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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. this is really really cool....if you like guitar take the time to view it
  2. thank you, and yes, i consider myself lucky even by prehistoric standards she's an amazing cavewoman with old school values...and by old school i mean a million years old it's good to know after a long day battling dinosaurs she's there...cave is swept and clean, brontosaurs are fed and in their pen, and her delicious pterodactyl casserole baking on the open fire..... and she awaits me arms outstretched, sprawled back on my favorite bearskin chair...lusty glint in her eyes eager to give me the warm neolithic love my neandertool brain so richly craves
  3. saw a cute lil baby whale leaping out of the surf quite close to shore sweet
  4. was a tough day. seems to transfix me every time the footage is shown on television. a good friend of ours was on flight 11, he was a great guy and i usually wait and watch the reading of the names until his comes on...a lot of people lost a lot of friends on that day, good people, they came by a few times for a swim in the pool, he was on a business related trip to LA... his kids and and three of mine were friends from the martial arts studio. my oldest....a 6"4" black belt competitve martial artist and MANY of his friends joined the marines...including two nephews of mine. these were americans not content to sit and whine or pussy about over political pap.......but willing to put their lives on the line defending the constitution and the rights and lives of the people of the greatest country yet on earth here he is with the little dahhlins of afghanistan a couple years back and again, on the left, before going out to search for some terrorists to kill ........ we've lost a lot of really REALLY good kids over there...and i'm pround to know a bunch of them so next time some high schooler wants to bitch and whine about how tough her life is here in america coffee's on me
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