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Posts posted by kingzoso

  1. On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 3:03 PM, greengrass said:

    lol yep ... Maiden San Antonio sounds like a river taxi jaunt. But yeah , im headed that way. Compare playlists later , probably the same show you saw last night.

    I am pretty sure that Iron Maiden are playing the exact same set list at each concert on this tour.  Great show, however I would have preferred a few more of the 1980's Iron Maiden songs than the newer 2000's Iron Maiden.  What I would really like to see is Iron Maiden doing the exact same set as they did on their "Live after Death" cd. 

  2. On 6/4/2017 at 1:04 AM, Strider said:

    Homeland is the one with Claire Danes, right? Man, I thought she was so cute in "My So-Called Life".

    Yes.  She is actually very good on this show.  I never watched "My So-Called Life" but I do think that she is attractive.  It's worth checking out if you have the time.

  3. On 6/2/2017 at 1:04 PM, Strider said:

    You should like OZ. As a Breaking Bad and Sopranos fan, you will appreciate the myriad ingenious ways OZ had of killing people. Never got around to watching Homeland, so I can't help you there.

    I had my doubts when this show initially aired but it's proven to be a winner.

    Now....what about the new Twin Peaks? Anybody check it out yet? I've been too busy. I loved the first season or two of the original Twin Peaks. But I'm skeptical if Lynch can catch lightning in a bottle again.

    Thank, Strider.  I ended up buying both OZ and Homeland at the same time.  I watched the first two episodes of both to try and get a feel for each show and l liked both but I went ahead and continued to watch Homeland first.  Homeland is actually really good.  I watched the first two seasons in about a week and just started season three today.  I will start watching OZ the day I finish Homeland.  

  4. I know that this is very appropriate post but maybe not in this topic, but I have said this before in other threads, I am all for the killing of a terrorist(s) (of any kind, in any country) that threatens and terrorizes and wantonly kills innocent people and civilians. 

    More to the actual topic, I am sad and heartbroken that innocent Englanders lost their lives just wanting to see a concert and have a Good Time. 

    Imagine the very more Outrage if this had happened at a Robert Plant concert in Manchester or Birmingham, England. 

  5. I know that this is very appropriate post but maybe not in this topic, but I have said this before in other threads, I am all for the killing of a terrorist(s) (of any kind, in any country) that threatens and terrorizes and wantonly kills innocent people and civilians. 

    More to the actual topic, I am sad and heartbroken that innocent Englanders lost their lives just wanting to see a concert and have a Good Time. 

    Imagine the very more Outrage if this had happened at a Robert Plant concert in Manchester or Birmingham, England. 

  6. 19 hours ago, IpMan said:

    OZ is excellent and was the springboard for several now famous actors. Highly recommended.

    Homeland I never watched as the premise and characters seemed too absurd for my tastes.

    Cool.  Thanks for your input.  I might buy OZ.  

  7. 1 minute ago, kingzoso said:

    I did not want to start a new topic but this refers to television (actually cable tv).  Has anyone who reads this ever seen the HBO show "Oz" or the Showtime series, "Homeland"?  I am thinking about buying the complete series of both of these shows but want to read any + or - feedback first.  Are these two shows were investing time in?  Anyone?  Thanks in advance for any responses. 


  8. I did not want to start a new topic but this refers to television (actually cable tv).  Has anyone who reads this ever seen the HBO show "Oz" or the Showtime series, "Homeland"?  I am thinking about buying the complete series of both of the shows but want to read any + or - feedback first.  Are these two shows were investing time in?  Anyone?  Thanks in advance for any responses. 

  9. Joe Fucking Walsh, one week from today, at the  Winstar Casino somewhere in Oklahoma.  Actually only about an hour or so drive from where I live in Texas.  

    If I happen to get the chance to meet Him, I am going to ask him about his friendship with Mr. Page.  (It's a casino in Oklahoma, if Joe is a gambler than a gambler has to try his luck, just like the rest of us).  Maybe I will bring an extra incentive to entice Mr. Walsh if I get that lucky.

    Honestly, I would rather meet the man then win $10,000 at a gaming room table. At this point, money is not so important than meeting one of the Greatest Guitar Players of All-Time.

  10. "Urban Cowboy".  I like this movie.  I think that the woman who plays Pam (Madolyn Smith), Bud's affair woman, is one of the most beautiful woman to ever grace a movie screen. 

    I tried numerous time to insert a picture of Madolyn in this post but was unable to for some reason.  For those that know this movie, you know who I am referring to and how beautiful this woman really was. 

    I was living in Houston at the time of the filming of this movie, but I was 9 years old at that time. 

  11. 41 minutes ago, JeffLZ said:

    A guy doesn't want his buddy screwing the girl he is screwing...it's weird.

    You are correct but this was way different in the way things were back in the 1970's.  Jealousy has been around since the dawn of time, but when a Band like Led Zeppelin had "access" to anyone they wanted to have (sexually), I do not think that Jimmy fucking Audrey or Robert banging Lori (or Pamela) would cause a riff in Jimmy/Roberts partnership.  (Obviously it did not).  I hate to say this, but "passing women/groupies" around was so predominant during that time that it almost seemed like a game for every band member that it seemed to become a contest to see who could have the most women in an hour, day or a tour.  Am I wrong in My assessment? 

    Back to the topic at hand:  Does Audrey still reside in Dallas, Texas?  If she does, I would Love to meet and talk to her because We would live within 20 miles of each other. 



  12. I have a ticket to see Mr. Joe Walsh at the Winstar Casino, about an hours drive from Plano, Texas.  Section A, Row 22, Seat 11.  Ticket cost: $85.00.  Room for that night cost: $120.000.  I Love Joe Walsh and am always willing to pay whatever it takes to see Him, plus a little gambling before and after the gig.

    I am soon going to buy a ticket to see Iron Maiden when they come to Dallas, Texas on June 23, 2017.  I may end up going solo, but I don't care, I have Loved Iron Maiden since I was 13 years old.  All the good seats have already been bought, so I will buy a $50 single ticket and end up sitting in a seat that cost double or triple of that. 

    On a last note, I am seriously considering going to see Ms. Olivia Newton-John when she performs in Grand Prairie, Texas, soon, in about 2 weeks from now.  I know that there will be some songs she sings that I will not really know, but then again, I know the songs that she will sing are songs of her that I Love really enjoy.

    This is My favorite song by one of the most Beautiful and Talented Singers of All-Time. 

  13. On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 1:32 PM, craigled said:

    Great interview. No he was not a member of the band. But he was very vital. Think Peter and Smallwood(Maiden) are the best in their role.

    Peter Grant was a member of Led Zeppelin.  He just did not play an instrument or appear on stage with Them.  Peter Grant was the Man who led Zeppelin.  He was an equal member because He got an equal share of all royalties and profits from every album and tour that Led Zeppelin ever partook.  He was even listed as an "Executive Producer" on every Led Zeppelin Album from the beginning to the end.  He was so integral to Led Zeppelin's success that Peter Grant received an equal share to all of Led Zeppelin's success.  He was the definitely the "5th" member.  If Led Zeppelin received $100,00 for a gig, Mr. Grant got $20,00 for said gig. 

  14. 8 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    I have never been a fan of Lady Gaga ......until last night!  Despite the pressure to mix politics with entertainment, she chose just the latter, and has now won me over as a fan!  Thank you Lady Gaga!

    I was not a fan of Lady Gaga at first (and really still not), but I respect the fact that she is a fan of Led Zeppelin and was a singer of Led Zeppelin songs in her early years.  That and I think that she has nice Legs. 


  15. I know that I can't be the only one to do this:  I seem to almost always want my Samsung Galaxy S6 Active to have a 100% full battery every time I leave the house for work or otherwise.  Even though my phones battery is fairly new and will not drain to quickly, I feel better knowing that my phone is fully charged whenever I take it out of the house. 

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