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Everything posted by SozoZoso

  1. Some of my pics from yesterdays outting to Ayr in Scotland
  2. Hands up who done this as a kid?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy3RTFFhSYs
  4. I preferred the butterscotch flavour mmmmm
  5. (I guess this one is for the lads here)
  6. Finally, I got the pics of two of my PB's (from 30 yards)....it's a nice feeling to get some sort of form back.
  7. Thank you I have some pictures and will hopefully post them at a later stage.
  8. I managed to get 3 PBs' (personal best) this morning at archery, 2 at 30 yards and 1 at 40 yards.
  9. Actually, I didn't have a Vectrex but I knew someone that had. She was a neighbour of my great aunt and I used to hang out with her and I remember going to her house where she had the vectrex sitting on the kitchen table. I'd seen Ataris of course as I had the Atari 2600 but the Vectrex came with its own tv monitor. I thought she was very very rich
  10. Does anyone remember the Vectrex?
  11. These were banned from my school....teachers didnt like cards with boils and puking on them
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq5Y_ogiyi0
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjkUvZu_JKc
  14. Born in the 70's, grew up in the 80's....I thought I might kick this off with a few things I remember while growing up
  15. Get the old TFI Friday feeling going here.....
  16. Enjoy your time off STZ, I know having a wee break are like gold dust to you.
  17. People who say "What's Up?" on YouTube videos...usually spoken by "hipsters"
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