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Posts posted by kingzoso

  1. On ‎7‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 10:23 AM, Walter said:

    ^ Have a great show!  They were very good.


    I actually did not buy a ticket, one of my friends and co-workers offered me a ticket when the person who he originally bought the ticket for never answered or returned my friends calls about paying for the ticket.  I told my friend that I would not accept a "free" ticket and told him I would pay him more than half for the ticket.  About $40. 


  2. Joe "Fucking" Perry is a Rock God in My Book.  I hope that He is okay recovers from whatever illness he has sustained.  With all the Great Musicians that have perished so far this year, if I happen to wake up and read that the worst has happened to Joe Perry, I don't know what I will Do/think.

    Joe Perry, who "idolizes" Jimmy Page, forever gone.  I have the hope and strength to believe that Mr. Perry will come out of this stronger and will remain the same as He always is. 


    I know that I am not alone in saying this, but Joe Perry is one of the greatest guitar players ever.  

  3. Three Dallas policemen have been killed in downtown Dallas at the hands of (apparently) 2 or more snipers.  No suspects in custody yet.  RIP to those 3 Dallas officers. 

    Edited to add:  this sucks because the new "breaking news" is that another officer has now been confirmed dead.  A total of 11 Dallas policemen have been shot with these 4 being senselessly murdered. 

    The Dallas Police Department or the Dallas SWAT team needs to kill this other sniper that is refusing to cooperate and turn himself in.  Shoot this MFerr in the head and be done with it. 

  4. 25 minutes ago, Strider said:

    I'll take a stab at this...or, as Val Kilmer would say: "I'm your huckleberry."

    Maybe the defense is worried that the jury would be confused by Robert Plant's sense of humour and his tendency to wander in the linguistic garden. Robert is his own man...he is going to tell it like it is and in his own inimitable way.

    How many times has Robert given an interview and people come to the forum all indignant over some perceived slight or insult made by Robert, only to discover that they just misunderstood Robert's impish humour?

    The jury is made up of four women and four men but what is this about them not speaking English? Where has this been confirmed? This is the Federal Court of the United States. Shouldn't English be a prerequisite? The trial is conducted in English and yet we are supposed to believe they would have a jury of non-English speaking people? Does that even make sense?

    It makes as much sense as a person going to a Federal Court and "seemingly" forgetting his wallet to provide identification to enter said Courtroom.  Now that is a prerequisite.  As you supposedly claimed you "forgot" your wallet when you just acknowledged that speaking English is also a prerequisite.

    How can I believe what you type, when it is such a basic and inherent task as taking your wallet whenever you leave your own abode?  Money, Identification, etc...

    Is there a difference on this to you?  

    Are you also very fluent in Spanish?

    Please tell Me (at least) what makes sense to you...

  5. 10 minutes ago, Cookie0024 said:

    These things do happen

    I realize that these things do happen, but how dumb do you have to be to forget something as important and significant as your wallet, money and identification when trying  to attend an event as significant as this?   To me, common sense should prepare you to think ahead of time so such a basic task as bringing your wallet (anywhere) is ingrained in your head.  

  6. 32 minutes ago, TheGreatOne said:

    Not sure if that is a rule with all courts but Federal Court buildings required it many years ago.   Even if it's different departments not associated with court.   Can't remember last time I was at the local / justice court but pretty sure they never asked for ID, because I remember putting my wallet in my shoes going into X-ray machine

    Post 9/11, there are protocols that require identification whenever entering a "federal" building.  Like I said, in this case of a certain magnitude, and with the defendants being Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, there will be a lot of restrictions of who can enter the courthouse and courtroom. 

    For someone as beloved on this forum as Strider, to "forget" to bring his wallet, money and identification, to such a signification ordeal as this, makes Me question everything that he has ever posted.  It is one thing to say that you were there, but it is another to actually prove that you were there. 

    How is it that Strider forgot to take money and a valid ID when he left home to go to a trial concerning Jimmy Page and Robert Plant? 

    I know that you will read this, so please explain your inconsistencies.  No ID, no money, but you had the space to see a member of Spirit. 

  7. I have been following this in the news and on this forum.  All I have to say (so far) is that this "trial" is completely absurd. 

    What is it?  About 30 seconds to maybe a minute of a beginning guitar structure and this "syshter" of a lawyer wants a whole piece of the Greatest Song of All-Time? 

    Randy California has been dead for decades and this lawyer wants to sue Jimmy and Robert for a brief guitar finger-picking bit after 45 years? 

    Alas, who goes to the trial of this magnitude and forgets to bring their wallet for identification and whatever.  Most wallets contain money and a drivers license.  Me, personally, have never left my abode without My wallet.  I, personally, find it strange that this person who has said that he remembers seeing Led Zeppelin over 50 times in the 1970's, somehow forgets to take his wallet with him on a day that would require proof of identity, especially after what tragically happened in Orlando, Florida. 

    Yes, Strider, I am referring to you. 


  8. 31 minutes ago, Reggie29 said:

    Words fail to express my outrage and disgust in this tragedy that was ideologically and homophobically motivated.

    Condolences and Sympathies to the victim's family and friends and the people of Orlando Florida for the senseless violation of your fine city.

    My daughter spent six months there recently and absolutely loved the place.She will be shattered. 

    Stay strong!

    It helps me that you and millions of Others feel the same way.  Thank You!!!

  9. 20 minutes ago, luvlz2 said:

    RIP to the victims of this disgusting, senseless tragedy in Florida today.

    I feel the same.  America is MY COUNTRY and a senseless attack of this magnitude is a personal affront to me and the 300+ other Americans that Love this Country. 

    I am, but not meaning to be political, but the USA needs to annihilate people that are of this sort.  I am hurt by what happened but I stand by what I say. 


  10. Jimmy Page's guitars are worth millions of American dollars. 

    Jimmy's "Black Beauty" was stolen from him more than 45 years ago. 

    Your replicas are probably worth the same value that you paid for them. 

    Edited to add:  I am sorry that what I posted does not help you, but I do think that this is the truth.  Good Luck!

  11. Happy Birthday John Henry Bonham!!! 

    You are missed by Me and millions of people from all over the world, every single day.  As I type this, I am listening to your "Birthday Party" concert at the Los Angeles Forum on May 31, 1973. 



  12. Budweiser has temporarily changed their name to "America".  I read that this was going to happen just for this 2016 Summer.  I am currently drinking Anheuser-Busch's "America" beer at this moment.  Funny though, despite the name change, "America" tastes a lot like "Budweiser". 

  13. I really want to go see Joe Walsh again.  If I have not made it so clear in the recent past, I Fucking Love Joe Walsh!!!  I would love to see Him again but the only downside is that he only plays about an hour and a half co-headlining with BadCo. 

    I think that I would love to go back to Las Vegas and see Joe again.  I just happened to see Rush's fourth to last concert in Vegas just last July. 

    There are only a few people that I would spend thousands of dollars to travel and see and Jimmy, Robert, Rush, Joe Walsh and Ronnie James DIO are amongst them.  It makes me sad that Ronnie is no longer a viable option anymore. 

    I just might go back to my adopted city of Saint Louis, Missouri and see the "Mighty Cardinals" play the Chicago Cubs.  Baseball games are very fun to attend, but in My opinion, not a memorable as a great concert. 

    I have a lot to think about and contemplate.  I deserve a fun time, I just cannot make up My mind of how much fun I want to spend. 


  14. On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 9:57 AM, sam_webmaster said:

    St Louis 1977 - "Fans Spend Night Out For Tickets"




    Very nice picture of the Saint Louis Checkerdome in the background.  I saw the Firm there in May of 1986.  My first time seeing Jimmy Page live and onstage.  The first of many.  I actually remember the concert and where me and my friends sat.  I remember telling my friend Willy that I was so excited to be seeing Jimmy Page play live (as I was only 15 years old at that time).  My two other friends were Cindy and Lisa (actually my girlfriend).  I remember Jimmy playing the bow inside the green laser pyramid.  After all the things I have done, it is great to have such good memories.  Memories I will never forget and this is just one of them. 

    Thanks for posting Sam.  You just brought me back some sweet memories. 

  15. 4 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

    Joe Walsh on Touring With Bad Company and Paying Tribute to Glenn Frey


    I just read that article.  Very nice.  Since I already got to see Joe Walsh and Bad Company Thursday in Dallas it's to late for me, but Joe said that he might jam with Bad Company or vice versa sometime before the tours end (and I'm sure it would happen more than once).  Now that is something that would be truly amazing.  Why couldn't that happen on the opening night of the tour in Dallas?  Damn You Joe!!!

  16. 10 hours ago, Ddladner said:


    Thanks for the passionate (and colorful) review, kingzozo, sounds like it will be an amazing night!  I will see them in an outdoor venue so hopefully we'll have nice weather. I'm glad you enjoyed the show, now I'm even more excited to see them! :) 

    p.s. No love for Bad Company??! 

    Bad Company was very good and it was the first time I had seen them.  Every song they played was a song that would be known by most big Bad Company fans. 

  17. There is a reason that Joe Fucking Walsh is in my top 5 favorite guitarists of All-Time, and last night I witnessed my reasons why.  Mr. Walsh puts on one Hell of show and for those that have seen him in the past might know or remember this: 

    Joe is one of the funniest and craziest performers ever.  His in between songs banter is hilarious (if you can hear and understand what he is saying).  Their is also a softer and more poignant side to him as he reflected on the passing of his "friend" and "brother", Glenn Frey.  I don't want to spoil anything for those who are planning on seeing this awesome performer, but it almost brought tears to my eyes as he paid tribute to Glenn. 

    One last thing:  Two of his backup singers were absolutely stunning and gorgeous.  Their were four and one of them was a guy.  The two I am referring to were beautiful women.  The cameramen must have thought the same thing as they were prominently featured on the two large screens that were on display at both sides of the stage. 

    I urge anyway who is a true fan of Music to go see Joe Walsh if He comes anywhere within 200 miles of where you live.  You will NOT regret it. 

  18. 18 minutes ago, Ddladner said:

    Hi kingzoso! I hope you see a great show tonight.  I will see them later this month.


    Thanks!!!  I am here now and it is now intermission time.  I actually missed about 20 minutes of Joe Walsh (which really sucks) but the first complete song I saw was Fucking Awesome.  The Bomber.  (If anyone is unfamiliar with this Fucking Classic, I urge you to look it up on YouTube).  

    Bad Company just took the stage.  Later, for now.



  19. On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:52 PM, The Rover 75 said:

    Hendrix invented Electric Guitar, as we know it today, It's ok to come in 2nd in this poll 'nuff said.

    Jimi Hendrix did not invent the Electric Guitar.  I do not know how or where you came to that conclusion.  The first Electric Guitar was first modernized by Les Paul.  Les Paul may not have actually invented the Electric Guitar but he was one of, if not the first, to make the Electric Guitar a modern staple that would eventually change the course of History. 

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