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Everything posted by DAS

  1. The Sky Is Crying - George Thorogood
  2. Over, Under, Sideways, Down - The Yardbirds
  3. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    Kiss of death. The writers, commentators and talking heads of football are all bone heads. It's like they pay them to be wrong. Berman is their king. I agree that they are on the rise and I like their coach, I think hiring him was a great idea. I'm not as confident now that the talking heads agree.
  4. DAS

    2012 NFL Thread

    I'm a Chiefs fan. Right now we have a the a totally idiot as GM. He is a hyper-cronyist. He let's a great player in Orton go and keeps a failure in Cassel because they were in NE together. He fires a good young up nand comer in Haley to replace with an old and failed Crennel because they were together in NE (Crennel is also a cronyist hiring the worst OC in the league because they were together in CLE). Everyone was excited when he was hired but me. I knew he was a cheater so I hated him. Now everyone in town thinks he's a joke because of his shameless cronyism. We have some good talent but this team has been clueless in the front office for years and will probably remain so for a long time.
  5. DAS


    Mine is a Sony PS-LX300USB. It comes with a free Sound Forge Audio Studio 9 system for your computer and a wire to hook it up into your computer. It's actually kinda easy to do even for a technological failure like myself. I bought it at Best Buy. They were charging $130 and I told the guy working there I didn't wanted to pay that much. He said he wanted to "price match" it, whatever that means. He left and came back a few minutes later and said he'd sell it for $100 dollars. I saw one just like it like a week or two later at a hippie store for $40 but it was used and didn't have the converting program or hook up wire. I hook it up to my regular stereo for speakers. It has the colored wires on the back like the Nintedos used to have (still have?) to plug into your TV except they plug into radios just the same.
  6. I only have three and their all on Vinyl. The Rising Of The Zeppelin - Good stuff but not going to blow anyone away. Soundcheck July 5, 1973 - Really good and unique. Very rockabilly. Not like anything else I've heard by Zeppelin. Bonzo's Last Stand - Said to be the final time Led Zeppelin ever played together. A rehersal a few days before Bonham died. Not amazing, mainly for collectors. Still good stuff.
  7. Forever Young - Bob Dylan
  8. DAS


    I'm excited about this. I've been waiting forever (or like 4 or 5 months). Registered for both the deluxe and signed versions.
  9. DAS


    I bought a record player that converts vinyl to CD. Get one of those.
  10. Young Girl Blues - Sammy Hagar
  11. Young Boy Blues - The Honeydrippers
  12. Midnight Moonlight - The Firm
  13. For Your Life - Led Zeppelin
  14. I'll rate the last unrated one, Queen of Light's. I'll give it a 5 because I don't know what it is or from. Care to explain?
  15. Us And Them - Pink Floyd
  16. The Best Is Yet To Come - Frank Sinatra
  17. Living On The Edge - Aerosmith
  18. I like the old Jimmy. He dresses a lot like I do in real life. I wear more colors than black though.
  19. Dirty World - Traveling Wilburys
  20. The Salem witch trials drive me crazy. They were a stupid stupid thing but Hollywood has turned the actual history on it's head. They were a series of civil trials which lasted about six months. Most of the accused were judged innocent and of the 30(ish?) people (men and women) found guilty most were hanged. Usually when I see anything on TV about it it's a bunch of crazy hate monger Puritans in the church with their torches screaming "Let's kill the witches!" Then the run through the streets burning every innocent woman who talk in public or shows her ankles. It really trivializes the actual injustice that took place by making it an exagerated parody of actual events.
  21. Still The Same - Bob Seger
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