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Posts posted by kingzoso

  1. You know that I have to seriously disagree with you on this.  It is of My opinion that "Breaking Bad" will one day (if not already) go down in American television history as one of the Greatest American Television Achievements of All-Time. 

    The very fact that you believe that BrBa "will be lucky if it is remembered at all" is almost a ludicrous statement as saying that "Canada's SCTV was far more groundbreaking TV than Breaking Bad".

    Did Canada's SCTV win multiple Emmy's and have multiple Emmy nomination in their prime (or ever)?  The Very Fact that "Breaking Bad" won such awards and dozens and dozens of accolades from almost every AMERICAN sources and resources, only tells Me that you are in the very minority and that you really do not know what you are talking about concerning "Breaking Bad".  The moment Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul and Anna Gunn won Emmy's for their respective roles insured that "Breaking Bad" will NEVER be forgotten EVER.  An American television series with 58 Emmy nominations will never be forgotten, ever.  We Americans have a history of recording and documenting things of Historical value.  Think Baseball, Football, Music, Movies and Television, etc...

    How can something be forgotten if it is accurately and historically documented for future generations to so easily access through print, video or internet? 

    Walter White/Heisenberg...

    Jesse Pinkman...

    Tuco Salamanca...

    Gustavo Fring...

    Need I say more (because I can)?

    I really miss watching new episodes of "Breaking Bad".  I have noticed that strider never responded to my above post. 

    Canada's SCTV a better show than "BrBa".  Please.  Read what I reposted above and back up your ridiculous statement that SCTV is a better show.  How many Americans who know and love "Breaking Bad" compared to those same Americans who have ever seen or even heard of SCTV. 

    There is a very huge differential.  Name one person from your show who has a greater name recognition then Walter White or Jesse Pinkman?

    Never mind the countless Emmy nominations and wins that "Breaking Bad" has.  That is a fact that you or any disbeliever can look into and see that this is a proven fact and not just something that I made up just because I happen to be a fan of the greatness and influence that "BrBa" will have on future generations of like-minded people such as myself and millions of others from around the Planet. 

    With that being said, Breaking Bad and Led Zeppelin have something in common:  UNIVERSAL APPEAL


  2. I would like to wish everyone on this awesome and mighty Led Zeppelin Forum a "Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year".   Especially Sam for making this all possible for all of us. 

    This includes the most powerful and most influential musicians of all-time:  James Patrick Page, John Baldwin and Robert Anthony Plant. 

  3. I know that this might sound crazy and/or insane coming from a fan of Led Zeppelin since about 1983 but when listening to live Led Zeppelin (as I am doing at this very moment - 5/25/75), I never skip a song or any song for that matter. 

    Why would I?  It's Led Zeppelin.  My favorite band with the four best musicians to ever walk the Earth.  The Music and Chemistry that these Four created live on stage and in the studio is and without a doubt the best Music that was made in the 20th Century.

  4. Star Wars: The Force Awakes is on its way of becoming the biggest movie in the history of the World.  I like James Cameron and most of his movies but I hope that this Star Wars completely annihilates that rather dismal "Avatar" of his.  This Star Wars movie is and will considered a complete "Masterpiece" for decades to come compared to what is the highest-grossing movie of all-time. 




    My best guess is "d."  By the time the band got to LA they were really, really sick.  Given that the Whisky dates were such high profile gigs for the band, they probably decided to skip the low profile Salem support slot to get healthier in preparation for the LA gigs.


    salem 69.png

    This news is actually incorrect as Led Zeppelin made their United States debut on December 26, 1968 in Denver, Colorado and not in Vancouver, British Columbia. 

  6. Not sure what to make of this upon first listen. This advert is for a Jan 1st '69 show in Salem, Oregon but Richard Cole's book has them driving all night thru a blizzard from Spokane to Seattle to catch a flight to Los Angeles the morning of December 31st. When they got there they found the airport was closed. The next show was Jan 2nd in Los Angeles, where they opened for Alice Cooper.

    How sure are we they were supposed to play in Salem on Jan 1st? I suppose it's possible they were to have flown from LA to Salem on Jan 1st had the blizzard not occurred.


    Richard Cole, with the members of Led Zeppelin in the car, drove from Spokane to Seattle during a blizzard and were told to turn around by the Washington State Police.  Cole, along with Kenny Pickett driving the U-Haul with the bands equipment simply ignored the police warning and carried on.  In Cole's book he said that he had to stop to take a piss and that the car then began sliding backwards toward precipice and that Richard jumped back into the car and stopped the car from sliding any further.  According to him, all of Led Zeppelin were screaming and mortified at what had just happened. 

    When they got to the Seattle airport the airport was not closed.  Richard and the band went to the airport bar and ordered a round of Scotch but the bartender asked for identifications and since Jimmy, Jonesy and Richard were over 21 and Robert and Bonzo were not, Robert and Bonzo ended up ordering coffee and snuck a few sips of the Scotch.  The band caught the next flight out of Seattle and into warmth and sunshine of Los Angeles, California. 


  7. sigh I wanted to enjoy this movie, and was especially keen on seeing the old characters interacting with each other and with new ones, but missed parts of several scenes because the guy to my left was explaining the movie throughout its duration to his son who was clearly far too young to follow the plot. It's not the boy's fault; kids are curious and ask questions. But why bring someone that young?! Parents will argue about sitter difficulties or that the kids wanted to see it, but then again these people shouldn't have acted like they were in their living room or at some mall food court FFS! The man's idiot wife even had three phone conversations during the movie. THREE! Everyone else including the teens on the other side of me were so into the film and other people could be heard just whispering about cool parts. Some even checked their phones quickly and discretely and all of that's fine, but there was just this huge lack of awareness or care about group environments from these particular people. There's a way of communicating that doesn't disturb others continuously. If you can't manage that, stay home. 

    I think I liked the movie but couldn't stay emotionally connected to it because of the constant interruptions. Very frustrating. LOVED the scenery at the end as was mentioned, as well as the scenes filmed in the exquisite enchanting mystical realm that is Puzzlewood.

    End of Grinchy rant.

    I can understand your frustration and even agree with it.  Luckily when I saw Star Wars last Thursday night there was none of this happening anywhere near where I was sitting.  This was in a very "posh" theater in Addison, Texas (Dallas) where there was food and drink service at the press of a button and the seats were stacked and even reclined with the press of another button. 

    I will say this:  when the very first Star Wars logo came on the screen (right before the usual scroll) everyone in the theater started clapping, me included.  This was an event that millions of people have been waiting for, for years.  I will even liken this to going to see Led Zeppelin although Led Zeppelin toured in 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1979 (Copenhagen and Knebworth) and 1980 (Over Europe).  Just the fact that a fan of Led Zeppelin had to wait a year or two I think is the equivalent of waiting 15 or so years for the newest Star Wars movie.  (Some of you may or may not agree with this statement). 

  8. Is that Brianne of Targ (GOT) on the far left (blond woman)? If so she is pretty hot outside of her armor.

    Yes that is Brienne of Tarth from GOT.  In the GOT books she is described as fairly unattractive and given the name of "Brienne the Beauty" as a way of mocking her looks.  I agree that she is a very attractive woman. 

  9. It looked like Wales.

    I know that we are immortal enemies (just kidding) but that final scene really made me think of the Giants Causeway that was immortalized in the Houses of the Holy album cover.  Aubrey and Storm. 

  10. I am taking my 15 year old son tomorrow.  We are going to the 3D extreme screen ..... will I be able to handle it? ??

    I don't know how big a fan of the Star Wars saga you are, but I am confident that a woman of your stature and knowledge of many other things will be able to "handle" it.  A lot happens in this movie, so you will have to digest and process a lot during the little over 2 hours that happens in this new Star Wars Epic

    I look forward to reading what you post about it, either + or -. 

  11. What a movie!!!  I will admit that I am overly biased because I have been a Star Wars fan since 1977 when at the age of 6, my parents and I saw it in a movie theater in Houston, Texas. 

    I really do not know what to say without giving anything away except that it really is a great new Star Wars epic.  I know a lot of the movie was done with Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) technology but it really did seem "real".  Especially with the Tie Fighter and X Wing battle scenes.

    Oh and by the way, did you know that...

    and I bet you would have not expected this to happen...

    One last note:  this new "chick", Rey, is absolutely amazing and also very cute without make-up (because there is no make-up in a galaxy far, far away, is there)?


  12. No worries King...Now if Bryan Cranston and the cast from Walking Dead have cameos in The Force Awakens, I believe your head might explode.

    Good Luck.

    Thanks.  Add the main cast from "Game of Thrones" and my head would explode.  2 1/2 hours till showtime. 

  13. I have a ticket (actually my co-worker has my ticket) for the Force Awakens for later on this evening, 12/17/15.  I do not even know the name of the movie theater that I will be seeing this epic.  I am somewhat of an "expert" when it comes to Star Wars and its history, but I can not and could not tell you where I will be seeing this movie in less than 18 hours from now.  How ironic is that?

    For any and all those who could care less about this movie, just remember that you also have the right to not participate in this discussion.  For those that do not care about this movie, I ask you, why would you waste your time and whatever else to espouse your views for a movie that you don't care about?...

    and it makes Me wonder...

  14. Not to be a kill joy, but am I the only one who remembers the last three Star Wars films flat out SUCKED?

    Now in true Disney PC fashion, this new one stars a chick and a black guy.

    Sorry, I'm just not feeling it.

    In your opinion, the last three Star Wars films might have sucked and I will admit that the "prequels" were not as great as the original three, however it is my belief that this is a "new" Star Wars for a new generation, one that I believe will dazzle and amaze fans and audiences the same way the first one dazzled and amazed me (and millions of others) when I was just a 6 year old kid back in 1977.  The very same year that Led Zeppelin last toured the United States of America.  It would not surprise me if all the members of Led Zeppelin took the time to go to the movie theater and see this movie when it was released. 

    Led Zeppelin, America, Hollywood, Badgeholders... The ice planet of HOTH (Empire) inspired George Lucas to name this planet after Houses Of The Holy...I would say that George Lucas was and still is a Led Zeppelin fan and probably had seen Led Zeppelin live in concert in either 1969/1970/1971/1972/1973 and maybe even in 1975 when Linda Lovelace introduced (among other things) Led Zeppelin.  Or was George introduced to the "Butter Queen" back in 1975?

    I will say one thing:  as a person who used to do a lot acid when I was a teenager, George Lucas must have "tripped" on more good acid back when acid was way more potent then the lysergic that me and my friend used to do.  How else can someone come up with the whole concept and premise that George Lucas brilliantly envisioned and made that vision in what it is to this very day. 

    Thank You Mr. Lucas. 

  15. II'll be at the Plano Cinamark on Friday night.....I can't wait!!! 

    A co-worker of mine, his friend bought a bunch of tickets and he had one left that he needed to sell, so my co-worker (who knows that I am a big Star Wars fan) asked me if I wanted it.  Of course I wanted it.  $20.

    All I know at this moment is that is at some movie theater in Addison.  I don't even know the name of the theater.  All that matters is that I am going to see this fucking monster of a movie. 

    If you want, I can get on this forum after the "Event" and tell you everything that I can remember about it.  I can spoil it for you and all the others who visit this topic.  Just kidding, I would not do that.

  16. Why on earth would you wanna see a movie intoxicated.....reminds me of the wasted people at the O2 concert. Would be a shame if you see the movie double (this comment comes from a person who is used to drink absinthe with an alcohol percentage between 55% and 77%, so I can handle some liquor, lol)

    Enjoy the movie.....as far as I heard this one's one of the greater installments of the saga).

    May the Force be with you, young Padawan.


    You are right.  I should clarify what I meant:  I will be taking a flask of Captain Morgan with me, as I will do a couple of shots before going into the theater.  Two or three quick shots will not get me intoxicated.  Just a quick nice and easy warm feeling before seeing what may be the biggest movie of all-time. 

  17. I gots me a ticket for Star Wars: the Force Awakens to be shown on Thursday night in Addison, Texas.

    I am excited beyond belief.  I know that it is around 2+ hours in length, but I am going to sneak in a flask of Captain Morgan.

  18. Countdown to Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

    At this very moment in Plano, Texas, it is 1:40 am on Sunday, December 13, 2015.  That means it is approximately 4 days and about 8 hours from being shown in movie theaters all across this great United States of America. 

    Or something like that.  Hell, all I know is that it is coming out nationwide on this Friday, December 18, 2015.


  19. Doesn't JPJ sing backup on Battle of Evermore on '77 Tour ??   Could JPJ have any objection to any '77 live release if maybe JPJ does not like hearing his voice on that ?

    Yes, John Paul Jones sings the verses on "Battle of Evermore" that were originally sung by Sandy Denny on the studio version.  I remember reading somewhere that when it came time to play "Battle" in the acoustic set on the 1977 tour, John Paul Jones said something to the effect that the others said "We'll just get Jonesy to do it" and that's what happened.   

    I do not know if you are familiar with this or not, but on John Paul Jones' second studio album, The Thunderthief, Jonesy sings on most of the tracks on that.  (His first solo album, Zooma, is all-instrumental). 

  20. Anyone on here ever watch the HBO series the Wire

    I have just finished the first season and I did like it enough to invest my time in continuing with the whole series.  I ordered the complete series of the Wire for just $49.99 and should receive it in the next day or two. 

    So far as the first season goes, a seemingly realistic portrayal of police versus drug dealers in the down and gritty environment of the city of Baltimore. 

  21. I just read about this too.  Scott Weiland found dead in his sleep last night.  Very sad news indeed.  He was only 48 years old, just a mere 3 years older then Me.  Granted he probably did more drugs in one or two years than I have done in 32 years but still to die before the age of 50 (or any age really) is very sad for such a talented singer. 

  22. It has been raining non-stop in Plano, Texas for the past 48 hours.  Really, constant rain and hard rain for 2 days straight and with the rain it has been cold and windy.  I finally got to wear my $100 RUSH hoodie that I bought in Las Vegas way back at the end of July.  I got a few compliments on that. 

  23. Possible. But You have zero proof that Led Zeppelin and Richard Pryor ever did coke together....  Let alone freebased it. Why even "put money" on something you imagined. This is how unbased rumors get out there. That's where the stretch comes in.

    Maybe Pryor and Robert went out for a cheeseburger.  My guess is as good as yours.

    I understand and agree completely with what you are posting.  Possible: yes.  Probable: possibly.  I will admit that in My knowledge and Love for both Led Zeppelin and Richard Pryor, that it may be in the complete realm of my imagination that some of the members of Led Zeppelin and Richard Pryor (and maybe even Gene Wilder) did a Whole Lotta Blow together or, like you said, maybe went out to the local McDonalds and had a few Happy Meals together. 

    Either way, it makes no difference to me.  Just the fact that Robert Plant and Richard Pryor had any kind of conversation (Cocaine fueled or not) is good enough for my imagination. 

    If I ever get the chance to meet Mr. Plant, this may be the first question that I would ask him.  What do you remember about when you first met Richard Pryor? 

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