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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. If McCain doesn't show up tomorrow night, Obama should invite Ron Paul and Bob Barr and debate them.
  2. A response from Sarah Palin's "press conference" earlier today: "Every American student needs to come through this area so that, especially this younger generation of Americans is, to be in a position of never forgetting what happened here and never repeating, never allowing a repeat of what happened here. I wish every American would come through here. I wish every world leader would come through here, and understand what it is that took place here and more importantly how America came together and united to commit to never allowing this to happen again. And just to hear and from and see these good New Yorkers who are rebuilding not just this are but helping to rebuild America has been very, very inspiring and encouraging. These are the good Americans who are committed to peace and security and its been an absolute honor getting to meet these folks today." Was that English? This didn't even really qualify as a "press conference" because she was asked about 4 questions and then promptly left. Oh yeah, it took place at Ground Zero. Nope, no fear-mongering or pimping going on there.
  3. It's not prejudice that they're getting on you for having good grades and not being a raving alcoholic. It's jealousy. Pure and simple. They're haters. They see someone who gives a shit about school, doesn't go out and get wasted all the time......and they're jealous. When you keep it in that context, you can laugh at them rather than cry.
  4. While it sucks that people made fun of you for the hat you were wearing, I don't think this qualifies as "prejudice" unless they were also throwing out racial/religious/sexuality epithets at you. They were just being plain old assholes. Which is bad enough. I've worn stuff to school or out in public that got people snickering, I just roll my eyes and ignore it. Like 59LesPaul said, people suck. They're shit. They do this stuff because they think it's funny and because they have no brains. They aren't worth your time, or your tears.
  5. Their hypocrisy, let me show you it. They're all for scrutinizing EVERYONE ELSE, but the nanosecond you turn that spotlight on their own, they scream and cry. "OMG, you sexist pigs! How dare you question precious Sarah! She's a beautiful angel sent from God to save us from the EBIL LIBRIL DEBIL." Lest we forget how they reamed Hillary Clinton a new asshole and didn't give two shits about whether or not it was "sexist". Oh no. It's okay to treat Democrat nominees like garbage, even going so far as to imply that one of them is a ZOMGSEKRITMOOSLIM. But don't you dare question our completely inexperienced, over-her-head, out-of-her-league VP nominee about basic shit she should know off the top of her head. HOW DARE YOU.
  6. That's just part of the interview, you can watch the rest here: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/24/...in4476173.shtml So basically, if you thought it couldn't get worse....it does.
  7. http://donklephant.com/2008/09/24/first-pa...uric-interview/ That's why they want to eliminate the VP debate.
  8. No one pays attention to a damn thing that guy says anymore. He could come on TV with Jesus Christ standing behind him, promising a free trip to heaven for anyone who could prove they watched it, and most Americans would scratch their asses and turn on Cartoon Network.
  9. I can't imagine Barack Obama doing this and if he did, I'd be livid. It's called telephones and airplanes. You can work in Washington like good little Senators AND do the scheduled debates.....AT THE SAME TIME!!! Shock and awe.
  10. Ah yes, when all else fails......call someone a retard. That's right up there with saying "Oh yeah, well you're gay!". My God.
  11. Letterman RIPPED into McCain for suspending his campaign. He was supposed to come on the Late Show but canceled, telling Dave personally that he had to fly back to Washington immediately. Well, while Letterman is on, they cut into a live feed from CBS News studios and there's John McCain getting ready to do an interview with Katie Couric. Letterman quips, "Do you need a ride to the airport?" He basically said that if McCain wanted to get off the trail to come to Washington and work, he should have put Palin in his place instead. And then he said "well, where is she?" Gold. Gets even better than that: "What are you going to do if you're elected and things get tough? Suspend being president? We've got a guy like that now!" OUCH.
  12. George Bush is such a smarmy piece of shit. He makes Richard Nixon look like Theodore Roosevelt. I know people that would rather admit they voted for Dukakis.
  13. Excerpts from the hard-hitting, in-depth, politically-sound interview Sarah Palin did with..........................................Katie Couric. You'll try to find some.......and then you'll bring them to her. You know, shouldn't that be something you should already know?
  14. Obama agrees with you. "It's going to be part of the president's job to deal with more than one thing at once."
  15. Well, if he likes The Godfather, we must vote for him. He's giving us an offer we can't refuse.
  16. I hope instead of Hail To The Chief, he insists on Fight The Power by Public Enemy. And he gets sworn in wearing one of those Flava Flav clocks. "Awww yeah America, it's your new Prez here.....homeboy Obama is in the hizzouse....lemme hear ya scream!"
  17. But did you see the one giant, glaring, pulsating sign of the imminent Rapture? Obama is leading a poll by 6 points. A FOX News poll. FOX NEWS. Better go check the bomb shelter and make sure we have enough canned green beans.
  18. Heard a radio ad here in North Carolina about how McCain and the NRA have been misleading voters about Obama/Biden's stance on gun control. You see this every frickin' election. All these wannabe John Waynes getting sand in their asses, screaming that the EBIL LIBRUL DEBILS are going to take away their guns. Hasn't happened yet, has it? Won't ever happen, right? Yeah. Doesn't matter what they personally feel about gun control. They will never, never, NEVER be able to pass a law that basically invalidates the 2nd amendment. Won't happen.
  19. Jesus Christ. Delay the Presidential debates, whine that Caribou Barbie is inexperienced at debating and get the VP debates restructured so she can't embarrass herself......what next? Move Election Day back a month?
  20. I don't think he will. Obama and that campaign are not stupid. They'll muzzle him if they think it'll come down to it, but I don't think they'll need to. Frankly, I like the fact that Biden isn't a yes man. It shows that he's not afraid to disagree with him and work out some kind of compromise between their two opinions. When was the last time we had that in the White House anyway?
  21. Biden isn't doing any damage, not as far as the recent polls show. Of all the things in this election to be worried about, Biden is at the bottom of the list.
  22. Yeah, I want to know who threatened you and what they said. That way we can all share in the laughs!
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