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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Hi all, Good to hear from you Bro!!! Took the first ride of the season yesterday:
  2. Hi all, Thanks,to all of the good mothers.You were they we we need you. KB(Thanks Mom!Fried Clam dinner?) You bet!
  3. Hi all, Don't thank me! There are too many people on this board and the -old- board that I respect,and not just in LedZep lore but as real friends.Who know their s*** Good to hear from you Bro.Add one Ally! KB(dim bulb?,Yup)
  4. Hi al, Don't stop.At least we have someone who knows! KB
  5. Hi all, To all you yummy mummy's,... Have a wonderful day! KB (Hi mom!)
  6. Hi Knebby,all, That's his opinion and that's yours,..... KB(ho hum)
  7. Hi all, Do hear his reason for doing this? KB
  8. Hi redrum,all, And a funny one:the 'cream of mushroom soup scene' KB (sic)
  9. Hi 9,all, Maybe,but do the governments in Muslim countries,who do nothing to help the common person?Do you know how much Saudi Arabia gives to Hamas?What do you think the average Palestinian shop owner makes? KB
  10. Hi dan,all, Excellent post! No,I am not calling you a coward,at all.I was referring to this person who tried to kill people in NYC.Sorry. KB
  11. Hi Dan,all, But you did,kind of. Let me tell you,IMHO,they hate us,as you stated.Why?We have a right to choose,they want to tell us and make us have no choice,on what,everything.How we act,who we do worship or do not.There is no choice in their minds,it is their version of Allah or the highway. Back to the coward,... KB
  12. Then tell us how they think.Please,.. and give us your wisdom on how to solve the problem. KB
  13. Hi Patrycia,all, Agreed.I'd wish we take this threat more seriously. KB ( )
  14. Hi all, "With Katie Couric drawing him out, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg agreed the Times Square car bombing was likely “homegrown” as he proceeded, in an interview excerpt run on Monday's CBS Evening News, to speculate it could have been placed by “somebody with a political agenda who doesn't like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.” Could be “anything,” but the first thing Bloomberg thinks of are those who don't like ObamaCare, presumably conservatives or Tea Party activists." Do you smell the 'stinking thinking'? No,the alleged bomber had made how many visits to Pakistan?Clearly,again a failure of HLS,FBI,NSA,etc,or our PC perversion. KB
  15. Hi all, The Israelis/El Al Airlines have had exactly ZERO successful terrorist incidents in the last 30 years or so,why is that? You know, because of profiling. This was maybe a test run for something bigger.Yet gasoline,propane,fertilizer and gun powder if detonated in the metal vehicle would have caused mass casualties.As Brother Ally said as devastating physiologically as well as physical. Luck saved us in the nick of time,and if Home Land security wants to detain 80 year grandmothers,heaven help us! KB
  16. Hi all, No,he was born in Karachi.On Oct. 20, 2008, Shahzad reported his marriage to a woman he identified as Huma Asif Mian, American citizen. He was naturalized as a U.S. citizen on April 17, 2009. Wonderful,..... KB
  17. Hi all, "It is the folly of men that they soon forget." Merlin,from what movie? KB
  18. Anjin-san


    Hi all, You folks are great!Positive energy/prayers for Charlie! Thanks! KB
  19. Hi dan,all, No,artist getting rip off by record ex's,concert promoters taking in the profit while it was the band they wanted to see.Ask Little Richard how he was treated. Jimmy fired Peter Grant,when? KB
  20. Hi all, The original question was(?) KB
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