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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. What aggravates the hell out of me about the rape kit issue is that the cost to taxpayers in Wasilla to pay for them is $1.50. One dollar and fifty fucking cents. You mean to tell me a state with a $9 billion dollar surplus can't pony up a buck fifty? That should get you a Whopper at Burger King. A state that gives each citizen close to a grand just for living in that backwater ice trap can't fork over less than $2 to help the victim of a heinous violent assault? That's unfathomable to me. How can a woman be so opposed to basic women's rights? I'm not even talking about abortion. I mean, she's against sex-ed, she's opposed to contraception, she even wants rape victims to pay the $1200 for their rape kits! In a town with a rape statistic per capita that is double the national average.
  2. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/9/17/17.../636/888/601186 I know it's from the Daily Kos, but it does go into why Sarah Palin wanted women to pay for their own rape kits in Wasilla, the rape capital of the world (seriously, their rape statistics compared to the national average were almost double). The reason for this? Emergency contraception is obviously included in a rape kit to prevent pregnancy. Mrs. Palin is opposed to any and all forms of birth control. So rather than saying "You've been horribly victimized, I am so sorry" she opts to victimize these women AGAIN by forcing them to pay for something they shouldn't have to pay for to begin with. What, she can't take some of that $9 billion dollar surplus and GASP! do something good with it? What's worse, is that Alaska is the welfare capital of the United States.......yet they have a $9 billion dollar surplus because of all that oil.
  3. The problem with most people on the right is that if you criticize the administration or the war, you're immediately thrust into the "anti-American"/"anti-soldier" group. Which brings up this very famous and quite apropos quote from in my opinion, a great American:
  4. I was always a fan of the "blue perpendicular fuck" myself.
  5. What I meant was, I was hoping this thread would continue to be ignored until it was on page 20 or something. It was nice not having this at the top of the first page.
  6. Sorry, I've been waiting for an excuse to post that picture.
  7. I had such high hopes for this thread........*sigh*
  8. The same people who want to end Muslim theocratic rule in the Middle East would have no problem with the US turning into a Christian theocracy.
  9. Love, You Didn't Do Right By Me - Rosemary Clooney
  10. No you're not. You're one of the few non-Democrats around here who can form coherent sentences and arguments without the use of lame non-sequitors, ad hominem attacks and basic asshattery. Frankly, the fact you don't ascribe to either party gives your opinion more weight because you're not looking at it from a partisan perspective. We don't always agree, but at least I can respect your opinion. Can't say the same for a lot of other people. And I'm sure they say the same of me, and that's fantastic.
  11. I'm so happy that about half the people posting in this thread are on my ignore list. Cuts the bullshit.
  12. I've been to Alabama. Quite a few times. I saw enough of Alabama to know I had seen too much. The minute I saw someone drive by with 4 Confederate flags flying out their car, I knew I was in hell and needed to leave. And it's not just me that thinks that way about Illinois. Anyone and everyone I've ever met from Illinois thinks the same. Not to mention, I have friends still in Illinois, who live all over the state. Rockford, Quad Cities, Carbondale, Springfield, Chicago, Urbana-Champaign.......I could probably name more but why bore you with details. Furthermore, my mother, father, cousins, aunt and uncles ALL were born in Illinois and surprise, surprise.....they think the same too. I have been all over the state more times than I can probably count. I lived in Chicago 19 years of my life, my parents lived there over 50. My opinion comes from my experiences and interactions with people while I was there. Just because you think I'm wrong doesn't mean in turn, you're right. And my grandfather died before I was born. And it wasn't just summers I spent at my grandmother's house, it was every other weekend we'd drive down there. So that little narrative of yours, while quaint.....was wrong. And you have a lot nerve lecturing me about "class" and "manners".
  13. Dude, I'M FROM ILLINOIS. My grandmother and extended family live south of Chicago, you don't think I know what kind of stark difference exists between where they live and where I grew up? Hell, they still think it's acceptable to call black people "nigra"! Chicago is Democratic. Everywhere else in the state, for the most part, is not. So save your fake laughter for someone else. Edit: BTW, nowhere have I said voting for/against someone based on race is a good idea. If you use race as a reason to vote for someone you're as fucked up as the person who uses it as a reason NOT to vote for them. And if you REALLY think the results of racial voting will be skewed toward African-Americans, you're nuts.
  14. There will be more whites voting against him because he's black than blacks voting for him because he's black. I'd be willing to guarantee that. If you think something like that doesn't exist in this country, you're blind as a bat. I live in the South.....I hear him called many words every day, most of which I can't repeat here. Think about Appalachia, portions of the Rust Belt, most of the south, a good chunk of the Plains states.....you think some of those people are voting for McCain because of issues? Hell, there are portions of his own state that won't vote for him because he's black. You get south of Chicago, you might as well be in Alabama.
  15. If you don't like them, don't read them. Pretty simple solution I think. One giant mega thread isn't sufficient to handle the various topics that people want to discuss.
  16. Not fair. Just not fair. That's all I've got.
  17. Jesus, the Bush Doctrine has been known to the press and the American people since at least 2002. My sister knew what the Bush Doctrine was. And she knows jack shit about politics.
  18. I don't fear her. Why should I? She's no different than all the other Fundie nutjobs in this country (I live amongst them) and I'm not scared of them. Hell, my next door neighbor is a Pentecostal preacher. The snake-handling, speaking in tongues, rolling around on the floor flailing type. That shit just makes me laugh, not cower in the corner in fear. Give me a damn break.
  19. Like anyone could possibly be scared of Torquemada with tits.
  20. No, actually you didn't. This made no sense whatsoever.
  21. If Obama chose Clinton to be his running mate, Palin would still be playing Governor in Alaska right now. She was chosen for two reasons: She has tits, and she's farther to the right than Jerry Falwell. That's it. Democrats were the first to put a woman on a national ticket, the first to have a woman sit as Speaker of the House, the first to have an African-American be the nominee for President, the first to elect a black man governor, the first to elect a black woman to the House of Representatives, the first to elect a black man to the House of Representatives, the first to elect a black woman to the Senate. The first woman elected to serve in the Senate? A Democrat. But oh yes, the Republicans are the party of equality.
  22. Why would I have buyers remorse over Joe Biden? I love the guy and have read his book about 4 times. If he had lasted through the primaries and it was he and Obama going for the nomination, I would have been torn on who to choose. I think they're both great men and if elected, will serve this country very well. I don't understand why Republicans are all of a sudden saying "oh, you should be worried/scared/nervous/afraid" or that we should have "buyer's remorse/second thoughts". I stick with my candidate through to the end, even if the end isn't an end I like. I did it with Gore in 2000, Kerry in 2004 and will do it with Obama now. Why jump ship when things look a little rocky? Did any Republicans jump ship when Obama had a small lead? No, they stayed with their guy. Shouldn't that be admired anymore? Not being a bandwagoner or fickle? If Obama wins or if McCain wins, I won't regret on November 5th having chosen who I am supporting. A lot of people my age may be disillusioned or upset if the end result isn't what they want, but if you have ideals and a vision for what this country can be, you stick with them and keep pressing until it happens. Don't know any other way to do it.
  23. I wasn't aware we could lose any more than we already have.
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