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Everything posted by spidersandsnakes

  1. Long enuff to blow us all away...sooner or later :)
  2. The major European nuke physicists agree that the SAFEST future for energy in the world is in COLD FUSION.....yes, BUT WHO'S BUYING??! Evidently, there are some musterious manouvres among the heads of govts that would like to keep this clean nuke power away....is it the "cars can be powered by simple water...." saga all over again....WAKE UP PEOPLE......the nuke nay or yay thing is JUST NOT that simple:):)...and I wouldn't US, the simple people, to be the guinea pigs of the nuke situation!!!!
  3. LISA DOMINIIQUE:) By blackglove at 2011-04-04 By blackglove at 2011-04-04
  4. According to various articles, the Lopez family originally were Hispanic::)...go figure which bio is correct esp in show-biz:)!
  5. I don't even know where she was originally from....some articles say she was born in Cuba and "escaped" from Casro's "tortures" and as she allegedley said, "made it on her own in big time America...." .....I have my doubts on all that "I escaped to America and made it big time..." shit....who is she trying to fool? NOT ME:):)!!!!
  6. My GF picked these up at the Virgin Megastore last week:) By blackglove at 2011-04-04 By blackglove at 2011-04-04 By blackglove at 2011-04-04 By blackglove at 2011-04-04 By blackglove at 2011-04-04 By blackglove at 2011-04-04
  7. I see that there are REAL people on this forum after all and NOT just nuts who go around spewing over anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them on what THE REAL situation in the world is today:). Welcome NOT to the optomist or pessimist club, but to the REALIST club my friend :) B)
  8. By blackglove at 2011-04-04 By blackglove at 2011-04-04 By blackglove at 2011-04-04
  9. I was thinking the same bloody thing you know!!!:)(:)
  10. No such thing has ever destroyed me:):) :D
  11. My friend having fun at last nite''s party :) By blackglove at 2011-04-04 By blackglove at 2011-04-04
  12. .....DVD....on TV:) By blackglove at 2010-02-23
  13. Wouldn't you love to see the front part 2??!:):) By blackglove at 2010-02-23
  14. I'll take her for her body, but not her acting and/or singing.......YUUUUUKKKKK:)
  15. You have forgotten that most of the former pro-nuke plant countries are rethinking the matter MUCH MORE seriously and reconsidering the whole NUKE SHIT all over.....which they shold have done many moons ago. Why wait for a major quake/tsunami to hit before TAKING SERIOUS action against nuke plants....isn't prevention BETTER than the cure????!:)
  16. Sorry, my bad.....I was too carried away with the music....SUre there is lots more to worry about nowadays.....and you FORGOT to mention a little DANGEROUS thing, the HUGE nuke contamination situation....the "monster" from Japan!!! Anyway, be very careful mentioning wars, corruption and other such things here, you MIGHT GeT BASHED by the ANTI "conspiracy talk" nuts here on the forum.....WATCH OUT!!!!!:)
  17. Summing it all up, I'd like to say that the 50s, 60s, 70s and 90s and a bit of the early Ks were the ONLY true decades for GOOD music:)
  18. radioactive isotopes of plutonium can "live" up to 300 years and more....now they're trying to plub it all up with....polyurethane???????? :o :o :o
  19. The latest I heard about Japan is that the radioactivity has shot to over 34,0000 times its normal value in the quake stricken areas..... :blink: :blink:
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