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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Jangles but luv not everyone has seen them!
  2. Actually John said Paul was the best drummer in the band,...
  3. To the Honourable tlie President and House of Convention. Gentlemen, The vote of this day appointing me governor of the commonwealth, has been notified to me in the most polite and obliging manner, by George Mason, Henry Lee, Dudley Digges, John Blair, and Bartholomew Dandridge, esquires. A sense of the high and unmerited honor conferred upon me by the convention, fills my heart with gratitude, which I trust my whole life will manifest. I take this earliest opportunity to express my thanks, which I wish to convey to you, gentlemen, in the strongest terms of acknowledgment. When I reflect that the tyranny of the British king and parliament hath kindled a formidable war, now raging throughout this wide-extended continent, and in the operations of which this commonwealth must bear so great a part ; and that, from the events of this war the lasting happiness or misery of a great proportion of the human species will finally result ; that in order to preserve this commonwealth from anarchy, and its attendant ruin, and to give vigour to our councils, and effect to all our measures, government hath been necessarily assumed, and new modelled ; that it is exposed to numberless hazards, and perils, in its infantine state ; that it can never attain to maturity, or ripen into firmness, unless it is guarded by an affectionate assiduity, and managed by great abilities ; I lament my want of talents ; I feel my mind filled with anxiety and uneasiness, to find myself so unequal to the duties of that important office, to which I am called by the favor of my fellow citizens at this truly critical conjuncture. The errors of my conduct shall be atoned for, so far as I am able, by unwearied endeavours to secure the freedom and happiness of our common country. I shall enter upon the duties of my office, when ever you, gentlemen, shall be pleased to direct ; relying upon the known wisdom and virtue of your honorable house to supply my defects, and to give permanency and success to that system of government which you have formed, and which is so wisely calculated to secure equal liberty, and advance human happiness. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, Your most obedient and very humble servant, P. HENRY, JUN.
  4. KB... Hope that vid is the edited version
  5. Nice Bro! Did you check out that clip on YouTube?Man you was havin' some fun! LOL!
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