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Everything posted by planted

  1. has not set their status

  2. imagine being the adoptive parents... What is the appropriate sentence here? A bit overwhelming for me. Wouldn't want to be HER lawyer.
  3. Hi ledzepfvr! Weird, I was just thinking about this as well. I, too, am a newbie to this forum. Most people I come in contact with in day to day life are, god help me, country fans, so, this truly is an escape from that and the pressures of life. I have never actually posted a pic until now, I think another member here can attest to my ignorance of such matters. (you know who you are ). Giving testimony as to how comfortable it is to be here... I take a lot of heat for my love of LZ in my circle, all in fun, I assume. But, I enjoy the info shared here, and the companionship that brings. Their music caught my attention in the late 70's, but I didn't get the fever til a little later, so, I never did get to see them... Thank you so much for taking the time to post this. Peace, Kris
  4. gee, sorry to bother you. But, unfortunately, I'm not going anywhere. So, how about we agree to disagree? Although, I'm exactly sure we do. Oh well. Have a nice weekend.
  5. oh, Rhode Islanders DEFINITELY talk funny. Have a nice weekend.
  6. You are exactly right about one thing. Your guy won fair and square. Good for him and you. Good luck. BTW, did you know that August 2009 has the highest number of casualties? 48, I believe. What does President Obama plan to do to get us out of this mess? The Dems promised in 2006 they would get us out of Iraq. And we voted them in...
  7. I WORKED for what you call "mine", 'K? I'm very aware of the underprivileged. I used to be one, 'K? I've been in healthcare for 18 years...But, I won't bore you with that. So, please don't ever presume to know a f***ing thing about my life, got it?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wwttxW5hMg&feature=PlayList&p=A04108F6D25B231C&index=0&playnext=1 Funny, i can't seem to get this song out of my head today!! ahaa
  9. So, I'm thinking that this illegal alien problem will evaporate byway of the McCain/Kennedy bill just about he same time Obamacare passes. I guess he wasn't lying, technically, eh? Bastards..everyone of them. Vote the BUMS out in 2010!!!
  10. http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/08/28/politics/politicalhotsheet/entry5272036.shtml Found this interesting. "Where's the outrage" is right.
  11. looking forward to a fun weekend with my best girlfriends...
  12. How cute is Robert in this video?? And I'm always amazed when I hear a vocalist project like that while sitting, cross legged on a barstool!!! Gifted.
  13. situations..as sad as it is that soldiers die in conflict situations, they are the ones that signed up.. so what do they expect. I know I'm the new kid around here, but, let me just voice my 2 cents on this issue. Our Armed forces have not been appropriately used in oh, lets see, what's today, Thursday....yeah for about 60 effing years!!!! What do they expect? How about a Commander in chief who knows W T F they are doing! You do not send a professional soldier into harm's way unless there is a clear and present danger to the United States. Period. You want to nation build? Send the Peace Corps, not the Marine Corps. BTW, what can a US soldier expect from me? How about a thank you once in awhile, how about picking up their tab next time they're in line at the coffee shop. How about making an effort to educate myself about the upcoming election and throw the BUMS out of office! Time for a clean slate. I'm no fan of Michael Moore, but remember when he asked members of Congress to sign their kids up to fight this war? I loved that. But, hey, we signed these people up to represent us, so what can WE expect? It takes courage to be in the military. It is truly a selfless act, and they deserve better than what they are getting. There's a line in a song by Sister Hazel.."soldiers come home with one leg less than they'd gone with, we all walk around like there's just nothing wrong with it..." Ok, enough from me...
  14. Anybody else watching the "speech"? Gimme a break. So, we are all going to be covered, and it isn't going to cost us anything! WOW! Imagine if George Bush had said this!!!
  15. I learned I have mold in my finished basement!!! I loved being a homeowner....
  16. Many things attract me to him, but you hit the nail when you talked about his persona and bone structure. My ancestors include Native Americans, of which I am especially proud, but his humility is something I am especially drawn to. Not often found. I read somewhere that he left a server a $4,000 tip. He has not forgotten where he came from. 'nuff for me. oh, did I mention he is like 45 freakin years old???!!!
  17. Good God almighty!!! DEPP...there is no contender. Plant is a very, and I mean very close second.
  18. MASH 24 Two and a Half Men Gene Simmons Family Jewels Dog Whisperer anything on HGTV
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