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Posts posted by kingzoso

  1. ^Yeah, he also played Nick Nolte's partner at the beginning of "48 Hours".

    Here's an even earlier role from 1974, he appears just after one minute.

    I'm almost caught up with "Breaking Bad" now, just 3 episodes to go. Season 4 was incredible!

    I would have to assume that since you now have seen season 4, you have not seen any episodes of "Breaking Bad" season 5, part 1?

    As I am sure you are already aware of, season 5 is/has been split into two (seasons). The first 8 episodes have already been on AMC.

    The new tag line from AMC of the last and final 8 episodes that are to begin on Sunday, August 11, 2013 (27 days from now) is:

    "All Bad Things Must Come to an End"...

    If you are all caught up to and including the first 8 episodes of season 5 (and I hope you are), WE are all in for a very wild and unexpected ride of twists and turns that may or may not have outcomes that WE could never expect or realize. It is going to be a very exciting and surprising conclusion to one of the Greatest Shows in Television History.

  2. Do you recognise the guy on Eddie Murphy's left?

    Yes, that is a very young Gustavo Fring (real name: Giancarlo Esposito).

    Speaking of Eddie Murphy and Breaking Bad, Gus' "cleaner" the great Michael Ehrmantraut on the show, is played by Jonathan Banks. Jonathan Banks was one of the bad guys in the movie, "Beverly Hills Cop". He was Victor Maitland's right hand man and killer. He was the one Eddie Murphy threw into the buffet table at the Harrow Club.


  3. Awesome!!

    You seek Yoda...

    (see my sig too)

    As most already know, when Luke firsts meets Yoda in "Empire", Yoda is old and living in exile and seclusion in the Dagobah system.

    When Luke returns to finish his training in "Return", Yoda peacefully succumbs to his old age (around 900 years).

    Then with the Star Wars "prequels" we see Master Yoda as a (younger) strong and very wise Jedi master.

    I remember when I saw this scene with Yoda and Count Dooku, it blew my mind and was so funny at the same time:

    What was so funny about this scene was: We all knew Yoda was a very Powerful Jedi master but we didn't know or had seen how much "mad skills" Yoda had with a lightsaber.


  4. This topic is devoted to any and all things Star Wars related.

    Anything related to Star Wars. (The Movies, History, Trivia, Memories, Facts, Opinions, Questions, Quotes, anything, etc)...

    I will begin. I remember when Luke Skywalker first saw the Millennium Falcon at the Mos Eisley spaceport He said, "what a pile of junk". (Classic!!!)

    Also, who shot first? Han Solo or Greedo?

    I realize that he is a Bounty Hunter and a bad Guy however, Boba Fett, in my opinion, is one of the Great and Classic movie characters of all-time.



  5. I will give the first reply to this topic. I cannot stand rap music that has been made since the early 1990's to the present day. Since then, rap songs all sound the same to me and it seems to take no real talent to make a rap song. All they need is a drum machine and a computer and anyone can make a rap song. With that being said, I do like and respect the group N.W.A.

    "Straight Outta Compton" was released in 1988/89 and had the "Balls" to be real and original. I do believe that they actually used real instruments to make their songs/music. I have to respect that.

    The first three songs off this Cd are the Best 3 raps songs of all-time (obviously My opinion).

  6. It's unfortunate how this thread is turning out. I don't think it was ever intended to be a 'who won the war' thread.

    Nevertheless, I should like to wish a Happy Independence Day holiday to all our US members here. I hope you all got a day off work, and the sun is shining for you. :peace:

    I do not know what country you reside in, but the whole idea of "July 4" and "Independence Day" in America is the fact that the original 13 colonies rebelled against the harsh rule, oppression and taxes that was imposed on by the British Empire.

    So, to some degree, the whole aspect and meaning of July 4th, 1776, is the fact the America's founding Fathers refused to be subjugated and forced to live under the dominance (at the time) of the British empire.

    So a "who won the war" quote is very relevant in this case. If the British had won the "Revolutionary" war, then the United States of America would not exist as I know and Love from the years of 1777 to the present day.

    It seems like Destiny that the United States of America is the way (and shape) that it is today, geographically. From sea to shining sea (actually from ocean to ocean).

  7. 1985CourtesyTonyFranklin.jpg

    Jimmy Page & Tony Franklin aboard The Firm's Viscount jet during their first United States tour in Spring 1985

    Photo courtesy of Tony Franklin

    Great photo. Looks like a bad storm on the rise. Jimmy's hair is going left, while Tony's hair is going both right and left and up.

  8. Glad you used the word "will". I think us Brits have a far greater legacy and we are slightly older

    I will agree that you Brits have a great legacy and are obviously older than the USA, but I believe if it were not for America's intervention in World War II, you and your countrymen might be a German speaking nation and under the rule of the Third Reich.

    (I am a huge reader of WWII history and I think I know what I am saying. Whether you want to admit or acknowledge this, the United States of America had a very substantial and Major role in the Allies winning the War. The United States was facing a two front war. Japan to the East and Germany and Italy to the West. I am proud to say that there were NO battles on American soil during World War II.)

    I am not looking to start another war here, I just wanted to wish My Country a very Happy Birthday.

    I respect the (old) British Empire. Without it, the world would never have the Great gift of having Led Zeppelin and the Music these Four Musicians created.

    Edited to add:

    After the end of the War, it was the United States of America that helped to pay for and rebuild much of the carnage and devastation in England and Europe that was inflicted by Hitler and his Nazi war machine. I believe that all this combined with every thing I mentioned makes the United States of America the Greatest Nation on Earth (past or present). No other Country would care to spend Trillions of Dollars on other countries, even though some of these countries were once enemies of the United States of America.

    Happy Birthday to the United States of America!!! Without the birth of My Great Nation, this world We live in would be filled with chaos, anarchy and upheaval.

  9. Hey, Steve. I have another question for you that I may or may not really know the answer to.

    On page 329 of Robert Godwin's book, the Press Reports, it mentions a report from the NME on December 20, 1975 that: (this is the quote from the book)

    "John Bonham apparently needed 13 stitches after an altercation at the Rainbow in Hollywood, he has been banned from several other Hollywood night spots..."

    Do you know what happened to Bonzo and

    (1). How and why did he require 13 stitches.

    (2). Who or where did he get his stitches administered (at a hospital or by Larry Badgely at the Riot House?)

    (3). If this report is accurate and true, at what other establishments was Bonzo blacklisted from?

    Any and all information on this would be greatly appreciated by Myself and many others.

    Thanks in advance for any info.

  10. Good stuff. I may have contact with someone claiming to own one of the reportedly three surviving original pressings. If legit 'll seek further clarification from them and photographic proof if they claim the label credits "John Paul Jones".

    Not to brag or fly my own flag, but I do take a little enjoyment when something I asked and posted seems to take on a little life of their own. I will give credit to you Steve for answering my questions that I have recently asked. I asked about the Jimmy Page smoking in the lavatory on a United States domestic flight and, from that, I recall a lot of others replying to the question I originally asked. You wanted to put a STOP to all the replies and inquires about this. I believe you said something along the lines of enough already. Let's move on.

    Now I asked a different question about John Paul Jones versus John Paul Joans and it seems to (almost) take on another "life" of its own.

    I would like to say that these questions I put forth, I really know the answers to. Maybe not as in depth as you do but I know My Led Zeppelin History. I only ask these questions so that others who may not be in the know, may learn something that will make them better Led Zeppelin fans and appreciate all the History that makes LED ZEPPELIN the greatest Rock and Roll Band of All-Time.

  11. John Paul Joans was a pseudonym for UK comedian John Davidge. Davidge wrote and produced two records - The man from Nazareth and The Miners Song, a charity song song to raise money for miner's dependents during the coal miners strikes in the late 60's early 70's. Apparently the record was banned by the BBC because they felt they would be accused of taking sides. All copies of the record except three where destroyed.

    Joans initially released 'The Man from Nazareth' under the the name of John Paul JONES. It was hyped as the #1 Christmas single for 1970 but after it reached only #40 it was taken off the shelves because John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin fame threatened RAK Records with legal action because Davidge was using his name. All the unsold copies were recalled and the surname on the re-issued single was changed to JOANS. It missed the #1 slot and only reached #25 in the New Year.

    Cool. Thanks!

  12. Well if I went on ericclapton.con and started a "Jimmy Page is the greatest living Guitarist" thread.....not all responses would be positive. How can you expect this..? The cover of the Mojo article I referenced is in this thread ... 1 page back...

    Maybe I should have let his comments speak for themselves, but I am sick of the 3 members of Cream always bashing Led Zeppelin... Eric Clapton is actually the least critical... Bruce and Baker are very bitter..

    I completely agree with everything you just said and this is just my opinion.

    I think that Mr. Eric Clapton is too over-rated in My opinion. Yes, he is a great guitar player, there is no denying that. I just think that he is giving too much praise.

    Jimmy Page is and will always be a more influential and innovative guitar player than Eric Clapton.

    I think the fact that the members of Cream (who dissolved in late 1968, over 45 years ago) became very jealous of the rapid success of Led Zeppelin is more apparent. Cream was a big and popular English band that had success but never the amount of success, fame, wealth, popularity, etc... that Led Zeppelin garnered.

    Within one year of Led Zeppelin's launch, they had already sold over 1 million dollars worth of records. After 2 years that number would triple, so on and so forth.

    Led Zeppelin has sold over 200 million records world-wide. I do not think that Cream or Clapton is anywhere near 1/10th of that.

    I think these facts about Led Zeppelin would make anyone jealous and not just Eric Clapton and Cream, but also Keith Richard and Mick Jagger, et all.

    Could EC or KR ever play like this?:


    The answer is not and never. James Patrick Page will forever be remembered at the Greatest Musician of ALL-TIME!!!

  13. I am sure this has been a topic or probably discussed already, regardless, how many on this Great Forum also like to imbibe from time to time?

    I will start. After I get off work, I like to eat a good meal and then log on to this website and drink a few Budweisers. I always have more than one website going at the same time as I am on this site. Always YouTube and and one or more going at the same time. I keep my eye on this site almost everyday while I am also doing (or listening) to a lot of different full Led Zeppelin bootlegs that others have been very graciously posted. I only post my topics or opinions when I feel I have something to contribute or I happen to disagree with something someone as said. I mean no harm or disrespect, however, I am strongly firm in my beliefs (as is everyone else).

    Back to my original topic. I am a Budweiser drinker and not really a hard liquor drinker.

  14. Anyone want to bring this back around to the thread at hand?

    Hell why not me. I'm embarrassed to admit this, after 30 years of collecting and having seen a great deal, but I don't know why Plant always says "Ta", as in " thank you very much, ta". Anyone willing to clear that up for me?

    I think that what you said, "Anyone want to bring this back around to the thread at hand"? is pretty funny in a funny way.

    I, KingZoso, was the one who asked about Jimmy Page and His whole drunk and smoking incident on a domestic United States airlines. I just wanted clarification on what I had read many years ago. It was many others that kept replying to this "mystery".

    I will admit that I am both a (Marlboro) smoker and a (Budweiser) beer drinker, but like someone already mentioned, I would never get so intoxicated as to dare and want the police to arrest me.

    Regardless, I have to Love the fact that "our" Jimmy Page, the One and Only and Living Legend and the Greatest Musician of All-Time, was (apparently) so intoxicated that He could not wait to smoke a cigarette until the plane landed.


  15. No serious RUSH fan can ever go without hearing and seeing this Professional Grade Video of a complete Rush concert from Holland.


    One of the Best Live concerts I have ever seen in full on YouTube.

    Long Live Rush and Congratulations on Your induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!!

  16. This previously undocumented Robert Plant public appearance has been reported via email by PhxHorn:

    Here's one for you that I bet you don't know; another of my favorite artists is the late Maynard Ferguson, a jazz/rock trumpet player. One of his former bandmembers, Steve Wiest (currently jazz director at Univ of N Texas) just posted this on Facebook:

    I had the great pleasure of hanging out with Robert Plant WAY back in the day in San Francisco when he had put the band "The Honey Drippers" together. The band had come out to our Maynard concert at The Great American Music Hall. We were all SO psyched to have them in the audience! I ran right up to hang with him afterwards and he could not have been

    more gracious, humble and classy. What a treat! Seems there was a horn section in the Honey Drippers and they told Robert that he needed to check out the band. They did!

    I checked Maynard's tour dates against Robert's, and they were both in SF in June of '85. MF played June 12 and 13, and Robert was at the Cow Palace on the 14th and 15th. So it was likely on June 12 or 13, 1985 that Robert was in attendance at the Maynard show at the urging of the Uptown Horns.

    I read somewhere that some, if not all, of the horn section that Robert used were part of Bette Midlers horn section. I am correct or wrong about this?

  17. How was this a religious channel? They only uploaded these cursed videos and subscribed to a bunch of rap stations as far as I could see.


    Four pieces of stupid (among the many) stand for me in particular during the video:

    In what sense are the deaths of Plant's son and Bonham a curse on Page? Shouldn't a curse on you kill you? Everyone knows people who have had untimely deaths after all.

    At what point did heroin become the reason Zeppelin disbanded?

    Magic symbols? Really?

    How is it that Satan is always credited with writing Stairway when the song has a positive message? In what religion is the devil a good guy?

    In the religion of "Satanism/and or Black Magic" the Devil/Satan/Lucifer is always perceived as the Good Guy.

    From what I know (and I admit it is not that much concerning Satan), Lucifer was Gods second in command, "Gods" right hand man (so to speak). Lucifer/Satan was a Beautiful figure and the maker of Beautiful Music. However, Lucifer was also very greedy and wanted to take over and Usurp Gods role as Supreme Being.

    There was a revolt or rebellion on the part of Lucifer between His disciples and Gods disciples. As we all know, God was the Victor and thus cast down Lucifer/Satan/Devil to to the underworld.

    Although this was a major defeat for Lucifer, it still did not prevent Him from making new disciples for Himself. God Rules from above and Satan Rules from below.

    "The Greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the World that He didn't exist".

  18. May 23, 1995 - Portland International Airport

    Jimmy Page, intoxicated, detained (but not arrested despite his request to be) upon arrival for smoking in the lavatory of United Airlines flight 2032 from San Francisco to Portland…faced $1,000 fine. He subsequently checked-in to The Riverplace hotel for one night and later that evening performed without incident at The Portland Memorial Coliseum.

    Okay. Thanks!.

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