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Led Zep Girl

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Status Updates posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. Looks like I have a chauffeur for the next couple of days. Well, until I get my new tires in & get them on. I can't wait.

  2. To all my co-workers at work, I did make it home safely. Dad followed me all they way home. I am so blessed to have a father that cares about me.

  3. New tires....CHECK!

  4. Currently watching: Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same.

  5. Off to work here in a few minutes. I am glad to have a job where I can stay inside & chill. Sorry for those who work outside.

  6. Happy Birthday Jeff Beck & Mick Fleetwood!

  7. Hopefully my dad gets his truck back today. I sure do miss the blue truck.

  8. So I went through my closet, my jewelry chest, my shelves & my purse & I have gotten rid of some "major" clutter. Now, I just need to sale this stuff & get it out of my sight. =]

  9. Got some new nail varnish & I can't wait to put it on! Good day of shopping. =]

  10. Wow, not only does my favorite YouTuber have an awesome YouTube channel, but her sister is now making videos! I couldn't be more happier! (Makeup tutorials, OOTD videos to be exact.)

  11. The only artists that are good enough to be on a top 100 Songs list twice, Led Zeppelin.

  12. On this day in 1966, Jimmy Page made his first live performance with his friend Jeff Beck's group, the Yardbirds. And that was with very little advance notice.

  13. It is time. To shred.

  14. On this day in 1966, Jimmy Page made his first live performance with his friend Jeff Beck's group, the Yardbirds. And that was with very little advance notice.

  15. Happy Birthday to Brian Wilson!

  16. Happy Birthday to Brian Wilson!

  17. Happy Birthday to Brian Wison! (Beach Boys)

  18. On this day in 1977, Led Zeppelin enjoyed a day off of touring in California. They'd just played in San Diego the night before and were stationed, as usual, in Los Angeles. Next on the concert itinerary were six shows at the L.A. Forum (in Inglewood).

  19. On this day in 1977, Led Zeppelin enjoyed a day off of touring in California. They'd just played in San Diego the night before and were stationed, as usual, in Los Angeles. Next on the concert itinerary were six shows at the L.A. Forum (in Inglewood).

  20. Well, me & dad are done fixing our road today. More gravel will be coming tomorrow. It's going to be like a turnpike. Well, sort of...

  21. Happy Father's Day!

  22. I just love putting gas in my car. It's like feeding money to a losing slot machine....

  23. Please do not spam my wall with invites, game invites etc. Or I will delete your ass. Sorry, that's just how I roll. =]

  24. I sure am going to miss my co-worker Brittney. Good thing I got to tell her goodbye & work with her on her last day.

  25. So the LG Shine sucks. Back to my Quickfire. Thank God for qwerty keyboards. =]

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