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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. I'm curious as to why folks continue to line the pockets of bootleggers by buying stuff like the O2 show when you can get it for FREE either by trading with a fellow Zeppelin fan and/or by downloading it online. R.E.M. does a very good cover of Passenger from Later With Jools Holland that can be found on the single for At My Most Beautiful: Purchases from over the weekend: 7" single released as part of Record Store Day promotion
  2. I know you are full of shit. You've obviously missed at least one interview but even more likely, two.
  3. Every interview? I seriously doubt that or you would have seen the one where he said he's only in G n' R for the paycheck. Except for the one where the 'Mats played the festival out in L.A. as part of the premiere for Open Season, not to mention the two new tracks they cut for the 'Mats best of not so long ago. I'm guessing you didn't even know who Tommy or the Replacements were until he was recruited for Guns n' Roses.
  4. Your words not mine. Band loyalty and how much (or how little) he's contributed doesn't mean shit, I read an interview with Tommy that said he was only in it for the cash. I'm sure when (and if) he and Westerberg decide to reform the 'Mats he'll drop Axl like the sack of worthless shit that he is. Oh, and taking your own words into account, your opinion isn't acceptable here unless you play an instrument and have sold a million records.
  5. So far I haven't been able to find the interview where Tommy said that but I did find this from an interview with former Guns n' Roses bassist Duff McKagan: "I feel more sorry for Tommy Stinson; he's just doing it for the cash. I read something that he and [Guns drummer and session dynamo] Josh Freese were playing somewhere and the crowd was taunting them with, 'Play Guns N' Roses songs!'" When I saw Tommy during the recent tour for his solo album Village Gorilla Head he didn't play any G n' R, nor did he play any 'Mats. He did, however throw in some stuff from his bands Bash n' Pop and Perfect. We also got a cover of The Partridge Family's One Man Guy performed at the bar when he got up from the stage to buy a drank. This was followed by a kickass version of Rufus Wainwright's One Man Guy. If so inclined, you can read the rest of the Duff interview here: Ex-GN'R Member Duff McKagan Happy To Be Guns-Free
  6. Stone Temple Pilots Hope To Hit Studio Post-Tour Stone Temple Pilots Gary Graff, Detroit Some new Stone Temple Pilots music may be in the offing, but it's not likely to surface until after the reunited rockers finish touring later this year. "I think new material will come probably after this tour," bassist Robert DeLeo tells Billboard.com. "I think the whole thing now is kind of getting back and re-acclimating ourselves to the songs that we know. I think that's gonna make for a better atmosphere and better performances ... instead of doing a new record. "Then, after this tour finishes, I think we're gonna be in a position where we've gotten to know each other again, and I think it's gonna be time to hit the studio." To read the rest of the article click here.
  7. Sounds like Tommy Stinson and Paul Westerberg have plans to work together as the Replacements sometime in the near future so that could be another member of G n' R that'll soon be exiting the band. About fucking time. Actually, I'm surprised he stuck around this long. Like he's said, he was only in it for the money anyway.
  8. From Billboard.com: Guns N' Roses 'Negotiating' To Release New Album Axl Rose Jonathan Cohen, N.Y. With a new management team in place, Guns N' Roses is "in negotiations" for the release of its decade-in-the-making album "Chinese Democracy," according to a post on the band's Web site. The message did not elaborate on what the discussions concern, or offer an approximate release date for "Chinese Democracy," which was last on Interscope's release schedule in March 2007. In other GNR news, guitarist Robin Finck has left the Axl Rose-led band to return to Nine Inch Nails, and will tour with the latter act this summer. "Robin's plans caught everyone in Guns, as well as our fans, a bit off-guard," the band says. "Neither we nor management, etc., know any more in this regard and we prefer not to speculate or offer opinions at this time." "When we begin to put tour plans together, we'll see where things are," the post continues. "Until then, Robin's touring with NIN and we're working with management on our game plans."
  9. From the Rocky Mount, NC Telegram: E Street Band’s Danny Federici — Rest In Peace By Jeff Herrin My wife and I scored tickets in 2001 to one of Bruce Springsteen’s famed Holiday Shows at the Asbury Park Convention Hall in Asbury Park, N.J.. At the last minute, I noticed on a Web site somewhere that Danny Federici (longtime organist and keyboard player for the E Street Band) was going to be at Jack’s Music Shoppe in Red Bank on the afternoon of the show to sign records and CDs. We drove like mad to get to Jack’s in time, figuring that even if we had to stand in line for an hour or so, it would be worth it. Amazingly, there might have been three people in the entire store when we got there. Danny stood smiling behind a counter and thanked me when I bought a copy of his new solo jazz album, then asked him to sign it. I couldn’t believe we were the only people in the store with him. He talked to us for a good 15-20 minutes … as if he had all the time in the world for two complete strangers from North Carolina. I asked him about rumors of a new Springsteen album (the first with the E Streeters in almost 15 years), and he told me Bruce and the band had been recording some stuff just before 9/11. After that, he said, everything had changed … schedules, flights and most of all … the subject matter of Bruce’s music. It was the first time I heard any kind of hint about what was to become “The Rising” — Springsteen’s 2002 album that deals in large part with the 9/11 tragedies. Danny asked Susan and me how long we had been married, then kidded about some of the … um … less-than-lifelong relationships he had been in. He joked about a lot of things, actually. And even though Susan and I were pinching ourselves to be talking to someone who had been a key part of the E Street Band since its inception, he acted like he was the one honored by our company. Danny died of melanoma Thursday. You meet so many jerks day in, day out. But on that afternoon, in December 2001, Danny Federici was the nicest guy in the world. We had driven from North Carolina to Red Bank, N.J., to meet a guy whose talent we’d long admired. We left feeling like we’d been in the house of a friend. God bless him. Some of the greatest music this life has ever offered will never sound the same again.
  10. Cool to see someone around here besides Swede and myself that's even heard of them. Far too many write the 80s off when all they're aware of from that time period is the synth-heavy New Wave bands that were popularized by MTV. There were also many artists back then that were heavily influenced by American roots music such at the Long Ryders, Lone Justice, Los Lobos, The Radiators, the Blasters, X, Del Fuegos, Rank n' File and many, many more. And that's without even mentioning such other outstanding 80s artists as U2, R.E.M., the Cure, the Replacements, the Alarm, etc.
  11. From CNN.com: E Street Band's Danny Federici dies NEW YORK (AP) -- Danny Federici, the longtime keyboard player for Bruce Springsteen whose stylish work helped define the E Street Band's sound on hits from "Hungry Heart" through "The Rising," died Thursday. He was 58. Federici, who battled melanoma for three years, died at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. News of his death was posted late Thursday on Springsteen's official Web site. According to published reports, Federici last performed with Springsteen and the band March 20, appearing during portions of a show in Indianapolis, Indiana. Springsteen concerts scheduled for Friday in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Saturday in Orlando, Florida, were postponed after news of Federici's death. He was born in Flemington, New Jersey, a long car ride from the Jersey shore haunts where he first met kindred musical spirit Springsteen in the late 1960s. The pair often jammed at the Upstage Club in Asbury Park, New Jersey, a now-defunct after-hours club that hosted the best musicians in the state. It was Federici, along with original E Street Band drummer Vini Lopez, who first invited Springsteen to join their band. By 1969, the self-effacing Federici -- often introduced in concert by Springsteen as "Phantom Dan" -- was playing with the Boss in a band called Child. Over the years, Federici joined his friend in acclaimed shore bands Steel Mill, Dr. Zoom and the Sonic Boom and the Bruce Springsteen Band. Federici became a stalwart in the E Street Band as Springsteen rocketed from the boardwalk to international stardom. Springsteen split from the E Streeters in the late '80s, but they reunited for a hugely successful tour in 1999. "Bruce has been supportive throughout my life," Federici said in a recent interview with Backstreets magazine. "I've had my ups and downs, and I've certainly given him a run for his money, and he's always been there for me." Federici played accordion on the wistful "4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)" from Springsteen's second album, and his organ solo was a highlight of Springsteen's first top 10 hit, "Hungry Heart." His organ coda on the 9/11-inspired Springsteen song "You're Missing" provided one of the more heart-wrenching moments on "The Rising" in 2002. In a band with larger-than-life characters such as saxophonist Clarence Clemons and bandana-wrapped guitarist "Little" Steven Van Zandt, Federici was content to play in his familiar position to the side of the stage. But his playing was as vital to Springsteen's live show as any instrument in the band. Federici released a pair of solo albums that veered from the E Street sound and into soft jazz. Bandmates Nils Lofgren on guitar and Garry Tallent on bass joined Federici on his 1997 debut, "Flemington." In 2005, Federici released its follow-up, "Out of a Dream." Federici took a leave of absence during the band's tour in November 2007 to pursue treatment for melanoma, and was temporarily replaced by veteran musician Charles Giordano. At the time, Springsteen described Federici as "one of the pillars of our sound and has played beside me as a great friend for more than 40 years. We all eagerly await his healthy and speedy return." Besides his work with Springsteen, Federici played on albums by an impressive roster of other artists: Van Zandt, Joan Armatrading, Graham Parker, Gary U.S. Bonds and Garland Jeffreys.
  12. Yep, that's the scene depicted on the cover artwork. If that doesn't bring a tear to your eye you don't have a heart. If you haven't seen it yet, I very highly recommend the Townes documentary Be Here To Love Me.
  13. From Blabbermouth.net GUNS N' ROSES Will Not Be Appearing In Any Reality TV Show GUNS N' ROSES has dismissed as false a recent Internet report that a TV network has proposed an idea for a reality series involving the group's frontman Axl Rose. In an official statement released via the group's web site, longtime Rose associate Del James writes, "Despite rumors floating around the Internet, GUNS N' ROSES will not be appearing on any reality TV program to promote their forthcoming album, 'Chinese Democracy', or for any other reason. "The reality TV rumors started a little while ago and have taken on an Internet life of their own, but there is no truth to any of this." A report at AllYourTV.com recently stated that a "major music-oriented television channel" had proposed an idea for a reality series revolving around Rose. Sources close to the project told the web site that the show would focus on the reclusive singer's efforts to complete and release the long-delayed GUNS N' ROSES album, "Chinese Democracy". The series would reportedly follow Rose and the other members of the current GUNS lineup through behind-the-scenes rehearsal and studio footage as well as interviews. Sources at Rose's label, Geffen Records, reportedly said that a finished version of "Chinese Democracy" has been delivered to the company. Rose and the label, however, are still reportedly haggling over money and rights issues. Rose recently announced that he and GN'R had signed with powerhouse managers Irving Azoff and Andy Gould, leading to speculation that the arrival of "Chinese Democracy" was imminent.
  14. Not really a "purchase" per se, I won this off of WGWG in Boiling Springs, NC last weekend. http://www.gardner-webb.edu/oms/wgwg/underwriting.html
  15. Well, I missed it the first time. And for the record, I never ripped anyone a new one over multiple threads on the same topic, I politely pointed it out (as did several others). I couldn't help it if the topic the person had duplicated was on the very same page more than a couple of times. They claimed a "language barrier" but I'm not so sure I buy into that. As for starting "forum fights", I have done nothing of the sort. You, on the other hand attempt to start shit at nearly every given opportunity. In regards to posting articles, there's no rules or regulations about how often one can post (other than flood control) or the nature of them. If you don't like them, don't read them. It's pretty fucking easy.
  16. I'm not sure what any of this has to do with Skynyrd or Southern Rock but yes, it is a cover. Bob Dylan also did it (as well as many others). There had to be someone that was the first to do the song but some tunes are labeled "Public Domain" after they've been around for a certain length of time. Either that or the credits mention something about a Traditional Arrangement. It the current artist makes any changes to the original composition their names are usually noted as well. At least I'm pretty sure that's how it works. You can read more about the origin and history of the song here.
  17. Not sure why you quoted me just to say that as it doesn't have a damn thing to do with your post.
  18. Kinda funny coming from a guy that bitched at me so much about doing the exact same thing. Not to mention the constant complaining about me posting articles when you've also done the same thing. Pot, meet the kettle.
  19. I'm not sure about now but he was very good live when I saw him on tour with Dylan when they toured together several years ago.
  20. Must-see viewing for any fan of Townes Van Zandt (pictured on the cover), Guy Clark, Steve Young (author of Seven Bridges Road), Steve Earle, David Allan Coe and Charlie Daniels. Quite a bit of the Townes footage also showed up in the very excellent documentary on his life, Be Here To Love Me. The soundtrack is also well worth checking out: 1. L.A. Freeway (2006 Remastered LP Version) Guy Clark 2. "...That's a Lightnin' Lick..." [Dialogue] (2006 Remastered LP Version) Larry Jon Wilson 3. Ohoopee River Bottomland (2006 Remastered LP Version) Larry Jon Wilson 4. That Old Time Feeling (2006 Remastered LP Version) Guy Clark 5. "...People Condemn Whiskey..." [Dialogue] (2006 Remastered LP Version) Seymour Washington 6. Waitin' 'Round To Die (2006 Remastered LP Version) Townes Van Zandt 7. I Still Sing The Old Songs (2006 Remastered LP Version) David Allan Coe 8. Intro - Desperadoes Waiting For A Train [Dialogue] (2006 Remastered LP Version) Guy Clark 9. Desperadoes Waiting For A Train (2006 Remastered LP Version) Guy Clark 10. Bluebird Wine (2006 Remastered LP Version) Rodney Crowell 11. Alabama Highway (2006 Remastered LP Version) Steve Young 12. Intro - Pancho & Lefty [Dialogue] (2006 Remastered LP Version) Townes Van Zandt 13. Pancho & Lefty (2006 Remastered LP Version) Townes Van Zandt 14. Texas Cookin' (2006 Remastered LP Version) Guy Clark 15. Charlie's Place (Gamble's Story) [Dialogue] (2006 Remastered LP Version) Gamble Rogers 16. The Black Label Blues (2006 Remastered LP Version) Gamble Rogers 17. "...These Guards All Drive Cadillacs! " [Dialogue] (2006 Remastered LP Version) David Allan Coe 18. River (2006 Remastered LP Version) David Allan Coe 19. One For The One (2006 Remastered LP Version) John Hiatt 20. Darling Commit Me (2006 Remastered LP Version) Steve Earle 21. Ballad Of Laverne And Captain Flint (2006 Remastered LP Version) Guy Clark 22. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry (2006 Remastered LP Version) Steve Young 23. Mercenary Song (2006 Remastered LP Version) Steve Earle 24. "...Would You Do Elijah's Church?" [Dialogue] Steve Earle 25. Elijah's Church (2006 Remastered LP Version) Steve Earle 26. Silent Night (2006 Remastered LP Version) Rodney Crowell
  21. I'm sure there's plenty of avid collectors here that would be more than willing to offer advice. I'm still learning the ropes myself but have found it's not nearly as much hassle as I originally believed. Usually it's just a matter of clicking on a file someone has uploaded and then I can listen to it in my iTunes. I'm also on broadband so I'm sure that also helps a great deal. I never did bother with trying to download at all when I was on dial-up. I know people that do but sometimes it takes a very, very long time. Still, there are other options such as trading by sending the person you're trading with the appropriate number of blanks CDs and a return package that's already been stamped (commonly know as a "B & P"). For more info on those just Google "B & P" or "Blanks and Postage" for details. Good luck!
  22. I'm sure someone here would be more than happy to show you how to download shows. Sure beats stealing from Page, Plant and Jones. I know in some cases some shows may be hard to find for free but this one is readily available. I imagine if the photos showed up in the packaging they're available elsewhere as well. Not trying to bust your balls, just saying boots rob money from the original performers and that this show is very widely available for free.
  23. Just curious if the Whole Lotta Reunion CD is from Zep's recent reunion show at the 02. If so, just curious as to why one would pay for it when you can get it for free. I dunno about everyone else but when I can avoid putting money in the pockets of bootleggers, I do so at every opportunity.
  24. If you'd pull his dick out of your mouth long enough to pay attention to the thread you'd see where I've done much more than bash Axl. If that's all you want to acknowledge about my contributions to the thread, so be it. Now back to your Axl buttfuck fest...
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