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Posts posted by kingzoso




    I am a serious Led Zeppelin Fan and, like I have posted, I really have bought nearly 100 Led Zeppelin T-shirts within the past 8 months.  100 Led Zeppelin T-shirts in the past 8 months.  Can anyone claim to do the same thing?  

    Just imagine Buying 100 brand new 2XL Led Zeppelin shirts.  I have the cash to buy them so I did.  I will admit that it is a great FUCKING feeling to recieve all these Awesome Shirts in the mail.  

    Living in the Dallas/Plano area, I get a lot of people/stranges who congrratulate me on the Led Zeppelin attire that I  wear.  That is My goal.  

  2. I do think.that I over did it ordering well over 85  different Led Zeppelin T-shirts.  Not to mention about 15 other t-shirts by Rush. DIO, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest.  I work a lot so obviously I can't wear them at work.  It would take me well over a year from now to wear and display all these Awesome Shirts in a public environment.  

  3. I am now watching Rush "Beyond the Lighted Stage".  This may seem redundant but I cannot express how much that I Love this band.  I will say this over and over again, in My opinion, RUSH is the second greatest band of All-Time.  I know that Alex Lifeson would say (to this day) that Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin are his biggest influences.  

  4. I am currently watching the "X-Files".  I bought the complete series a few months ago and am now just getting into it.  Their is something very sexy when FBI Special Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) draws her weapon.  It doesn't hurt that she is a very attractive woman (at least back then). 

  5. 1 hour ago, paul carruthers said:

    I was wondering if there was anything Rush related to grab in the future--I think I've still missed Beyond the Lighted Stage, but beyond that and perusing Youtube, is there more to be found or have all the vaults been cleaned out?

    Knowing Rush, after almost 45 years, there has to be dozens and dozens of "unreleased" Music that RUSH has in their "vaults".  

    If They ever released them, I would buy them.

    Edited to add: My obsession with the Music of Rush is second only to the Music of the "Mighty" Led Zeppelin.

    And, to me, is a Great feeling. 




  6. I recently ordered these Rush Dvds:

    Rush:  Classic Albums:  2112 & Moving Pictures.

    Snakes & Arrows.

    Rush in Rio.

    R40 Live (3 Cd/DVD Combo).

    Rush:  R30.

    Rush:  Time Machine 2011:  Live in Cleveland.

    Rush:  Clockwork Angels Tour.

    Rush:  Time Stand Still.

    I also ordered the Rush Ep "Feedback".

    I realize that I am probably wrong but I think that I have every "official" Rush release on CD and Dvds.  

    There is a reason that RUSH is the second greatest band of All-Time.  Their MUSIC!!!

  7. 12 hours ago, BledZabbath said:

    In eleven days it will be his death anniversary. May 16th, it will be 8 years since his passing.

    I don't know what to say to that, besides it sucks Balls.  I can and will say that I will always Praise and Support Mr. Ronnie James Dio in live or Death.


  8. I just received the 5 Ronnie James Dio T shirts that I bought on. E-bay..  I still can't believe that DIO has been gone for 7 years.  That really breaks Me Heart.  Such a talented Singer and and the second greatest Singer of All-Time (in Me opinion).

  9. 1 hour ago, paplbojo said:


    Can't believe that is real. Stanley Kubrick is my favorite director and 2001 my favorite movie, which is the inspiration for the use of the obelisk. Always absolutely loved the coalesence of my two favorite "artists". Just might pounce on that one on eBay...

    I applaud you if you are seriously conpllating spending that much coin on an Original "Object".  I have a replica of the "Object" that I am looking at as I type this.  I have had it for years and it only costs me about $50.  Me, personally, I would rather spend that much coin on Led  Zeppelin T-shirts.  Shirts that I can wear in public to let everyone know that I am a big Led Zeppelin Fan.  

    Having the "Object" in a living room is one thing (which is Awesome) but wearing a different Led Zeppelin T-shirt  every day is more than Awesome.  Having over 92 different Led Zeppelin T-shirts will build anyone's popularity.





  10. This is not Led Zeppelin Clothing but I recently ordered 5 different Rush T-shirts and 5 different DIO T-shirts.  

    If anyone is in the Dallas/Plano ,Texas area and sees a good-looking man wearing a Led Zeppelin, Rush or RonnieJames Dio  shirt, say hello.  I will buy you multiple beers and enjoy engaging in good conversation.  That is how cool of a person I am.













  11. I have recently bought (in the past 6 months or so), A Whole Lotta Led Zeppelin T-shirts.  I currently have 95 Led Zeppelin T-shirts.  I just counted them and 95 is the number.  So far I have only worn about 25 of these shirts in public.   The majority have been hanging in my closet. 

    It is very much fun to have some money to buy things that makes Me happy and wear that A lot of other people might be jealous of.

  12. 17 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    I do not know who she is by name.  My daughter is pregnant so I am going to beat the feared name of grandfather by late summer.  Claire is my vote for the girl's name.  Which means that will be the last name on Earth selected.  I will try to tape it.  Is it too late to watch if you miss the first episode?

    In my opinion it is never too late to start watching a good show/series, however with "Homeland" a lot of things are set in motion that defines the first 3 seasons.  If you choose to start watching this show,  I would start from the premier episode.  This goes to everyone who reads this.  A very compelling drama that ranks up there with the Soprano and Breaking Bad.

    Edited to add:  Congratulations to you, your wife  and your daughter. 

  13. 2 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    I have not seen it but did see that its on my channel lineup.  What is it about? I am a big fan of Prison Break so that might tell you what I lie watching.  And River Monsters.  Love that show.  Love Smithsonian and National Geographic channels

    "Homeland" is about the CIA, Terrorism, spies, mental illness and a myriad of other National and Internationall issues.  Very well acted, intriguing plots and very well scripted.  If you (or anyone) is a fan of Claire Danes, you will like this series.  If you are not a fan of hers, you might be after you watch this show.  

  14. 6 hours ago, SuperDave said:

    At the rate you're going, you'll need a separate room devoted to all of this!

    I am not bragging about all the almost 75+ (I said 90 or so if you counted the books and things I mentioned in my initial post).   Again, I just went into my closet and counted 79 Led Zeppelin T-shirts.  I still have 12 more that have already been "shipped".  The math is simple.  I will have a total of 91 t-shirts (with about 5-8 duplicates).  

    I am now on Amazon Prime seeing what they have.  I just added 2 to my cart. 

    Once I figure out how to take pictures on my phone and upload them to this awesome website, I will post them to show that I "Mean Business" and proudly display the (at least) 100 Led Zeppelin T-shirts that I have purchased in the past few months.  Probably well over $3,000 but that is not the point for me.  My point is to wear these shirts and wear them with Pride, which I do everytime.  

    Edited to add:  SupeeDave, I  have a decent size walk-in closet but I had to move a lot of  my regular shirts to another room to accommdate my influx of, well, you know what.  

  15. 6 hours ago, SuperDave said:

    Nice info and as I said it is money well spent with some you cherish and love so much like Led Zeppelin.

    Again, you are correct, it is money well spent. Tonight I received 3 more LZ shirts that I bought on eBay.  I am soon expecting 12 more in the next couple of days. I also bought a couple of Led Zeppelin necklaces of that only cost about $10.

  16. 13 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    I have about 10 but am always on the lookout for them. And I agree the official ones are too plain or too much. Not very creative IMHO.

    I really dig this one, might actually order it...


    Jeeeeeeeez - just looked around ebay, there are tons. And really cool ones....

    I have that one as well.  Yes, there is a lot of cool and different Led Zeppelin shirts available on eBay.  That is why I bought so manyi, because of the variety.

  17. 2 hours ago, SuperDave said:

    I should be ashamed as big of a Led Zeppelin fan I am, I have very few shirts. :o Two of "Celebration Day", one of TSRTS included in the box set and perhaps one more.  Need to get more.  So many bootlegs and other stuff but not much in this area.

    What are your recommendations for Zeppelin shirts out of curiosity as far as what you like?  Everyone feel free to say what are your faves! :thumbsup:


    For me, it should be obvious that I prefer anything Jimmy Page or ZOSO related shirts.  After that I like LZ shirts that have Led Zeppelin and Their 4 Symbols on it, preferably both.  Of these I have 16 of them (all new and have yet to be worn in public).  After that I have 3 short sleeve shirts of John Bonham, one shirt of Robert's symbol and, on its way, 1 shirt of Jonesy's symbol (it took some time to find that one, but I found it nonetheless). 

    As I mentioned in a recent previous post I am expecting a further 15 different Led Zeppelin or Related" shirts.  One of those that I am highly anticipating is a Jimmy Page black sweatshirt with the Iconic JP Logo from His Outrider tour.  

    All In all, I have spent well over $2,000 in Led Zeppelin shirts, etc...pendants and books in the past few months.  

    If you have some extra money to spend, why not spend it on things that you Love.  

    Extra money, eBay and credit cards can provide a wealth of pleasure if you have the means and tenacity to do so.

    (By the way, this post was not directed at you, SupetDave).  Just to those that happen to read this.

    LONG LIVE THE MIGHTY LED ZEPPELIN!!! (and the Saint Louis Cardinals)...

  18. 47 minutes ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    I've been eyeballing this one. Look at this on eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/282067560986

    I have to say, Zep doesn't have a whole lot of appealing shirts. They're all either too much, or too basic. The 77 tour shirts have fallen into the poser/Walmart attire category. Anything with the hermit looks too off center. I gave my favorite one away to my sister a few years back and haven't seen one since. It was white and had the first album cover on front and the back of the third album on the back. 

    I bought 2 of those.  One short sleeve and one long sleeve.   I just went in my closet and counted a total of 23 different short sleeve, long sleeve and/or hoodies with a picture of Jimmy Page, ZOSO and/or Jimmy Page/ZOSO.  Just like the one you added the link to.

  19. 5 hours ago, SuperDave said:

    You may not want to check your bank statement after all of this! :o

    I know, right but I have been saving up a little bit for purchases like these.  I just about wore out the 10 or so Led Zeppelin T-shirts I have had for years.  I now have more LZ shirts than I ever imagined; which is a good thing.

  20. I just purchased 15 more Lrd Zeppelin shirts on E-bay.  15 different Led Zeppelin T-shirts.  Once I get these Led Zeppelin T-shirts I will have rroughy 90 shirts of Led Zeppelin.  90 different shirts.  I can go every day in the Summer wearing a different and  awesome shirt by the Greatest Band of All-Time.

    This current purchases was for approxiately $315.

  21. 17 hours ago, Strider said:

    Put it this way...the Rolling Stones are the last of the classic dinosaur rock bands that still tour regularly.

    The Beatles are dead. Led Zeppelin are dead. The Doors are dead. Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, The Kinks...dead, dead, dead. Nearly every band that started from 1962-1969 is no longer. Save the Rolling Stones and the Half-a-Who.

    So, if you are a fan of classic rock, the Rolling Stones are just about the only option a fan has of getting his fix in concert. The Rolling Stones are a family attraction now. Grandparents and parents bring the kids and grandkids to show them the famous Rolling Stones, complete with fireworks.

    When I was standing in line all night and day for Wiltern Theatre tickets back in 2002, I was the only one in the vicinity that had seen the Stones in the 1970s. The majority of the first 100 people in line before me and after me had not seen the Stones until 1989's Steel Wheels tour or 1994's Voodoo Lounge tour...and quite a few had never seen them.

    When I talk to some of these kids, I find that many of them are fans of "classic rock radio". They may even prefer Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix to the Stones. But they are never going to be able to see Hendrix or Zeppelin in concert (Robert Plant solo doesn't cut it), so the Stones are the next best thing.

    And yes, I bet a significant part of the audience at a Stones gig is made up of these people. The ones who only know "Start Me Up", "Satisfaction", "Honky Tonk Women" and none of the deep cuts or much from the Brian Jones era. They are there to say they finally saw the last of the legendary '60s bands left standing.


    The Rolling Stones have not been the Rolling Stones since Bill Wyman left the band.  

    When the Stones tour after 50 years, there at least 12 or more people onstage.  I do not consider that the Rolling Stones from the 1960's or tbe 1970's. 

    I Love the Rolling Stones but they are not anywhere near the band that that was once considered the "Bad Boys"  to the "Innocent" Beatles. 

    As for songs that the Rolling Stones would not play now when people want to hear the "hits" are:

    Monkey Man/Undercover of the Night/Fool to Cry/ Rocks Off/Venitlalor Blues/ Torn and Frayed/Dancing with Mr.D/Little T&A/Happy/Tumbling Dice/Thru and Thru/One Hit to the Body.... and dozens more.  

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