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Everything posted by planted

  1. http://news.aol.com/article/world-war-ii-veteran-van-t-barfoot-can/799470
  2. I've just been told that the lawyers representing the HOA have dropped all charges against Col. Barfoot. Stay tuned.
  3. I'll hold your hair back... I could not agree more. Did anyone else notice McCrystal's praise of the 30,000 troops? Talk about wanting to puke...
  4. Col. Barfoot gets White House support By Staff Reports Published: December 7, 2009 Updated: December 8, 2009 » 50 Comments | Post a Comment vote nowBuzz up! Col. Van T. Barfoot now has support from the White House. The Medal of Honor recipient and veteran of World War II and the Korean and Vietnam wars is fighting his Henrico County homeowners association over whether he can use a flagpole on his property to fly the U.S. flag. The Sussex Square Services Inc. homeowners association, which says the pole violates its regulations, told Barfoot he has until Friday -- a week later than the original deadline -- to take down the pole or face the legal consequences. The story has drawn national attention, and today during the White House press briefing, President Barack Obama's chief spokesman Robert Gibbs was asked if the president supported Col. Barfoot. "I think its silly to think that somebody that's done that couldn't have a flagpole," said Gibbs, the White House press secretary, referring to Barfoot's service in three wars. Gibbs said he has not spoken directly to the president on the issue, but said that "the president believes, I think all of us believe, that the least we can do is show our gratitude to someone who served our country so admirably."
  5. Col Barfoot takes the flag in each night, according to the article.
  6. A little cheap laugh...If you're Tiger Woods, do you eat another meal Elin puts on the table?!? Seriously though, I'm a little torn about her staying for the money...I mean, what are the chances that Elin would ever be poor?
  7. Well, I dont know about TMZ, but I do know that the National Enquirer gets it right because they get their stories the old fashioned way...They pay for them! As always, the kids get hosed. This will prove to be no different.
  8. I get it. How do you decide what flag you can fly, right? So, you allow the American flag in America. Period.
  9. Nevermind these wussies are lucky enough to be living among this hero...pathetic.
  10. I am ignorant as to the significance of the Star of David flagpole, but I damn well know what the American flag signifies. Don't mean to split hairs, but no one WINS the Medal of Honor, or the Purple Heart. One EARNS these honors. Forgive me, but I couldn't let it go.
  11. I found this story very troubling. Can you just imagine this 90 year old man raising the flag every morning and retiring it every evening? And someone has the audacity to demand he remove this flagpole for aesthetic reasons? WWII vet battles homeowners group over flag issue December 2, 2009 - 4:16pm By ZINIE CHEN SAMPSON Associated Press Writer RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - A 90-year-old Army veteran who won the Medal of Honor during World War II is battling his neighborhood association for what he says is his right to fly the American flag from a pole in his front yard. Col. Van T. Barfoot says he erected the 21-foot flagpole in September, raising the flag daily at sunrise and retiring it at sunset. The Sussex Square homeowners' association told him recently that the free-standing pole violates the townhouse neighborhood's aesthetic guidelines and ordered him to remove it by 5 p.m. Friday or face a lawsuit. "I don't have any qualms with their authority, but the thing about it is that I cannot get enough conversation out of them where we can try to work out a solution," Barfoot said Wednesday in a telephone interview. A telephone message left for Alexandra D. Bowen, a lawyer representing the association, wasn't immediately returned on Wednesday. Barfoot, who moved into his townhouse in June, won his medal for actions near Carano, Italy, in 1944 and is one of about 90 surviving Medal of Honor winners. He also won the Purple Heart and other decorations, and served in Korea and Vietnam before retiring from the service in 1974. "I've flown the flag at my home as long as I can remember," said Barfoot, who lived in rural Amelia County before moving to suburban Richmond. "This is the first time in the last 36 years that I've been unable to put my flag up on the same pole, the same staff and take it down when it's time to come down." Neighbors largely have expressed their support, but he realizes that ultimately it's up to the nine-member association board whether they will grant an exception to the rules. "Emotional torture is what they've done to my father," said his daughter, Margaret Nicholls. "He has lost sleep, he worries about it constantly. He just doesn't understand. He thinks that if it's on his property they can't tell him what to do."
  12. OMG. Elin is my HERO! I have no sympathy for Tiger, and only admiration for Elin. Anger management...are ya kiddin me? As if there's something wrong with anger. Imagine what Christmas morning will be like in THAT house?!?
  13. Your Honor, would you please instruct the witness to answer the question?!? Were you or were you not invited? If I didn't know better, I'd say she was medicated. Words sound just a little slurry to me...
  14. I never said you should care...totally missed my point. It's ok.
  15. Come back in oh, 10 years or so, and we'll talk again. You've still got some living to do... Peace out.
  16. And another thing, mind my own business? Mind my own business? Screw you, you know how much money I've spent on Nike products because of Tiger Woods, and all that represents, er, representED?!? He has made millions by way of public adulation, I have every right to hold him to a higher standard. I hope every endorser bails on his ass. What a disappointment. He needs to man up to his fans. You're probably too young to remember this, but Nicole Brown would be cowaring in the bushes outside her home in LA, and the police would be asking OJ for his freakin autograph!! I'm sick of the rich and famous having different laws than the rest of us. 'nuff said.
  17. Oh, c'mon. Boy, you really are 27! How would YOU explain what happened? Golf club swinging at a car, husband and wife, 2:30 in the morning. Yeah....
  18. Awww, how thoughtful. Merry Christmas. Be well, Kris
  19. ...All that glitters isn't gold... Seriously, though, there are kids involved. I hope everyone's ok.
  20. Hi Zach, I have a son about your age, I can't imagine...Sounds like he was a great guy, and we're glad you're here! You will love the Zep info and the people here...WELCOME! Peace
  21. Ok, now I gotta go watch the damn movie!!! Enjoy.. George Bailey ROCKS!!
  22. Hands down...It's A Wonderful Life. I love the cemetery scene. When he realizes what a wonderful life he's had. Cry everytime.
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