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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_lEBr3jiA4&index=54&list=FLtFke9JGY8OO18xsAiR9huQ ^
  2. Anything Bill O'Reilly/Fox News says is a joke.
  3. That made me feel many things, not just funny.
  4. Sheesh, schools must be just as bad in the UK.
  5. Yikes! Never seen that first one! Read a funny review on Blueberry Hill the other day, the author said he got it when he was young and his mom made his sister paint over the nipples on the front cover lol.
  6. I kinda like the Sgt Page theme! They probably coulda done a better job with it though. Like this, but they coulda put Zep related/favorite people in the background, like the Yardbirds, Crowley (wait hes already on there) Howlin' Wolf, Ahmet Ertegun, PJ Proby, Bert Jansch, etc. Not bad, eh? (This tiny thumbnail is the only one I could find. You get the idea though.)
  7. Shoulda caught that. I think the feet threw me off. My first thought was a green goomba from Super Mario lol.
  8. Glad to hear I'm not alone on that one, I get the 'selling your soul to the Devil' theme, just never got the nudity/gender reassignment thing lol. Like Hideaway, another victim of bad 90's computer graphics.
  9. What it’s like to remaster The Beatles albums, and why its sound is ‘way beyond compare’ http://www.digitaltrends.com/music/what-its-like-to-remaster-the-beatles-for-vinyl/
  10. I guess the guy in the pig suit is supposed to be Peter Grant? And whats that thing on Jonesys head?
  11. This one always disturbed me. Why are Jimmy and Jonesy nude females? And wtf is Bonzo supposed to be? The Devils Blues-Genuine Masters 4/27/1969
  12. Paul McCartney tribute album due this fall http://www.cbsnews.com/news/paul-mccartney-tribute-album-due-this-fall/
  13. Definitely. This is what took me from a casual fan to a diehard, bootleg-collecting freak. (BTW there was a thread about this a few months ago if you care to peruse it) http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/21757-led-zepppelin-dvd/ Cheers man!
  14. Nice post Dante! Thanks for sharing! Welcome! Listening to my moms cd of Zep 2 when I was around 15-16 was when I started getting into them, didn't really get 'hooked' until I purchased this:
  15. Hampton 9/9/71 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9E5E7822108481CF
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU5S5rrtxTs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpdJO1w-NN8
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