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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Hi Steve,all, Was the Maddox interview part of some MTV thing on either Zep or groupies? KB
  2. Hi all, Couldn't agree more,their bikes,old ladies and them. Now about the Harley part: KB
  3. Hi Sam,all, Looks great! Dang,it's bright in here! KB
  4. Hi all, Give me a few days,ok? Knee deep in a few projects at the moment,...PM,as soon as you are able. KB (pool cue for sale?! )
  5. Hi all, I think there is going to be some drinking at this event. Best wishes Chelsea! KB
  6. Hi all, Abby needs a new job! KB (ready,willing and able!)
  7. Hi BIGDANmall, From the Good&Bad and ugly(that is me,"It's my Island !" ) Did you read my post?I have no problem with Sam,nor the mods,Good folks,...I love Zep too.Now,may I ask,why do think I am here? Yes,I called you a wanker,your my wanker and my Brother,so what?And I love you.TS! Welcome back!A special thanks to Sam and the mods,truly.And to all those who supported this. KB
  8. Hi red,all, Very interesting read.I'll look for mine,you want it?
  9. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Brother Charlie!Positive energy,prayers,etc,etc,....daily! We love you man! KB
  10. Hi all, One will notice,none have their patches,only prospects. KB (pool cues?rookies!)
  11. Hi all, That's right.An explanation is all I asked for.Wus, I asking too much? BTW,nobody,never give me nothing,Capaise? KB
  12. Hi snapper,all, Very true,just expansive home movies? What a second,....Plant states that it might be the best Zeppelin show since 1975,then he states it wasn't Zeppelin? What is it Robert?Then why the big sign in the back?The why didn't the vast array of stars from Atlantic record preform? Let me guess,... KB(nothing to be sorry about Jason)
  13. Hi all, Just an open question to Sam(owner) and the moderators.What determines or better yet the criteria to get banned from the official forum? Is it a disagreement of views?Language? A political,social point of view,that is not agreeable,at least to moderators of this board? Is there no early waring system to any member,that their comments are not appropriate?Under the guise of forum rules?I am just asking a question,.... The reason is that BIGDAN was banned this week.A Led Zeppelin fan and a wanker who I have had more than one(2,3?) heated,er,disagreements with! If I am banned for this posting,well so be it.My email is posted in Brothers&Sisters,write to me anytime. Funny,if I don't get an answer,then I'll have one. KB
  14. Hi Bro,all, Ok,I'll bite,.....yeah what happened? New thread,this about family,.... KB
  15. Hi all, That's them! Hired by the Rolling Stones!Ask Mick about the concert.And Keith about Sonny! KB
  16. Hi all,dan, Could have wrote this me self! KB
  17. Hi all,dan, Could this wrote me self! KB
  18. Hi all, More news,or "Good Times Bad Times,you know I've had my share." If anyone wants to talk,b*tch.etc,....you can reach me at"Email me F'n sad,KB
  19. Hi all, Red,do you read Sonny's book? KB
  20. Hi all, I read somewhere that Mr. Holmes once said: "Let him, (Page) have it."Now?Is the bloke, broke? KB
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