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Everything posted by planted

  1. Welcome to the board, my fellow New Englander! It turns out we have much in common as my son is also 20 and loves Zeppelin. I got to see Robert in January (for the first time). Enjoy!
  2. The Blackstone River is about a mile from my home. Always a problem for those who live closer.
  3. Just went for a walk...2 huge trees down in my neighbors yard. Good thing they fell the other way, or they would have landed in my kitchen. Now we wait for the waters to rise.
  4. Watching trees literally falling around my house. Going to be a long night.. What a pain in the ass.
  5. Wind started around 2am, very gusty and rainy here. Lights flickered a few times. I need to take the dog out. Damn.
  6. oh-oh! You used the 'p' word. It's not about politicians!! Mayor Bloomers said so!! Jerks.
  7. First of all, a 9/11 attack had never happened before on American soil. Acknowledging the 10th anniversary is fine by me. And NO AMERICAN should be encouraged not to show up. Period. Certainly you recognize that not every cop, firefighter, etc is on the job at the same time. Maybe I missed the sentiment of the story here. In any case, my disdain for the recent actions of Mayor Bloomers stands.
  8. The legislative branch of the government make up these 'fucked up laws'. And, the registered voters of the United States put them there. If you haven't, watch "Mr Smith goes to Washington". (Jimmy Stewart). BTW, we haven't finished the first Revolution, according to a book I read, entitled, "Complete the American Revolution." Check it out.
  9. . What a bunch of babies these politicians are. Not about politics, eh? Yeah, ok. No, it never is, is it Mr Mayor? Oh, no, it's about the families, and the children!! Liar. Woos. You fill in the rest. p.s. Mr Mayor: Have you forgotten?
  10. Just starting to rain. Very thick cloud cover, and no breeze. Birds are still chirping, my mother always says that is a good sign.
  11. Yes, we here in Worcester County have been told about the current track of this storm. Most of you know I work in healthcare, and I can report that several hospitals in the area have already begun cancelling appointments in their clinics for Monday. A PET/CT dept is one in particular that I could not get an appointment for for one of our patients today. The machines they use for these scans are very sensitive, and can take hours to fix, meaning a technician needs to be dispatched from various parts of the state in the event of a malfunction/power outage. Generators are typically used in emergency situations, ICU's, operating rooms, etc. I expect we will be open, though the docs will make that call tomorrow. Thank you, Strider. I have taken a few moments to empty my mailbox!
  12. Wait, this was too good not to share. Posted on twitter from one that I follow.. "No damage? No damage! This earthquake almost shook former President Bill Clinton out of his intern!" MY FN SIDES!! :hysterical:
  13. I am so sorry for your loss. I, too, have lost loved ones to suicide. I'm going to let you in on a dirty little secret most of 'us' won't share (with the general public). Some cancers, or diseases for that matter, just ain't worth fighting. I have a deep respect and understanding for those who have the courage to live and die on their own terms. Peace.
  14. I agree with KB...Spider bites can be nasty. Keep an eye on it.
  15. Thank you. Those sound like good places to start.
  16. Bingo. Upon hearing the news shortly after 2pm EST, I looked around at the patients under my and my co-workers care, and had a sick feeling. Some of these people are elderly, while others are sedated during their chemotherapy treatment. The news, however, provided much discussion and entertainment in the clinic. In their defense, I am sure it was a welcomed distraction for all from the norm. But still...I am insufficiently aware of any earthquake plan, but I can tell you this, I will investigate first thing in the morning. Thank you for starting some provocative discussion.
  17. Got to leave work early!! Out with the girls tonight. Sangria and laughs!
  18. Yes, these are fine human beings who could be doing anything with their money. How are the proceeds going to arrive in down town Mogadishu? De ja vu anyone?
  19. Ooh thanks for noticing! And, I'm not trying to make it as a marriage counselor, guess that is a good thing! Again, good luck.
  20. Good luck. I don't give advice. You're on your own, like everybody else. However, the idea of one person 'keeping' another happy is effed up.
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