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Led Zep Girl

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Everything posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. It's surprisingly scary. It was cool yesterday & today. It makes me lonesome for fall. I don't like it. If it's supposed to be hot, then let it be hot. It's not that hard to figure out.
  2. 'And yesterday I saw you standing by the river, And weren't those tears that filled your eyes, And all the fish that lay in dirty water dying, Had they got you hypnotized? And yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers, But all that lives is born to die. And so I say to you that nothing really matters, And all you do is stand and cry.' "That's the Way" - Led Zeppelin

    1. JuliaFinch


      "I don't know what to say about it, when all you ears have turned away, but now's the time to look and look again at what you see, is that the way it ought to stay? ;D

    2. Led Zep Girl

      Led Zep Girl

      "That's the way, That's the way it oughtta be

      Oh don't you know now, mama said..That's the way it's gonna stay, yeah."

  3. A weed eater... I mean, the 'American Graffiti' soundtrack. It's a really boss album & a totally bitchin' movie.
  4. I am so ready to either feel the ground shake, smell burnt rubber or all of the above. I'm having racing withdrawals & I hope I can go to one soon. Preferably, Mo-Kan Dragway

  5. Nothing like cruisin' & listening to the Beach Boys! Summer is here!

  6. Fixin' to watch Twister. If I get scared, I'll just run to the hidey hole. ha...ha..

  7. Eating, Lemonhead's..... Yummy..

  8. My friend is having a blog sale. And I have to keep slapping my hands & telling myself you don't need anything.. You spend too much money Tiffany!

  9. "Rock N' Roll's been goin' downhill ever since Buddy Holly died..." -John Milner

  10. Yay! Just ordered my mom something for Mother's day. Now I hope it gets here in time..

  11. Gouda cheese & club crackers are AMAZING! Just sayin'!

  12. Yay! Looks like I am spending my Friday with my Aunt. I hardly get to see her because of our crazy work schedules.

  13. Yay! Looks like I am spending my Friday with my Aunt. I hardly get to see her because of our crazy work schedules.

  14. Thinking about buying a new watch....any suggestions?

  15. New "TK" policy: Don't send me game requests. I will delete the request & YOU! This chick don't get down like that. Thank you.... Tiffany Kirby

  16. Had to get one of my cats out of the tree. Poor thing. I kept asking him questions and all he said was "meow" so I grabbed him & put him on the ground. Not a scratch on his paint job either. My good deed for today.

  17. I have seen 2 Rolex's this week. Met some Mercedes, BMW's & Range Rover's on my way to work. May I ask where all of this "money" is coming from? Anybody rich feel like adopting a sweet little brown girl?

  18. Had a good night eating dinner at the casino. Going to bed.

  19. R.I.P to all of the people who lost their lives in the OKC Bombing. God Bless Oklahoma.

    1. paris '95

      paris '95

      We soon forget I am with you.Once we were walking in Regent Street London about 25 years ago and the IRA let 11 bombs off the Police had no advice for us so we just kept walking two people died that night and much damage was done .

      Do you watch Homeland over there

  20. "When your hearts on fire, you must realize, smoke gets in your eyes..." Nothing like listening to The Platters on a drive home.

  21. "When your hearts on fire, you must realize, smoke gets in your eyes..." Nothing like listening to The Platters on a drive home.

  22. I'm ready for August to get here. Vacation time.

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