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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    How is that? Raising Sand and the tour that followed were in the works long before there were ever plans for the surviving members of Led Zeppelin to reunite at the 02 in memory of Ahmet. There are no current plans for Led Zeppelin to record or tour so what is it that Plant is standing in the way of? I'm sure if any of the other members of the band had made commitments they were entitled to fulfill they would be in the exact same position as Plant is now.
  2. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    I don't think Plant has "opened himself up" to anything. If Page, Jones or Jason had made previous commitments they had the obligation to fulfill following the 02 gig they would all be in the same position. Plant is only following through with it. I'm sure the others would do the exact same thing so I fail to see how Plant has "opened himself up to bashing". Why should anyone be "waiting" on Plant to do anything or have a "change of mind/heart"? As far as I know there were only plans for the surviving members of Led Zeppelin to perform a one off gig in memory of Ahmet Ertegun at the 02 Arena and that time has passed. There were no plans for an album or tour to follow that so Plant isn't holding up anything.
  3. Speaking of B.B., not sure if it's been mentioned here yet but his next record will be produced by T Bone Burnett. Apparently they plan to go for a 50s type feel as far as the approach to recording is concerned and are not attempting to recapture some type of retro sound.
  4. I've never gotten around to purchasing it but I've heard several cuts from John Kay's solo album Heretics and Privateers on XM over the last few years that sounded very good:
  5. If this is a "real" interview is that meant to imply there's been a bunch of fake ones out there?
  6. Exactly how "productive" should Plant have been? He's been the most prolific member of Led Zeppelin by far so I'm not sure where you're coming from with that. As for releasing Raising Sand "out of the blue", I'm don't understand your viewpoint there either. It was a very natural progression that began with Plant and Krauss meeting one another during a tribute to Leadbelly and it grew from there. If Plant had done something similar back in 1972 I have no idea of the reception but both he and Page have made it very clear over the years that they're also fans of other types of music such as the folk of Joni Mitchell and Crosby, Stills & Nash that informed much of the acoustic material of Led Zeppelin III.
  7. I still don't see what Bonnie Raitt has to do with anything. If Plant and Krauss use the term "bluegrass" in interviews I would guess they're only doing so as a touchstone that most people can relate to. When reviewers and so called "fans" use it to describe Raising Sand I think they're being lazy since, like I said, there's much more at work on Raising Sand than just bluegrass. And, you don't have to sell me on Alison, although I'm not necessarily a fan of her solo work I've been aware of her for years and saw her and Union Station perform at MerleFest back in the late 90s. In regard to embedding YouTube clips here, as you have probably discovered, you can't do that here. It would be nice though.
  8. What makes no fucking sense whatsoever is looking for references to Led Zeppelin on a site devoted to Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Apparently you know enough about Plant's career to be aware of his past in Led Zeppelin. I wouldn't take it as a personal affront that you didn't find much info about his past career in Zep on a Plant/Krauss site.
  9. Ever looked at your own posts that say the same exact thing over and over again, and you're telling ME to grow up? Go to a concert then come back with an actual informed opinion.
  10. Quite the contrary. The YouTube clips I've seen from the 02 show are of very questionable quality, as all of the YouTube clips I've ever seen period. As for Plant and Krauss being much better "in person", if that's what you believe then what's all of your bitching and moaning about? Not to mention, by your admission you haven't even attended one of their concerts so how do you even know if they're better "in person" or not?
  11. If anyone here is spreading any "bad karma" it is you with your repetitive, ill informed posts. If you're going to express an opinion about the tour at least attend one of the shows so you say you witnessed it firsthand rather than going by some poor quality YouTube clips. As for whether you cursed or not, what does that have to do with anything? I could give a shit if you've cursed. In regards to these people that are supposedly sending you PMs because they're "afraid to post", I suggest they grow a pair and speak up for themselves. That is, if they even exist.
  12. How is that? I was merely expressing my assessment of how several posters here seem to believe the Plant/Krauss tour is supposed to be some sort of Led Zeppelin show. How does that make me their "tour manager"?
  13. The "ruin" part is your own opinion based on clips you've seen on YouTube. I suggest taking in an actual Plant/Krauss show for a much more informed opinion. Then there's the fact that the setlists are made up primarily of material from Raising Sand and songs in a similar vein, not Led Zeppelin material.
  14. It may be misperceived as a "novelty" record to some but that's not all what I hear. I can curse all I want, thank you very much. As for me calling you a "little" person, please direct me to the post where I addressed you as such. Cursing doesn't make anyone a "big" man but at least coming at the subject with some firsthand knowledge would be helpful. By your own admission you haven't even attended one of the Plant/Krauss shows. So, until you've at least seen them in concert and can speak from experience put a sock in it.
  15. How is the Plant/Krauss collaboration a "novelty act"? Raising Sand is one of the most vital records I've heard in years. I will be attending their concert soon not on the strength of Plant's past, Alison's past, T Bone's past or Buddy Miller's past but on the strength of how much I enjoy Raising Sand and look very forward to hearing those songs (as well as many others) in concert. "Novelty act"? Far from it.
  16. I realize you weren't referring to Dylan or Van Morrison, I was merely using them as examples. As for the Stones, I don't anymore expect them to be able to recreate the sound they had in 1972 than I would any band or artist that has decided to carry on despite lineup or stylistic changes over the years. In regards to Stones fans headed for the restrooms and beer lines during the new songs, that's their loss, not the fault of the band for remaining relevant by recording new material. The same thing happens at concerts by other artists who are still touring years after their initial heydays. I don't go to Stones concerts to see some sort of trip back to their glory days, I go to see them in the here and now. Same thing for Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Some seem to be expecting some type of Led Zeppelin show and in the same breath knock him when he does perform a few songs from his years with that band. I wonder if they would apply the same logic (or in this case, the lack thereof) if the performer in question was Page, Jones or Jason?
  17. I wasn't alluding to anything like that but rather to past collaborations.
  18. Except in this case I don't think Plant is straying from his "roots" at all or that Raising Sand is a gimmick. A glance through the record collections of Page, Plant, Jones and Bonham (of the John Henry variety, may he rest in peace) would reveal a very diverse selection of their musical tastes. I recall reading more than one article from back in the day of how they couldn't wait to hit the record stores when they came to the U.S. so they could add to their own collections.
  19. The percentage of Zeppelin tunes Plant has been performing on this tour are miniscule compared to the other songs in the setlists. The majority of the tunes come from Raising Sand or are songs in a similar vein that T Bone chose for Plant and Krauss to record for the album. So, should Page, Jones and Jason also not do any Led Zeppelin songs when performing outside of the context of Led Zeppelin (whoever that is, since Led Zeppelin ceased to exist in 1980)?
  20. I'd love to know what the definition of a "Plant Apologist" is. If Page, Jones or Jason had a previous commitment they were entitled to fulfill that kept them from a Zeppelin tour (that is if there was one, right now there's not) would anyone that tried to explain their positions also be falsely labeled an "apologist"?
  21. I'm not sure what Bonnie Raitt has to do with anything, I was merely referring to how so many knock Plant's latest project with Alison Krauss and use the word "bluegrass" to do so because they don't like that kind of music. When I think of bluegrass I think of Ralph Stanley, Flatt and Scruggs, Bill Monroe, etc. I don't hear any of that type of music on Raising Sand. There are elements of bluegrass at work on Raising Sand, sure but not straight traditional bluegrass, same for the other genres of music they draw on such as country, folk and rockabilly. The album isn't a straight reading of any of those various styles. When I listen to Raising Sand I hear a forging of many types of music, not just one.
  22. It's strange how the tide has turned at this site. Before it was recently revamped there were tons of people that said they wouldn't attend a tour if they billed themselves as Led Zeppelin with Jason filling in for his dad in the drum slot.
  23. "Laurels of Zeppelin"? This tour is based on the overwhelming success of Raising Sand, not Plant's past with Led Zeppelin. Check any of the setlists from the tour lately? The bulk of the material is made up of tunes from Raising Sand as well as other handpicked songs from the same vein, not the Led Zeppelin back catalog. I also fail to see where he is "denying" his former bandmates any "enjoyment" by not performing those handful of songs with them. When Page and Jones have performed Zep songs with other artists do you think it crossed their minds for even a second that they were somehow denying Plant some kind of enjoyment because he wasn't there to take part in performing those tunes with them? Robert Plant used to play in a band called Led Zeppelin, it is only natural that he might work some of those songs into the sets he's doing with Alison Krauss. It isn't like this tour is being billed as the "Led Zeppelin Revue with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss". It's a tour for Raising Sand with a few Zep songs thrown in.
  24. Having seen the Rolling Stones on their most recent tour I'd say they're far from a "nostalgia" act, at least that's not what I witnessed. I even like their latest record, A Bigger Bang. Is it some kind of career milestone? Of course not but it's still a rather commendable effort for a group so far along in their career. I love Dylan's Modern Times and the latest from Van Morrison as well but I also don't think they're exercises in nostalgia. As for the dreaded "classic rock" mindset at this board, that is nothing new, it has been that way even before the site was revamped. It has been said that fans are a reflection of the band themselves. Sometimes I find that to be true but Led Zeppelin nor it's members have ever limited themselves. That's why you see things like Page working with Puff Daddy, Jones with the Duhks, Robyn Hitchcock, Gillian Welch and others and Plant with musicians such as Alison Krauss. Some fans are equally open minded but for the most part they seem to be few and far between. I never saw Led Zeppelin so I'd love to chance to see them perform again (even without John Bonham) but only if it's something they as a collective unit want to do and just so long as it's not some big money grab nostalgia trip. Considering their past, I don't think there's any danger in the latter happening. Sadly, that seems to be exactly what some very selfish fans that can't seem to grasp the concept of the present want to see.
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