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Led Zep Girl

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Everything posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. Hehehehe..... Classy right? I think we all need a laugh. Yo ___ is so easy, even a cave man can do it!

  2. I am hoping I get my package today. I have to think positive!

  3. Yay! I got my pretty little lamp out of storage & it looks just as it did when I bought it years ago. I so can't wait until me & mom repaint my room.

  4. I know exactly what I want. But nobody seems to offer it. Dammit.

  5. Ready to go to town. =]

  6. Today is my Friday! I am so excited & so happy!

  7. I'm home! And I have no idea what I am going to do!!

  8. I just tried to call my dad using our Directv remote. Nice Tiff.

  9. Really excited for next week's schedule to begin. I am ready for some days off. I am one tired girl.

  10. Happy fall everybody!

  11. Today is the last day of summer. In case you didn't know.

  12. Hi. I hope your doing good.

  13. I know. It's hard to keep up with me at times. I hope your doing well. I haven't been on the forum lately, but that sure doesn't make me any less of a Zep fan. Sorry, I just had to put that in there. Anyways, what better than to have rain on the last day of summer. Have a great day.

  14. Today is the last day of summer. In case you didn't know.

  15. Nothing like running out of gas on your four wheeler, then, pushing it back home.

  16. Getting ready to make a pumpkin pie for my Grandpa. =]

  17. So I just bought my first Louis Vuitton agenda. I am super excited to get it. I will baby it until the day I die. =]

  18. Haven't been home for 5 minutes, & my silly dogs already have me scratched up. Sometimes, I am glad I don't have a gun handy....

    1. Strider


      Wow, your life seems to be a whirlwind right now...hope you're okay? You seem a little down.

  19. Buy the best, cry once. Settle for less, cry forever.

  20. I am the most indecisive person on the face of this earth. Why must I be this way? Why can't I just have it all?

  21. Happy Birthday to my late, great Grandpa Kirby. He would have been 97 years old today. We miss you Grandpa!

  22. My goodness I am freezing! I guess I need to fatten up before winter gets here.

  23. One day of work then two days off. Very excited.

  24. Wow I am so not used to this cold weather business. Guess I need to scrounge up some parka's..

  25. Going through all of my stuff for the yard sale this weekend. I can't believe how much stuff one person can have. My mom says that I have "good junk". And to answer any wondering minds' questions, no, none of my purses/wallets are going to be sold.

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