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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Other than a song here or there I haven't cared for the majority of their output since they regrouped. They still know how to bring it live though, or least they did when I saw them on the Get A Grip tour which has admittedly been quite some time ago now. Same for ZZ Top, I finally saw them live back in the early 00s but haven't really enjoyed any of their records all the way through since at least Deguello.
  2. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    Can't say I really care for Keith Urban's music a whole lot but he is a hell of a guitarist, I will give him that. He also chose to have Brad Rice (Whiskeytown, Backsliders, Son Volt, Ryan Adams, etc.) as a guitarist in his band so he can't be all bad. As for Rascal Flatts, they pretty much fit the mold for what passes as "country" music these days, meaning it seems to have more in common with pop and 70s style rock than actual country music. In this day and age it's very unlikely that someone like Hank Williams, Sr. would even get played on country radio, that's how we ended up with Darius Rucker getting airplay on country radio. His new solo record may have a hint of country to it but it has much more in common with pop. Thank goodness for what's come to be known as "alt.country" because what passes for country music these days (at least on commercial radio and CMT) very rarely resembles the real thing.
  3. It's by a company called Ion. It's rather pricey at $400 but if you're like me and have a lot of vinyl you'd like to transfer to CD it would be worth every penny of that investment. All the reviews I've read highly recommend it as well especially since there's no computer or software involved.
  4. It's funny seeing some of the musicians who took part in those R.A.D. ads all those years ago now saying they were high during the filming of them. I think I saw that on one of VH1 Classic's RockDocs, most likely the one called The Drug Years which re-aired recently. I don't have the lowdown on the Pink Floyd thing but I do recall seeing one of those Classic Album specials on VH1 years ago where one of the band members (Gilmour, perhaps?) stated fans thought Floyd were heavy into drugs but in reality they actually were big drinkers. As for someone listening to their music and thinking Floyd were high on drugs, that's perfectly understandable since their music is so psychedelic. I have to laugh at the Grand Funk Railroad "anti-drug" thing since on Live Album Mark Farner is going on and on about "making up nickel bags all day". Perhaps they eventually became anti-drug (as someone mentioned Farner is a Christian these days, he also isn't in Grand Funk anymore) but I didn't get the impression from that record that they were anti-drug at all. On the subject of Frank Zappa, I couldn't find the clip online (not to say it isn't out there somewhere) but one of my very favorite SNL skits is one he appeared in called Night On Freak Mountain where he's offered a wide variety of drugs but turns every one of them down. I believe he also appeared in a skit with the Coneheads on that one that was also very hilarious.
  5. To the contrary, I was actually trying to be helpful. I just noted that Google is a good search engine when it comes to trying to track down such info. Were these not the search results you got when you Googled it?
  6. I think I first saw Tal when she appeared with Beck at one of Clapton's Crossroads festivals. As for the tuxes, I think it was Ray Davies at one of the first televised induction ceremonies that said, "when did rock n' roll become respectable?" It would be interesting to know if Page was actually supposed to take a solo since they did rehearse the day before. Though it's possible it was the case, I really don't think a jam is a moment when he (or anyone for that matter) would feel compelled to stand down because they felt it was someone else's night. Like someone else mentioned, it was a "jam" afterall. I wasn't disappointed in the least and really enjoyed it but I kind of was expecting Page to jump in at any moment since that's usually what happens during the grand finales.
  7. No need to be ugly about it. When I Googled it it was the very first hit.
  8. According to the Rolling Stone article, after Keith walked off Kris Kristofferson turned to Ethan Hawke and said, "You know what Waylon Jennings said about guys like him? They're doin' to country music what pantyhose did to finger-fuckin'." Then, there's these two updates since news of the backstage confrontation first broke: Toby Keith Says Report of Exchange With Kris Kristofferson Is "100 Percent Fiction" Saturday Evening, Update On Kristofferson Rolling Stone Piece
  9. They rehearsed Train Kept A' Rollin' the day before so Kirk was supposed to take a solo. Jimmy Page "single-handedly created rock n' roll as we know it"? That's news to me. Who's gonna break the news to Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry and Little Richard? I wouldn't exactly call Page "prolific", his recorded output since the demise of Led Zeppelin has been miniscule at best. As for what Beck was wearing, who gives a fuck? It's his playing I tuned in for, not his fashion sense.
  10. Happy 29th Birthday, R.E.M.!
  11. Didn't see Steve Tyler anywhere but I did see Joe Perry. Metal a "passing phase"? It's only been around since what, the late 60s? I don't think it's going anywhere. I don't get Fuse here but just happened to see the link to watch the induction ceremonies online posted in another thread so I tuned in just in time to see part of Beck's performance (though I missed The Immigrant Song). Loved the jam at the end on Train Kept A' Rollin'. Looked like they all turned to Page towards the end to take a solo but he didn't. I didn't see it all tonight but I'm glad they stopped the practice of having other bands play songs in honor of the inductees like they did for a year or two.
  12. Cleveland Rocks as Hall of Fame Festivities Begin
  13. Perry is quoted in the Billboard article (linked below) as saying parts of the new Aerosmith record "sounds like Rocks". If I only I count the number of times I've heard various members of Aerosmith say that over the years. Maybe this time it'll actually be true. Aerosmith To Tour With ZZ Top, New Album Delayed
  14. Until the Death Wish II soundtrack is put into wide release on CD those with vinyl copies also have the option of transferring it to CD themselves. There are several methods of doing so, the turntable depicted below doesn't even require any software or a computer. Sadly there are still lots of vinyl releases that have never been made available on compact disc. With the death of the CD looming in the digital only age I'd say the chances of some sort of release of these recordings is growing dimmer all the time.
  15. The Allman Brothers Band Announces the Release of Their 15 Show 2009 Beacon Theatre Run
  16. You must have me confused with someone else, I've never once bashed anyone on this site for "not knowing as much about music" as me, same goes for movies. I learn something new about music on this site and others most everyday. I merely started a thread on the upcoming new Linklater project. He himself referred to it as a "sequel". For a thread you feel that "sucks", you sure have participated in it a lot.
  17. If your point is that Metallica is being inducted on "hype" alone, I don't think that's it at all. They're being inducted based on the amount of influence they've had on other artists. It doesn't have anything to do with hype or popularity. If that were the case you'd never see such bands as the Velvet Underground being inducted, they weren't exactly a household name and didn't sell tons of records.
  18. No need to apologize. While not a "sequel" in the classic sense of the word, this bit of news is being referred to as such since Linklater himself has called it a "spiritual sequel". In any event, it's still wise to look before you leap in regards to commenting on something you haven't even read. Thanks for the guidelines on what is required to start a thread here. So, folks can't post about a movie unless it's a sequel? Maybe once you start your own board you can lay down the law about what you deem thread worthy. In the meantime the rest of us will start threads on anything we like. I'm quite interested in seeing it because it's a Linklater project. I could give a shit if it's an actual "sequel" or not. For those interested, this piece which is linked from the original article explains why Linklater isn't using the same actors from Dazed and Confused in his new project.
  19. Studio Success Due to the People, Songs
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