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Everything posted by planted

  1. Ok, I'll answer the question.... Game was over for me in 2006. But, as I said in another thread, if Polanski stays, why can't Gibson?
  2. sorry if this has been touched upon already... How happy is Tiger Woods right now? ("Hey, thanks man, I owe you one!!")
  3. My tix arrived today--*SCREAM* you wreck me, baby...
  4. ...to my son learning "Heartbreaker" on his electric. I did something right with that boy!
  5. I have children in that age range-way too young to die!! So sorry.
  6. Listen to Mike Campbell play the ass off this!! OW!
  7. I saw that on the "other" site. How exciting would that have been??
  8. planted

    Helen Thomas

    If Arabs had no guns, there would be no war. If Jews had no guns, there would be no Israel. Author Unknown Your original question was about Helen Thomas. A responsible reporter shows no bias. Period.
  9. planted

    Roberts Jeans

    Thank you soooooo much for posting these! Are ya kiddin me? Wow.
  10. http://www.beforeyougo.us/play_byg
  11. Picked up 2 vinyls, LZ 2, and Traveling Wilburys.
  12. planted


    Thinking of you, hang tight. Fondly~
  13. Hey, anybody else wondering where the hell George Clooney, et al are? 35 days later, and you'd be hard pressed to find a story on this disaster. For shame, Mr. President.
  14. They never let me down. LOVE the fedora, Benmont!!
  15. Try this. Great fun. Enter your state, closest city for a sighting! http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/index.html
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100513/ap_on_re_us/us_times_square_probe 2 days ago, Gov Deval Patrick stated that those who spoke about illegal immigration were "stirring emotions". Whatevs.
  17. But I guess you can read what ever you want to into it. Yep. You sure can.
  18. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/afghanistan/2010-05-09-opium-afghanistan_N.htm
  19. While I agree with your sentiment, my angle is a bit different. Question: Why, under this administration, is the United States guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan??? Why not burn them to the ground since we apparently now own them? Are we, under the Obama Administration, going to be in the heroin business?
  20. New drug control strategy signals policy shift By SAM HANANEL (AP) – 1 day ago WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Tuesday announced a revised approach to "confronting the complex challenge of drug use and its consequences," putting more resources into drug prevention and treatment. The new drug control strategy boosts community-based anti-drug programs, encourages health care providers to screen for drug problems before addiction sets in and expands treatment beyond specialty centers to mainstream health care facilities. "By boosting community-based prevention, expanding treatment, strengthening law enforcement and working collaboratively with our global partners, we will reduce drug use and the great damage it causes in our communities," Obama said. "I am confident that when we take the steps outlined in this strategy, we will make our country stronger and our people healthier and safer." The plan — the first drug plan unveiled by the Obama White House — calls for reducing the rate of youth drug use by 15 percent over the next five years and for similar reductions in chronic drug use, drug abuse deaths and drugged driving. In an interview Monday, Gil Kerlikowske, the White House drug czar, said, "It changes the whole discussion about ending the war on drugs and recognizes that we have a responsibility to reduce our own drug use in this country." Kerlikowske criticized past drug strategies for measuring success by counting the number of children and teens who have not tried marijuana. At the same time, he said, the number of deaths from illegal and prescription drug overdoses was rising. "Us facing that issue and dealing with it head on is important," Kerlikowske said. The new drug plan encourages health care professionals to ask patients questions about drug use even during routine treatment so that early intervention is possible. It also helps more states set up electronic databases to identify doctors who are overprescribing addictive pain killers. "Putting treatment into the primary health care discussion is critical," Kerlikowske said. The policy shift comes in the wake of several other drug policy reforms since Obama took office. Obama signed a measure repealing a two-decade old ban on the use of federal money for needle-exchange programs to reduce the spread of HIV. His administration also said it won't target medical marijuana patients or caregivers as long as they comply with state laws and aren't fronts for drug traffickers. Earlier this year, Obama called on Congress to eliminate the disparity in sentencing that punishes crack crimes more heavily than those involving powder cocaine. Some drug reform advocates like the direction Obama is heading, but question whether the administration's focus on treatment and prevention programs is more rhetoric than reality at this point. They point to the national drug control budget proposal released earlier this year, for example, which continues to spend about twice as much money on enforcement as it does on programs to reduce demand. "The improved rhetoric is not matched by any fundamental shift in the budget or the broader thrust of the drug policy," said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, which favors drug policy reform. Nadelmann praised some of Obama's changes, but said he is disappointed with the continued focus on arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating large numbers of people. Kerlikowske rejected that as "inside the Beltway discussion," and said there are many programs that combine interdiction and prevention. The drug control office's budget request does include a 13 percent increase in spending on alcohol and drug prevention programs, along with a 3.7 percent increase for addiction treatment.
  21. Hey! Glad to see you around again!
  22. Thanks Anjin-san. My daughter made me cry this morning...more abut that some other time. My son is working at the lawn center, and hopefully will surprise me with something pretty and fragrant. Yes, indeed. Happy Mother's Day.
  23. Maybe not, but imagine how fun it would be to fly 5 fighter jets over 5 of the most populated areas these "P****S" live, INCLUDING MECCA, and tell them there is a nuclear warhead on one...knock it off or...tick tock, tick tock... Wait a second, hasn't that been done already? Yeah, by a DEMOCRAT. Just sayin'.
  24. TPaTH will make their 8th appearance on SNL May 15th.
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