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Everything posted by bcarter690

  1. Thank you PageFan55. I couldn't agree more with your thoughts regarding a better diet and nutrition being contributing factors in elevating the beauty standard that is so common today. I would also mention the accessibility of gyms to almost anyone in the world today. So women are increasing their health and desirability in those ways as well. I hadn't considered the increased media exposure of these women being a factor. There may be something to that in that women are a) viewed more than it was ever possible and viewed by other women who want to make themselves as beautiful. These are all external forces at work on the women themselves-which goes to make them more desirable and therefore reproducing to further the standard. These factors all contribute to the larger process. However, there seems to be a genetic force at work too. Women with larger eyes, larger lips and more pronounced primary and secondary sexual characteristics. I don't think its my imagination either. Take a look at any woman from a recent national or international beauty contest and compare it with a pageant from 1960 or 1940. There's a huge difference if you compare just the most basic of what is considered beautiful today. Again, taking in to account all relative perspectives such as culture and time frames, there's still a huge leap of height, proportion, eyes, lips that didn't exist until now. And again, this may simply be due to the fact there have never been as many people on earth in all of human history. More people=more beautiful women. Or men, if you like. It makes me wonder about the storied great beauties like Cleopatra and how they would be considered today. My guess is that they would not compare even to any female university student.
  2. Thank you Mr Willoughby. All joking aside, I really do think there's something to the idea that women are becoming more and more attractive as time progresses, as a result of the process of evolution. A lot of people will argue that tastes change and evolve with each culture and each era. But I believe that women today are more attractive than they have ever been throughout human history. Just the fact that there are simply more people on Earth than there ever has been provides more variation and choice for attractive women to be born. Also, the advent of easy travel worldwide also provides for easy mixture of the DNA pool. I believe that Angelina Jolie is a good example of that. Four hundred years ago, a woman of her features wouldn't have existed because John Voight wouldn't have been able to get to France and meet her mother. And your point about the sexual revolution and rock and roll contributing to the Super Model Factor is spot on. I hadn't thought of that. I would suggest that both of these factors certainly had an influence in promoting and elevating the beauty standard that we see today. I can't see a single woman with the features of Raquel Welch, Brigitte Bardot or Audrey Hepburn prior to the 1960's. Just think of all the World War Two pin-up beauties. None of those women were on par with those iconic 1960's women. And it goes on..1970's there's Farrah Fawcett, Bo Derek etc.
  3. Some of the beauties here make me think we, as a race, are on the verge of a evolving into a new species with these ladies being the cutting edge into Homo Supermodel Supremos. Or maybe there's a genius evil doctor on an island somewhere conducting DNA research and producing them. I know one thing for sure; Women never looked this good. Not in antiquity, not in the twentieth century and certainly not as long as photography has been around-since the 1840's. Think of all the pictures from the Civil War or any photo of the public from the 1840's forward to the twentieth century. Do you see a single woman in ANY of these photos that looks anywhere near Kate Upton, Angelina Jolie or any of the supermodels we all know today?
  4. Wow, that's classy. Good guy this Jimmy Page is!
  5. I love "planting" these pictures in this thread and then just wait for the reactions from the ladies. It's like a love grenade..post the pic and wait for the screams. More power to you, ladies!
  6. Didn't think he did. Thanks for confirming.
  7. That's why I was skeptical and posted this for conformation. And why I said " ...I've never heard mention of him having a tattoo", bro.
  8. This certainly looks like Bonzo. But I've never heard mention of him having a tattoo. Although this one does look like 1970's era work.
  9. Thanks Steve! I knew it was Robert, Eric and Phil but I didn't know what the occasion or circumstances were for the photo. I've been told that two of the other gentlemen seen here are Greg Lake and David Gilmour.
  10. If there's a Mount Rushmore of butts, hers should be on it!
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