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Posts posted by kipper

  1. 11 hours ago, redrum said:


    Did California ever get rid of benzene from gasoline? From what I remember back in the 90's just before I left the state, there was a gazillion dollar deal going on with Canada for the benzene even though the crap was considered carcinogenic. The nazi/mob run state has THE highest gas tax in the nation.


    California's laws for "cleaner burning gasoline" meant eliminating benzine in the formula. Although our natural gas piped into our homes still has trace amounts of benzene in it I understand.

    Since California requires a special blend of clean gasoline by law, there are very few refineries outside of California that want to make this blend. A few make a small amount to sell in California, but it is more expensive. Then add to that the fact that Californian's wont allow the oil companies to build new refineries in the state (not in my backyard thing)--- that automatically increased the price due lower supplies especially in the high demand months.  So then when a refinery has to close down for maintenance--- or there is a fire or mishap... we pay as much as a dollar more per gallon than other states may be paying.

    Californian's are kooks for the most part.  This state was partly build on the oil boom over 100 years ago. Oil comes from the Earth--- it is a natural thing not to be feared. When I was a kid much of the landscape down here in SoCal was covered in oil  wells. 50 years later there are million dollar homes built on the former oil well sites... most people have no idea.

    Huntington Beach California looking north along Pacific Coast Highway north of Huntington Beach pier.




    Same area today however from a southerly view looking back toward the pier where the above photo was taken.



  2. 4 hours ago, redrum said:

    So why are the gas prices still so fucking high in WA (& the rest of the left coast)?The A-Rabs and libs will figure a way to fuck us one way or another.

    Cartoon Tax Man — Stock Vector © ronleishman #13949449

    Because here on the left coast the state governments demand a special fuel mixture "to save the fucking planet". 

    And in Commiefornia they add another shitload of taxes on top of the price per gallon to pay for bloated public employee pension funds.

  3. 14 hours ago, Strider said:

    Hmmm. Interesting article. I think I'm safe. I don't drink a lot of soda and I am well-stocked on the British, Irish, and European beers I mainly drink. Wine and water and tea/coffee are what I drink the most.

    I have a 20 bottle case of Coors (Banquet of course)

    12 pack of Costco brand IPA (tastes like ASS btw)

    12 pack of PBR (Pabst to use to cut the Costco IPA just so I can tolerate it)

    12 pack of Coca-Cola 'Zero'

    6 pack of  Detroit's famous Vernor's Ginger Ale .... that I mix with JD while listening to Ted Nugent






  4. Part of the unintended consequences of the covid-19 lock down/stay at home mandates is a complete crash of oil prices. Nobody driving, no demand for gasoline, too much refined gasoline already in storage not being sold.

    But then how does that affect the price of beer you may ask?  Well, part of beer distilling uses CO2 to "pre-fill" the bottles and cans before the beer is added and the container sealed. In the United States brewers buy their food grade CO2 from distributors who obtain the CO2 (which is a natural by-product of ethanol production) from oil refineries. Ethanol is a additive to gasoline/petroleum.  No gas refining going on--- then no CO2 by-product (CO2 is also of course used in making soda pop and other carbonated soft drinks). As ait stands right now the price of food grade C02 has already gone up 30% in the last week or so, and beer and beverage producers are scrambling to get more CO2.

    So just a warning to all you beer and sodapop fans out there; time to start stocking up on your favorite beverages --same as stocking up on toilet paper and hand sanitizer.



  5. On 4/10/2020 at 5:36 PM, nirvana said:

    I think the 4 members of Led Zeppelin should do what so many other artists are doing from home or studio -FaceTime together and play a few songs to help the world get through this pandemic with a little help from their heros. I think Jimmy can lead this effort with Robert, Jonsey, and Jason coming in from their quarentine locations. How great would that be? 

    I'd say that Crosby, Still & Nash would be better odds at a reunion at this point than Zeppelin.

  6. 12 hours ago, RockNRollOccultist2267 said:

    I think you're misunderstanding. I love The Who, but some of their stuff really depresses me

    I think you are confusing The Who with Nirvana.... hehehe.

    This will make you feel better.

    Best R & R band of all time



  7. On 4/15/2020 at 5:42 PM, RockNRollOccultist2267 said:

     I would say The Who but I think my mental health would start to decline more quickly

    God forbid a  ROCK & ROLL band that actually writes their own music (Pete Townshend) should be above any thieving magpies.





  8. On 4/11/2020 at 1:59 PM, PeaceFrogYum said:

    Glad you asked Kip, and here is the reason: RFK would have released the info about Nixon's team meeting illegally with the South Vietnamese in Paris in July 68'. This was the meeting where Nixon's dirty tricksters convinced the South Vietnamese not to sign the peace deal Johnson's people brokered in June. All parties were going to sign in September of 68' which would have ended the Vietnam War and gave a guaranteed victory to Bobby Kennedy. Johnson was afraid such info would tear the nation apart so never released it and the tapes which prove this happened were not released until the 2000's. The fact that Nixon and his staff were guilty of high treason and are responsible for all deaths in Vietnam post September 1968 is not disputed, it is verified fact. The conspiracy part is if the CIA killed Bobby, I don't know but it is interesting.

    Also, how did Sirhan shoot Kennedy in the back of the head when he was in front of Kennedy the whole time? How did Sirhan fire 10 rounds when his gun only held 8?

    I think you are just buying into part of the dirty tricks and thinking they were all Nixon's.  Johnson had a vested interest in rushing a peace deal to help his VP out to possibly win the election, at he same time he (Johnson) was basically looking to throw the South Vietnamese under the bus in a deal that was mostly being pushed and influenced by the Soviet Union--- who were pressuring Hanoi to take the deal.

    So it was basically a bad deal anyway. One where the Soviets didn't want to see that old Cold Warrior Nixon win the election. Typical Russian meddling.

    The real question to be asked about that time in terms of the Johnson administration is why they didn't seek a peace deal long before the midnight hour in our election year?  So if Nixon was bright enough to see that the so called peace deal was not about anything but politics from the Johnson administration's efforts---and NOT about South Vietnam or all the reason which Johnson claimed to be fighting that war for years. Then why not dirty tricks by Tricky Dick Nixon? He clearly learned his tricks from the Democrats long before '68.

    RFK was shot by Sirhan Sirhan and him alone. The fact that there was confusion about the bullet holes in the walls by the LAPD, or that the Los Angeles County coronor Thomas Noguchi--- a guy who had a long history of saying stupid shit and basically GUESSING in many other especially celebrity deaths doesn't surprise me.   LAPD has always been a half ass police agency---- they are NO NYPD or Scotland Yard.


  9. On 4/11/2020 at 4:45 PM, SteveAJones said:

    When I was in Vietnam a couple of years ago I saw a rat in Ho Chi Minh City that was so big I thought it was a small dog. I am not exaggerating!

    In Vietman the women eat rats because of some superstition that it keeps them youthful. 

    That part of the world has more stupid voodoo like superstitions than any place in the West Indies or sub-Saharan Africa.




  10. The Who, The Doors, Bob Dylan would be my three (in order)

    after that they would rate as follows:

     The Beatles

    The Rolling Stones (only stuff BEFORE Tattoo You)

    David Bowie

    Led Zeppelin 

    Fleetwood Mac

    Pink Floyd

    The Alman Brothers

    The Talking Heads

    The Grateful Dead (but only with the volume off)


    So why no Chuck Berry,  James Brown, Hendrix, Aretha Franklin, Jacksons, Little Richard, Bo Didley? 

    Poll seems kind  of "white" to me?

    And where the fook was Elvis????

    How in the hell was the Talking Heads even on the list BEFORE The Ramones, or the fucking Clash????



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