then pass out. BTW, I notice no one is going to tackle Sarah Palin's ignorance of basic ConLaw. Perhaps Barack Obama, the former ConLaw professor, can give her pointers.
  2. I'm surprised no one is commenting on this story: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/29/l...n_n_130395.html Please......someone defend this gross display of incompetence. I dare you.
  3. Apparently there's a clip from the Palin/Couric interview that hasn't seen the light of day, that I am begging and pleading does. Partly because it shows the true depths of Palin's ignorance. She cannot name any other Supreme Court cases aside from Roe v. Wade. That's all she knows. Not even Miranda v. Arizona, or Brown v. Board of Education, not even Tinker v. Des Moines. The first one is so famous......hello, Miranda rights? Where does she think they came from? Some broad named Miranda? And the second one......SHE CAN'T EVEN MENTION THAT ONE?! If it wasn't for that partly, Barack Obama wouldn't have gotten the education that he did in order to be where he is right now. Jesus Christ this woman is stupid.
  4. Wachovia just got purchased by Citibank. This is great. If you have any relatives who lived through the Great Depression, now would be the time to ask them how to make clothes out of feed sacks.
  5. House Republicans just torpedoed the bailout bill.......Dow went down 700 points immediately. Way to put country first, huh?
  6. Don't you get it, Suz? You're not allowed to support Barack Obama because you agree with his policies, or because you think he's a swell guy, or because you think he can help fix this broken country. We only support him because we've been hypnotized by his secret Muslim anti-Christ evil Liberal devil eyes. (I think I got all the Rush O'Hannity talking points in there)
  7. That's it. Cut off your nose to spite your face. That's a good way to make sure things change around here. Do nothing! It's the American way! I'm currently reading a book by Rick Shenkman that discusses just how fucked up Americans are when it comes to politics, civics, basic history and voter turnout. You'd be surprised to find out how many people share your "fuck it, I'll just stay home" view and just how dangerous a view it is. I hope more people choose to get off their asses and vote rather than take your tack. This country has suffered enough because of it as it is.
  8. Real Clear Politics has new poll numbers up now.....some of these numbers are filtering in after the debate on Friday. Tomorrow's numbers should show the full three-day average following the debate.
  9. All the major cable news outlets including the network news outlets commented on the fact that McCain didn't make eye contact with Obama during the debate. Are they all full of shit too? In fact in the forum thread where I was following the debate, when it was over, the first thing people talked about was how the body language was so off-putting. Furthermore, Jim Lehrer WANTED them to address each other. He told them both numerously to address their points to one another, not the camera. That is what the moderator wanted. Obama did that. McCain didn't. Why, I don't know. BTW, that picture wasn't the only picture at the end where McCain isn't even looking at him. That was the best and clearest one I could find after a quick search.
  10. I'm sorry, but anyone trying to excuse McCain's contempt for Obama by bringing up his war injuries is just insulting everyone's intelligence. No one is denying that the effects of 5 1/2 years as a POW have resulted in long-lasting physical handicaps for him. NO ONE. However, are you trying to tell me that rather than turn his head to look at Obama, if that was indeed physically difficult for him, he couldn't turn his whole body around? As in, plant his feet and turn everything to the left? Or at the end, when he was facing Obama physically......he couldn't turn his eyeballs in the man's direction? You're telling me he was unable to do that? What a crock of crap. Look at the photo. Obama is looking at him, grasping him with both hands and McCain is LOOKING THE OTHER DIRECTION. You can't explain that away with war injuries. That's just plain acting like a dick.
  11. This is my opinion, take it for what it's worth. While I agree that Liberals outnumber Conservatives, I think the reason YOU think we don't show tolerance is that we constantly have to fend off crap all the time. There are maybe 2 or 3 non-Democrats here who can debate and discuss issues with Democrats, and do so without name-calling, insults, ad hominem attacks and general asshattery. They don't back up anything they say with numbers, they spew rumors and debunked stories as though they were fact, and when you try and confront them about it with the truth, you get told off. Meanwhile, you can't say anything negative about a Republican, lest you get called anti-American, unpatriotic, anti-troop, the list goes on. They take it as a personal affront to their sense of American pride, so they crawl down your throat about it. For no reason. Like I said, this is just my opinion. It shouldn't be allowed. I don't believe that it is, but that doesn't mean someone won't try to get away with it. I would hope the candidates are checked before they go out there, but like I said.....Bush wore one.
  12. I've seen the YouTube video of her in the Alaska Gubernatorial debates and she's a competent debater. That said, how much of it had to do with the fact it was issues and policies she'd know off the top of her head, with little to no coaching? I'm from Chicago, if you asked me to talk about Chicago politics, I probably could hold my own. If you asked me to debate Joe Biden about national politics, I'd shart myself. So yes, it should be interesting. For a couple of reasons; how many toes will Biden get in his mouth, and how many word salads will Palin throw up trying to answer a question in 90 seconds. I really think they'll do what they did with Bush in '04 and wire her for sound. I can't see them not doing so. They knew Kerry would wipe the floor with Bush (and he did) so they stuck a wire on him (I have photos that show it) and if they don't do it with her, I'd be shocked. So if you see her hair down, you'll know why.
  13. By the by, speaking of debates......for the VP debate, I have $20 that says Palin wears her hair down and over her ears. She's got to hide the wire.
  14. There's a difference between respecting someone's war hero status and being angered by their pimping of it for votes. I respect what John McCain went through, the same as I respected what John Kerry and all other Vietnam vets had to go through. What my problem with the both of them was, they relied on that experience too much and beat the horse to death. I don't think it's acceptable to mock them for it either, and when I saw those shitheads at the RNC 4 years ago with Purple Heart band-aids on, I wanted to throw something at them. How base. I don't think anyone here, regardless of party lines, thinks what McCain went through is nothing.
  15. "If I don't look at him, maybe he'll disappear."
  16. My dad's voting for Obama. Never thought I'd see the day, my dad last voted Democrat in 1972, because he hated Richard Nixon and went with McGovern because of Watergate. He even did volunteer work for him in Chicago. Now why would my dad, who has voted Republican in every national election since 1976, vote for one of the most liberal senators in the country? To quote: "If this is how McCain treats a fellow Senator, he'll treat world leaders who disagree with him no different and we'll be at war with Iran in a year." That shocked the shit out of me.
  17. I don't know if I'd call McCain a racist, but I do think his body language showed his contempt for Obama and his incredulousness at having to debate him. I mean, how many times did Jim Lehrer ask McCain to address Obama and direct his comments to him and to LOOK at him? Too many times for a senior senator who is running for President. That's shit you tell a 13 year old in junior high who is running for student class president. It was just pathetic to see. Whether you think Obama won the debate on content, you have to admit he won the debate on respect.
  18. Fox News even thinks Obama won that debate. FOX NEWS. But then again, I guess they're just another example of biased left-wing media.
  19. McCain has a poop mouth! Apparently he said "horseshit" twice during the debate. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/9/27/1216/62905?detail=f Yeah, it's Daily Kos but get over it.
  20. I'll believe it when the band makes an official announcement. I don't want to get my hopes up, only to have them shot to hell.
  21. I just watched a replay of the debate (yay Torrents!) and McCain's body language is even worse the second time around. The fact that Jim Lehrer had to tell McCain to look at Obama when addressing him (and he didn't anyway) is embarrassing for a man of McCain's stature. A child knows that when someone is talking to you, or when you're talking to someone.....you look at them. You don't stare off into the distance, or down at a notepad or chuckle to yourself. It's rude. It makes you look like you have no respect for that person whatsoever. Edit: By the way, did anyone notice how Joe Biden was doing the rounds after the debate, talking to CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC......and Sarah Palin was nowhere in sight? They had Rudy Guiliani discussing McCain's performance in the debate. Where is Sarah Palin and why is the McCain campaign hiding her? Are they that embarrassed or something? October 2nd looms large and I think they're beginning to see it.
  22. I thought McCain's inability to look at Obama ONCE was rude, disrespectful and arrogant. Even at the end, when shaking his hand, he wouldn't look at him. Even the talking heads on TV were talking about how McCain wouldn't acknowledge Obama's existence at all by looking at him. It was if, in his mind, he wasn't even there. I've always thought that body language and overall demeanor play a part in rating how a particular candidate does during a debate. In this case, McCain gets a negative from me on that point. Overall, Obama won. Not by a knockout, but I felt he held his own. In the wake of this disastrous week for McCain, he basically needed to rip Obama a new asshole, spleen and intestinal tract to win, and he didn't. He was channeling Richard Nixon circa 1960 and it showed. He was off-balance at times, a little rambly and seemingly angry. I felt Obama was weak in some spots, but I feel he'll shore them up before debate #2. I was pleased to see he worked on the "ums" and "ahs" before the debate, but I'd much rather hear him say that while formulating his answer instead of saying nothing at all. The latter implies you don't have the answer while the former implies you do and you're just trying to word it properly.
  23. Obama is leading by 5 in Virginia. A state that hasn't gone Democrat since LBJ in '64. If that's as far South a non-Southern Democrat is going to get for a while, I'll take it. It's a crack, so it's a start.
  24. Well, I got close. Obama to make debate a town hall if McCain doesn't show up
  25. More from the Couric/Palin interview: She really is running with the "I can see Russia from Alaska" angle re: foreign policy creds, isn't she? *sigh*
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