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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. She's one of my great discoveries. Elizabeth Anne Pelayo. Enjoy.
  2. I've heard it, don't think it's been posted here though. Keep 'em comin'.
  3. Damn, don't think I've ever seen that. Cool find, man.
  4. Nice, I used to have that one on my wall. Probably still have it boxed up somewhere.
  5. Yea, I was afraid of that. Trying to give Jimmy the benefit of the doubt, but we know his reputation for 'borrowing'. :/
  6. Yea, I looked it up after you mentioned it, looks like a poor Doom clone.
  7. Well, believe it or not, it's actually one of the best pinball video games I've played, second only to the great (and very metal) Dragon's Fury/Devil's Crush. Go figure.
  8. Elvis Presley’s Archivist on the Heartbreak of Tapes Trashed by RCA, Scouring the South for Lost Recordings http://variety.com/2017/music/news/elvis-presley-archivist-ernst-jorgensen-interview-1202529943/
  9. Just uploaded these to Youtube a week ago.
  10. haha, I've heard mixed reviews, so my expectations aren't very high, but it should provide a laugh or two, at least.
  11. Now for something a bit different. Just discovered there is a Motley Crue video game for Sega Genesis. Not even a big fan, but at 10 dollars I just had to get it for the absurdity of it. In a similar vein...
  12. Name? Research purposes, you see.
  13. No need to apologize bro. Not only the best Primus album, but perhaps the best album ever, period.
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