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Posts posted by kingzoso

  1. On ‎12‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 11:47 AM, Stryder1978 said:

    AMC's "Breaking Bad" marathon.......

    Very Nice.  I watched a few episodes when I could. 

    In my opinion, Breaking Bad is the second best American produced show after the Sopranos. 

    There are millions of people that would say that the Sopranos is the greatest and best show in the history of American television.  Breaking Bad is a close Second. 

    "Game of Thrones" may overtake them All. 

  2. 6 hours ago, The Pagemeister said:


    This was a very good documentary/movie.  It was also very powerful and at times very emotional.  I can't wait to buy it and watch it again. 

  3. 13 hours ago, kingzoso said:

    Anyone here going to see the Rush movie/documentary "Time Stand Still" later today?  I am and I would like to thank luvlz2 for the notifications of this about a month ago.  The movie theater that I will attend this is roughly 3 miles from where I reside.  For me, it starts at 7:30 tonight. 

    If I was willing and did go to Los Vegas, Nevada last year by myself to see Rush in what may have been their last tour, I can surely go 3 miles to see a movie/documentary of My second favorite Band of All-Time. 


    I know that I am responding to my own post from 13 hours ago.

    Anyway, I went to the Cinemark in Plano, Texas about an hour ago and the lady said that she thinks that it was sold out.  She asked me how many tickets I wanted and I said just one.  She looks on her screen and says that there were two seats left.  So I was in luck and paid a total of $16.24 for an evening with Rush and a sold out theater full of other Rush fans.

    I am glad that I went to buy the ticket early because if I went at 7:30 I would have been turned away at the door. 




  4. Anyone here going to see the Rush movie/documentary "Time Stand Still" later today?  I am and I would like to thank luvlz2 for the notifications of this about a month ago.  The movie theater that I will attend this is roughly 3 miles from where I reside.  For me, it starts at 7:30 tonight. 

    If I was willing and did go to Los Vegas, Nevada last year by myself to see Rush in what may have been their last tour, I can surely go 3 miles to see a movie/documentary of My second favorite Band of All-Time. 


  5. 10 hours ago, joeboy said:

    Plant told Rolling Stone in 1976 he continued to work through his injury because he didn’t have much of a choice:

    “My only alternative was to turn around and stand against the storm with my teeth gritted and fists clenches and make an album. All the energy that had been smoldering inside us getting ready for a lot of gigs came out in the writing and later in the studio. What we have is an album that is so Zeppelin. It sounds like the hammer of the gods.”

    I may or may not be correct in this statement, but I believe this was said with an interview with Lisa Robinson.  I know she wrote for Creem magazine (and also Hit Parader).  I don't know if she ever wrote pieces for "Rolling Stone" magazine. 

    After Robert's "injury", the whole band convened in Los Angeles to begin writing new songs for the next album.  When that did not seem to work out to well (every member out doing their "own" thing), the band re-convened in Malibu, Califorinia.  From Malibu, Led Zeppelin flew to Munich, Germany to record what would become Presence, in the basement of the Arabella Hotel. 

    "Achilles Last Stand" was first rehearsed in Malibu with Robert Plant still in a wheelchair and Benji pushing Robert from here to there. 

  6. 5 hours ago, ebk said:

    Take care of yourselves Walter.  And you too paul.  And anyone else in the area.

    I want to send my same sentiments to both you Walter and Paul and anyone else on this Forum that may be in the path of this seemingly destructive storm.  I cannot fathom what it would be like it if this Hurricane Matthew is as powerful and destructive as the media is projecting that it may be. 

    Be prepared and stay safe...

  7. Ratt was a band I grew up listening to.  They were not the greatest band of the mid 1980's, but they were good and had more then a few decent songs.  This being one of my favorites:


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