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Everything posted by spidersandsnakes

  1. Those official photos will have to be shown by a VERY independent source (TV) though to even begin to be credible:)!!!
  2. I'd love to change the world by TYA has been my slogan song ever since I started hating conventionalism and hypocrisy in politics......VIva T Y A:)!! I love the words "....but I'll leave it up to you......." Alvin Lee knew right away that you can try to change silly, one-track minds in society, but up to a certain point....then you pass the word on to other generations who, hopefully, might do better to change things......up to now, nothing has changed though:)!!!!
  3. WOW......how many fakes can ya get in one single thread of one forum???!!!, hehehhehehehehehhehehehehhehehehhe!!!:) ....and pray tell me someone, why and how did this thread come to talk about charitable countries???! (ref. posts above!!)
  4. NEVER believe the words uttered by a politician....no matter if it's Gore or Obama or your own brother (if he were a politician!!!:)):)
  5. EYE sure know....and I'll keep it to myself:):)
  6. Indeed, true patriotism is another thing :)
  7. By blackglove at 2011-05-05 By blackglove at 2011-05-05
  8. I know plenty here who have put the likes of you aND other biased posters on ultra ignore too:):)....NO worries:)
  9. EYE am glad that this, corrupt Western-backed RIGHT WING culprit died...pity of natural causes:):)......and quoting an old Chilean saying: "may the desparacidos eat his soul forever" (translated from old Spanish:)) Dead Augusto Pinochet Field:Military, Politics Info:Longtime leader of Chile, he overthrew elected president Salvador Allende in a bloody military coup in 1973 and finally relinquished power after 17 years Date of Birth:11/25/1915Date of Death:12/10/2006Age at Death:91 Cause of Death: Heart attack
  10. Hahahahah, the "allies" are gunning in....my knees are shaking, heheheh .....Same feelings only STRONGER on your persona too....as you can see, IT WASN'T me;););)
  11. Thanx....good luck to u 2.....oh, my GF is taking care of that book on PS you mentioned....thanx for asking:)!
  12. Oh, Go day glo , hahahahhahahahahahhahahah......ME AND MY GF ARE HAVING THE DAY OF OUR LIFE LAUGHING!!!:):):)
  13. You should say Amen to the fact that you didn't get banned for the post you generated on my person....I repeat: "it's you or me........."!!:):)
  14. A to R: "Oh hello darling, when are we gonna get married luvie?"........I'm having the laughs of my life with some posts, hahahahhahahahahahaha...and so is my GF:):)!!!!
  15. These things can only happen in the place(s) quoted in that silly link, hahahahhahahahahahhahaha:)
  16. No worries, RIGHT-WING can be written both as 2 words and as a compound word...that's modern English for you:)! Corruption means buying your way to power....and if you think that is good, that is another topic we should start elsewhere:). Would you like me to believe that if the peoples of Egypt, Tunisia, etc. had the $$$ they would have chosen the men who they are trying to get rid oF??? NO WAy man :). That is where the whole corruption thing comes into it. I don't really have to explian more if I choose not to you know?!!...it's so clear. Corruption also meas using the $$$ those kingdoms have to try and crush the people's LEGIT uprising.
  17. There are meny "little green men" around :) :D :D
  18. This tops it all and it just goes to show that NO NUKES IS WORRYING MANY A GOVT, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA :) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-13253876 Six Scottish windfarms were paid up to £300,000 to stop producing energy, it has emerged. The turbines, at a range of sites across Scotland, were stopped because the grid network could not absorb all the energy they generated. Details of the payments emerged following research by the Renewable Energy Foundation (REF). The REF said energy companies were paid £900,000 to halt the turbines for several hours between 5 and 6 April. According to the REF research, the payments made cost up to 20 times the value of the electricity that would have been generated if the turbines had kept running. The largest payment was given to Whitelee windfarm in East Renfrewshire, owned by Scottish Power, which was paid £308,000 in April. The RWE nPower-owned Farr windfarm, south of Inverness, received £265,000 in the same month. 'Very wasteful' Hadyardhill in South Ayrshire, which is owned by SSE Renewables, was given £140,000 to stop producing energy, while Blacklaw windfarm in Lanarkshire - also owned by Scottish Power - was given £130,000. The Millennium windfarm in the Highlands and Beinn Tharsuin, just north of Alness, each received £33,000 and £11,500 respectively. Dr Lee Moroney, planning director for the REF, which has criticised subsidies to the renewable sector in the past, said: "The variability of wind power poses grid management problems for which there are no cheap solutions. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote In future we need greater electrical energy storage facilities and greater interconnection with our EU neighbours so that excess energy supplies can be sold or bought where required” End Quote Spokesman DECC "However, throwing the energy away, and paying wind farms handsomely for doing so, is not only costly but obviously very wasteful. "Government must rethink the scale and pace of wind power development before the costs of managing it become intolerable and the scale of the waste scandalous." The National Grid said the network had overloaded because high winds and heavy rain in Scotland overnight on 5 and 6 April produced more wind energy than it could use. Spokesman Stewart Larque said: "One of our key roles is to balance supply and demand for energy." He added: "On the evening of the 5th into the 6th of April, the wind in Scotland was high, it was raining heavily, which also created more hydro energy than normal." Mr Larque said a transmission fault in the system meant the surplus energy could not be transferred to England and so generation had to be cut. He also confirmed that the National Grid spent £280m balancing supply and demand. A spokesman for the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), described the incident as "unusual" and said more electrical storage was needed. He added: "In future we need greater electrical energy storage facilities and greater interconnection with our EU neighbours so that excess energy supplies can be sold or bought where required." A Scottish government spokesman said electricity generated by renewables accounted for 27.4% of Scotland's electricity use. He added: "National Grid is responsible for balancing the supply of electricity from all sources across the grid to match demand and generators will sometimes be required to reduce output as part of that process. "At the same time, the Scottish and UK governments have been working with the National Grid and others in the industry to strengthen grid capacity and address access constraints."
  19. Well, finally some debating:):)......it is UNdeniable that the likes of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain and Kuwait have very close $$$ ties with the Western world.....and pls be careful, I said WESTERN WORLD, not only the U.S.A.:). Mubarak had ties with the Western world and the people got sick and tired of it all.....they have just recently discovered both Mubarak's and Gheddafi's $$$ stashed away in Swiss banks, NOT Islamic banks :). Of course the West is civilized.....I myself am wholly part of it and live in it and work in it. BUT I am NO YESMAN...never haVE been and NEVER will be:):). EYE know when I'm being fooled and the worst leg-pulling is the one enacted by one's own country!:) Of course I will keep on throwing mud on RIGH-WING ideals.......RIGHT-WING IS A DIRTY WORD AND WILL REMAIN THAT WAY FOREVER:)
  20. Watch out Wikileaks will get YOU ALL:):)!!!
  21. Hahahahahahhaha, you would like to know how me and Mony communicate, wouldn't you??!:)....why..... don't you communicate with your other half??! :rolleyes: When "other" posters here are coherent, they usually call people dirty words or the like.......funny way of being coherent:):)!!!
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