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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. Of course! I'm grateful we have all the great live recordings that are out there, although some of the covers are pretty unfortunate.
  2. Two scoops of Primus is a great way to start the day!
  3. Remember this from the 'Animals' DVD, with Todd Huth on guitar and Tim 'Curveball' Wright on drums. Funky!
  4. Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, the official court documents: http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/240196585?access_key=key-2dYnX0ldh7jDw2JjWcwZ&allow_share=true&escape=false&view_mode=scroll
  5. I believe that one was a tribute to this- BTW Welcome to the forum!
  6. (BTW Badgeholder Still, The Dark Lord was clearly joking...)
  7. Kim Kardashian Celebrates GQ Woman of the Year Honor https://celebrity.yahoo.com/blogs/yahoo-celebrity/kim-kardashian-celebrates-gq-woman-of-the-year-honor-with-and-without-clothes-190300541.html
  8. Oh ok, that makes sense. I couldn't remember if vinyls came out with the 2009 reissues.
  9. It's rough man, she sounds like a drunk chick at a karaoke bar!
  10. Jimi Hendrix July 30, 1970 Rainbow Bridge Vibratory Color/Sound Experiment Haleakala Volcano Crater, Maui, HI 2 Source Matrix
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