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Led Zep Girl

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Everything posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. Thank you for posting "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" from Judy Garland. I love Judy! She sings that song so well & I think it's the best version. I absolutely love this song. I think the acoustic version is better than the studio version.
  2. Jimmy's autographed "Death Wish II" 12 in vinyl sold out within minutes. Yah sure, I didn't need one anyways..

  3. I've got my Chanel earrings on, & my Louis Vuitton bag. Am I missing something? Money perhaps?

  4. Thanks! I will certainly try, although at times, it's tempting just to cut it!
  5. I bought a woodstock cd. I know, I should of had it but I didn't. Not really buying anything because my debit card number got stolen & I am awaiting another debit card. Yah so it's nice to see others' purchases. Please, share....
  6. Just got done eatcing home made pizza! Yummy! Now I have no idea what to do. Maybe put some more songs on my iPod. Yah, that sounds great..

  7. "Jesus, gonna make up my dyin' bed. Meet me, Jesus, meet me. Meet me in the middle of the air If my wings should fail me, Lord. Please meet me with another pair.."

  8. It takes me a little bit to get motivated on Monday's. But I'm gettin' there...

  9. It takes me a little bit to get motivated on Monday's. But I'm gettin' there...

  10. Putting song's on my iPod & my mom's. There are so many songs that I love. I think I will buy a new iPod. I need more GB'S!!!!

  11. I spend more money when items are not on sale. Black Friday is a joke.


  13. It's after midnight. Which means, it's tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving everybody.

  14. It's after midnight. Which means, it's tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving everybody.

  15. In November 1968, Peter Grant shopped around the newly formed Led Zeppelin to the heads of various record companies and settled with Jerry Wexler of Atlantic Records.

  16. "I am not sure how to take appluase. I don't know whether they liked how I played, or if they are glad it's over.."

  17. I don't understand why music isn't as good as it was when I was in middle school - high school. Listening to some old songs brings back....memories I suppose.

  18. This. My first guitar slide. It's pretty special.
  19. This! It's been in my head for at least a week. I guess mentally I am ready for Christmas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqqFJf6_Ags
  20. Saw Clapton live last March & let me tell you, he is a dead serious guitar player. The only words that came from his mouth were "Good Evening" & "Goodnight". Myself, I kind of like commentary but with Clapton, you will not get that. But his playing made up for all of the lost words.
  21. Goin' to bed. Can't wait to wake up & fire up the amp & the guitar. Soooo stoked....

  22. So excited about getting something I ordered today. I will share it with you when I receive it.

  23. Oh I love you overdrive. =]

  24. Oh I love you overdrive. =]

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