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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Allright Aqua.....you satisfied my curiosity, since I always wondered who was the woman behind the Robert pic. Great picture, very nice to see you indeed.
  2. Muchos thankos for los addos!

  3. Builder of drums, you rule!

  4. Well, seems nobody sent a comment in 2009 yet.....well....lemme be the first then.

    Hope you are doing fine!

  5. Hell, links don't work, haha.....try copy and paste, actually hadn't heard this one in years.

  6. An acronym, hmmm Ahhh.... Some People Are Trans Sexual
  7. Just one for the cabinet of oddities:
  8. I'll third that.....and I never realized that Ninelives was female, cool!
  9. The rest of the Alanis cd.....I guess it's lame to post every song right now, so ya gotta do it with this post.
  10. This is our national greetings ritual. Quality is supposed to be grainy.
  11. What made me happy was the ability to work today in a slightly altered state of mind. Yesterday evening me and a drummer I know had a bottle of absinthe which we emptied, together with a good amount of reefers. Thank god I even filmed some of our escapades, cause else I would have forgotten some of the nastier things we did. I now have a home video of my drumming friend wearing a kind of Ku Klux Klan hat which he made out of paper. The dramatic highlight is the fact that this hat is on fire. Anyway, I woke up this morning still beeing drunk as hell, by the time I finished delivering mail I was finally sober again.
  12. The free Rihanna video made it even nastier. (Here a yet unmade icon of a puking smiley)
  13. A band called The Gods Hate Kansas, which is a one man project on one of the members here.
  14. No grills=no thrills! (Cause some like it hot)
  15. Well, make a "Don't dare to post a picture of your neighbor's pet aunt" thread.
  16. Well, your writewrite was the first communication I had today.....just fell outta bed (sort of) and having breakfast.

    Always great to know talented people from all over the world.

  17. Don't worry big virtual hug to you (there ain't an emoticon to express that, can please some emoticonalist invent one soon)
  18. Thanks, I really needed a holiday indeed. The man to the left is Maberi who filmed all my escapades, Juniper took the pic....she finally can study at a photographer's academy now after a long struggle against paper tigers. Shooby doo wah. Pom pom.
  19. Nah, only for a few days, going to Germany. The road goes ever on...just like Tolkien wrote
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