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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. I have half-ton,maybe bring the rest down to Fire House #2
  2. >"Thanks Ally and Kev, you guys are very missed by me, as is Kiwi, Slave, Magic, and all the rest to few to mention, lol.... In my time away, < Maybe the others but we ranted about potatoes!Remember? >1. Found God, literally, as an Engery Source that entwines each and every nook and cranny of the Universe, so Obi Wan was right all along then?......< If it right for you,then it is. >2. Adopted a Dog that needed a Forever Home, and has become a Great Friend to our Old Dog Bullet.....< Well,I have 3 stray cats,a skunk and ground hog,never mind the rabbits,.....how about Rocky J Squirrel?? Egad,I didn't give birth to these critters! >3. Been defriended by so many Face Book Fellons I have lost count....< And? >4. Decieded not to get involved in Politics or Religion.....(Yeah Right?)< *cough* All the best Mum and that big lug!
  3. Kick him,er,...kiss him once for me Kate!!!
  4. No Problems Bro! Thick skinned old bastard like me,..........you have to try harder!
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