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Posts posted by kingzoso

  1. I do doubt that Bonzo was addicted to heroin in 1975, particularly while in NYC which featured flawless performances on the drum kit. It's certainly plausible he may have been dabbling with it as early as '75, but the story jumps the shark, so to speak, when John Lennon just happens to walk in.

    I am retelling this brief encounter by My memory. I read it about 10 years ago in and unauthorized biography of John Lennon by some accredited author (I cannot remember his name at the present moment) but a well-known author of other biographies. The book I read was over a 1000 pages long and titled, "The Lives of John Lennon".

    Again, from what I remember reading, John Lennon and Jesse Ed Davis (a big Native American that played guitar with Taj Mahal, among others, I guess) were at the NYC Plaza Hotel and happened to come into Bonzo's suite. How or why that They entered Bonzo's room I have no idea because I was not there. I am just paraphrasing from memory what I read about this.

    In My post (#5423), I never alluded to the fact that John Bonham was "addicted" to Herion. I was just retelling what I had read. In all honesty (and with much concern and regret) I do believe that Bonzo was in the late stages of Alcoholism and in the mid stages of Herion and Cocaine addiction in the years beginning in 1975.

    In My Opinion, John Henry Bonham's performances as the Drummer for Led Zeppelin has almost always been flawless, but to say and deny that Bonzo had, what We now know as "Chemical Dependencies" or "Substance Abuse Problems", would be considered Absurd and Moot in this year of 2014. The same can be said for the Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and Jonesy.

    I can say that I do not and never will not care what Drugs any of the Members of Led Zeppelin ever took, snorted or ingested, etc... I truly Believe that whatever They did is what makes Them the Greatest Rock and Roll Band of All-Time!!!

    I think that Only Time will tell and the Time will Prove that I am Correct.

  2. Hi there this is my second post, I hope I'm in the right place.

    I actually have two queries that have bugged me for ages but I'll just ask about this one for now.

    Back in the early 90's I bought a bootleg cassette of led zeppelin live in supposedly 1972 with special guest John Lennon. Now I've long since lost this tape and I've tried to find out information about it but nothing's come up. I can't be the only person to have had a copy or was it all just a very lucid dream? I can (sort of) remember some of the banter between Robert and "John" .

    Robert says something about it great to be back and thanks a couple of people and John, then comments on John's leather suit and says something about Bridget the midget.

    Then John quips that he's surprised so many people have turned up to see him.

    Then he says "I'm gonna sing on the next one if it pleases you" and they go into Whole Lotta Love.

    Did I imagine this, was it faked or was it someone else?

    Please someone help me as this has been driving me mad for years.

    What you speak of Never happened. From what I have read and gathered, John Lennon "claims" to not even had heard of "Stairway to Heaven" until somenone played it to him in 1975. Supposedly in that same year, John Lennon went to the Plaza Hotel and ventured into Bonzo's suite and heard John Bonham vomiting in the bathroom and asked Bonzo for His stash. According to this account, Bonzo gladly handed John Lennon His big bag of "China White". Their is no mention of John Lennon meeting, talking to, or partying with Jimmy, Robert or John Paul.

    Can anyone confirm or back Me up on this?

  3. Sorry to bring up an old post, but I just watched this DIO show from 1984 in Philly and wanted to share it with other and fellow RJD Disciples. I am still sad at the passing of RONNIE JAMES DIO. I really do not believe that I will ever really get over it.

  4. I do not know why but when I posted the above post and video, it did not move up to the top of this forum section. Oh well, maybe it is not that important or relevant to most of the forum members anyway. I can understand that. Not everyone is a Die-Hard BrBa fan like I am.

    Edited to add: If BrBa happens to lose the Best Drama Series, I hope it is to "Game of Thrones".

    If Aaron Paul loses, I hope it is to Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister).

    If Anna Gunn loses, I hope it is to Lena Heady (Cersei Lannister).

  5. I feel that Congratulations are also in order for "Breaking Bad" and its 16 Emmy Nominations. As My post above says, I really do think that BrBa will win Best Drama Series and all the rest I said. (Although I know that I could be wrong).

    It is My belief that the Emmy "people" will give the nod to BrBa as a sort of final send-off (or more appropriately as a final Swan Song) to One of the Greatest American Television Shows of All-Time. For those that care, We shall see.

    One more brilliant scene from the final episode of season 4 of this Great Show:

    Edited to add: I posted this about half an hour ago but this topic still remained on page 3 of this forum section.
  6. Something that really rubs me the wrong way is when I see people (White/Black/Mexican/Asian/Etc... doesn't matter) buy an inordinate amount of meat, steaks, seafood, soft drinks, energy drinks, candy and whatever else can be purchased on a food stamp card. Then on a separate order they buy a case(s) of beer, bottles of wine and lottery tickets with cash. From what I have seen over the years of this, most of these people who buy this extravagant amount of food on a food stamp card, are covered with many tattoos and other body work.

    My point is: if these people can afford to drink, play the lottery and cover themselves with hideous tattoos with their own money, why are they allowed to use state and federal monies (paid for by US, the hard-working Americans that actually PAY taxes so that these millions of individuals can sponge off the government for their whole lives).

    I am ALL for the drug testing of every single American that applies or continues to receive food stamps. I say test them on a bi-monthly bases so that the ones who are really clean and honest continue to receive the assistance they need. To the ones who cheat and lie to the government and use and abuse drugs and/or alcohol, I believe that they should be banned from assistance and be made to pay back all the money to the federal government as recompose for their deception.

  7. "Breaking Bad" is up for and will win 'Best Drama Series' at this years 2014 Emmy Awards. It is up against "Game of Thrones" (among others).

    I predict that BrBa will sweep all the categories that it is nominated for:

    Bryan Cranston will win the Best Actor in a Drama Series for His Brilliant and Classic portrayal of Walter White, aka, Heisenberg.

    Aaron Paul will win for his character, Jessie Pinkman and Anna Gunn will win for Her shattered and battered and very torn Wife, Skyler White.

    See for Yourself:


    If anyone is not convinced, check out the clips on YouTube (that I had nothing to do with):

  8. I agree completely. Ronnie James DIO is and always be in the Top Five Singers in all of Rock and Metal History.

    True Story: I had the distinct pleasure of shaking His hand during one of His concerts in a relatively small club in Sauget, Illinois. His drummer was Vinnie Appice and during the drum solo He played about a minute or two of "Moby Dick" (basically, note for note).

    I just want to say that I Love You and Really Miss You. As I know that all Your True Fans will always cherish You and all the Great Music You provided the whole Metal Community.

    Here is a mere example of Your Brilliance:

  9. This is the commencement speech that Jimmy Page bestowed amongst the very Faithful that saw the concert the night before. See the above post.

    Edited to add:




  10. Anybody on here who does have a Smartphone ever play the free Baseball game that is called 9 Innings? A co-worker of mine downloaded it for Me a couple of days after I got My new phone. The game is Awesome. 9 Innings 2014. It is sanctioned by MLB and uses the full and current team roster and the actual 2014 team schedule. Of course I chose My team, the Saint Louis Cardinals and I played an entire 162 game season. My record was 91 wins and 71 loses and I still managed to get into the Play-Offs. I lost 3 games to 2 to the Arizona Diamondbacks. I restarted the game and am going to win it all. The StL Cardinals verses ?

    For those that Love Baseball, check this game out. It is actually "addicting".

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeGfmwfKYzE

    Very Nice and Cool post/video. Thank You!!!

    I had read that Tony Hopkins sent a letter to Bryan Cranston and Praised Him and the entire cast and crew. I had not seen any video of this until now. As many of You know, I am one of the Greatest and Strongest proponents of Breaking Bad and the belief that BrBa will go down in American television History as One of the Greatest Shows of All-Time.

    This just helps to affirm My belief that I am not wrong. Of course this is just My belief and Opinion.

    Thanks again for posting this.

  12. As I posted earlier, it's Lionel Bart....and that's a Coke.

    That is Cool with Me. I am no Expert but I believe you and I will take Your word for it. (Although I would like to think it would be very interesting if that was an actual "Goodfella" accompanying Mr. Page on a night on the Town. I am sure Bonzo would have liked that as well. For the excitement, thrill, woman and drugs that Costa Nostra was known for, especially in NYC).

    Costa Nostra means "Our Thing" in English.

  13. Does anyone know who this is with Jimmy? It does look like 1975.


    I realize that I am probably going to be wrong in what I say, but this looks like it could be a Capo (or Soldier) of any one of the 5 New York "Families".

    Edited to add: Is that a Coca-Cola can or a Budweiser can that Pagey is holding?

  14. I am sure this has been posted on this topic many a time, however, I just watched this on YouTube and was amazed at the sound and visual quality (even though I have the same audio and video quality on dvd for many years now. I post this to the/for the that might not have not seen this RAH/1/9/1970 concert yet. This was the concert, on Jimmy Page's birthday, that He was introduced to His future Paramour and Mother to Their daughter, Charlotte Martin by Roger Daltrey. (The daughter is, of course, Scarlet Page).

  15. Bluey !!

    We have just finished watching ALL the breaking bad series. My opinion. BRILLIANT. The CP's were hooked on the cracking pace, the wonderful characters and the acting was just superb. I am not, generally,a fan of US shows but I found this one to be exhilarating.

    We are now watching "The Killing" which has been highly recommended to us. It's brooding and dark in The Danish way and the subtitles is not a problem. I mean one of our favourite movies is "Pans Labyrinth" and that is in Spanish with subs.

    I am glad that you call Breaking Bad Brilliant (because it is). You seem to have Good tastes in what you watch.

    I would strongly suggest that You start watching "Game of Thrones" or the "Sopranos". GoT is still ongoing and is Great, and the Sopranos is over and done, however, it could be considered the Greatest American TV Show of ALL-TIME. You should watch the Sopranos (if you can) and Judge for Yourself. GoT should be next or first on your television schedule/viewing.

  16. Anyone will endorse anything if they're PAID to do it.

    It is only a FACT in your mind.

    One or two shows is not a great body of work or enough to claim the greatest of all time tag.

    I agree with you but check this out:

    This was just about "declared" a few months ago here in the Great United States of America. "BrBa" may not be your bag, but it was the "bag" of American critics and contemporaries that voted for this Awesome and Unique American Television Show.

    This is not a another challenge from Me, but can you really and seriously name an Australian television show that ranks with or can beat an American TV show of the ranks of the Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, or even Gilligan's Island, Sanford and Son, the Brady Bunch, Seinfeld, King of Queens, and at least 100+ more tv shows. If all these shows were produced and made in Perth, or Canberra, Australia, I would give and acknowledge it. However, the Great and Classic TV shows were made, developed, produced and filmed in the United States of America, of which I am a Proud and Loyal Citizen, up to and when the day I die (and that won't be for another 50 years.)

    I anticipate your reply that names and Australian tv show that is shown around the Planet Earth that can even come close to ANY of the American shows I named in the paragraph above.

  17. Can you name any Aussie television show that compares or even compete with Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones that is shown the United States?

    That is a challenge. Can you meet the challenge and give a better answer? I don't think so but I am welcome to your reply.

  18. Bryan Cranston/Walter White will go down in American Television History as one of the Greatest Actors/Characters of ALL-TIME. Although that is MY opinion, it is also a Fact. If anyone doubts My posts, I will gladly reference at least 100 paid critics that will say the same thing and even more.


  19. We finally were able to watch the show. My nephew sent me the beginning episodes and it does keep you in suspense.

    Who knows how many episodes there are?

    There are a total of 62 episodes of Breaking Bad. In My opinion, each episode gets better and better as the show progressed to the Finale (Felina). Enjoy!!!

  20. I just finished watching the Great Martin Scorsese (and Academy Award nominated) film, "the Wolf of Wall Street". Brilliant directing, film-making, acting, editing, etc...

    Of course Martin Scorsese can never do no wrong when He is behind the camera of a film in which He is the director.

    I loved the attention to the Sex, Drugs and Greed that permeated this (soon to be Classic) Movie.

  21. Rest in Peace to the Great Character actor, James Rebhorn. Many may not know Him by name but would know Him by the characters that He played in movies and television. Melanoma was the given cause of Death.


    The Game (with Michael Douglas)
    Carlito's Way (with Al Pacino)

    Meet the Parents (with Robert De Niro)

    Scent of a Woman (with Al Pacino)
    Independence Day (with Will Smith)... and dozens and dozens of more movies.

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