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Everything posted by planted

  1. Oh shit. May be heading to the basement soon. Southern Worcester County ain't lookin good.
  2. Thanks to our troops, and WZLX/Boston for playing this:
  3. <a href="http://s999.photobucket.com/albums/af116/Zeppfan101/?action=view&amp;current=april2011mom084.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i999.photobucket.com/albums/af116/Zeppfan101/april2011mom084.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  4. They make seasonal ales. Winter Lager, OktoberFest, etc. But, I'm a red wine drinker first and foremost. Not to be confused with a wine snob, btw.
  5. Sam Adams Summer Ale. Made in Boston, if I'm not mistaken. (I was making fun of our accent here in the North)
  6. Congratulations! My son just graduated from a Drafting and Design program, and cannot get a job to save his soul. UGH!
  7. I think I'll have a Sam Summah... CHEERS
  8. Point taken, and thanks for being civil when making your argument. I will take you up on a beer and some fish n chips in one of your pubs sometime though!
  9. I don't want to get too far off topic, but, Electrophile, read "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls. It is her memoir of what is was like being raised by parents who chose poverty and homelessness. That's right. Read it. She is or used to be a writer for MSNBC.
  10. ^ You raise serious concerns, and most of the time there are solutions. ie, Medicare and Medicaid for starters. Medicaid should be used sparingly and short-term, however, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Exceptional? You're goddamned right. We are the United States of America, the best place on Earth. And, I will never apologize for that. Have a nice Memorial Day.
  11. :thumbsup: :cheer: Nice job, momma!
  12. B-b-b-but, that's not fair!!! Everyone should be the same!!
  13. Sorry for forgetting the obvious...I live in Massachusetts where 98% of its citizens now has healthcare.... And, we are flat-ass broke. Look it up.
  14. And to those who think Medicare is the end-all. They cover 80% of most services, not all. And, they do not cover all medications and surgical procedures.
  15. I have heard this from physicians, nurse practitioners, etc themselves. Bank on it.
  16. These things are unforseen, and can happen anywhere. Anytime. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint%E2%80%93Worcester_tornado_outbreak_sequence
  17. Oh, one more thing. Remember when I mentioned Medicaid? (a.k.a. government controlled) Well, seems as though they only pay for certain drugs to treat cancer. ie chemo. And, btw, they aren't the best money can buy. Which would you choose for you or your child/loved one? Just sayin'.
  18. Very few hospital stays result in an unpaid balance, and even when that does happen, most billers will work with the patient to resolve the bill. There are many foundations, for instance, who provide help to people with catastrophic illnesses. The American Cancer Society is one that comes to mind. Just pay attention to events like The Boston Marathon next April and see how many runners there are who run for their causes. Ever heard of the Pan-Mass Challenge? The Jimmy Fund? In case you couldn't tell, I am employed by a major Cancer Center. Yes, we bill our patients! And yes, some cannot pay. Some even get fired for being sick. Really. In those rare cases, Medicaid is available for those patients. Most get help from friends and family, and fundraisers. And, as hard-working taxpayer, I have absolutely no problem with my tax dollars going to help someone through a temporary set of circumstances. Medicare also offers disability benefits in the event one becomes unable to work. Heck, some people even put money aside every week in a short-/long-term disability policy. IMAGINE! Preparing? Nah. I am very aware of the scare tactics the media and government uses to forward their particular agenda. WHY, you ask? This country was built on an idea of independence from government rule. Plunging 30 million people (who did not bother to have healthcare yesterday) into a healthcare system would be a disaster. You will wait 2 years to see your doctor, oh, I meant the doctor the government tells you can see. But, what do I know? I've only worked in healthcare since 1986. It's best to pay attention to a politician who is pandering for votes. The other issue becomes finding the quality of people to continue working and pursuing careers in medicine. Can you imagine? Valedictorians will pursue other careers in architecture or law. Trust me.
  19. Tax-free, if I'm not mistaken...? Bastards.
  20. I thought the same thing about the media coverage. Really? I will discuss politics before I discuss religion, because people who believe in a religion, in my experience, are much less pliable. You cannot reason with most. I know everything I need to know about this Harold Camp'town races sing this song' character. Oy vey.
  21. London Broil to perfection. Baked potato (Antioxidant) salad. Lots of berries, walnuts, mixed greens, English cucs, red onion, celery, fresh mint tossed with pomegranate and lemon juice. Divine!
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