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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Good luck to both of you, you and your daughter!
  2. Damn, that would be quite a walk to come visit you to eat.....but in fact I am hungry since we are out of bread and I just woke up. Guess there ain't nothing else to do than walk to the baker here. Enjoy Fleetwood Mac, hope you can make some pics!
  3. Still wondering bout this.... what could these things be....? ants amoebes tiny particles of cosmic debris particles of antimatter :Thinking:
  4. I second that.....if I could send you an aeroplane to jam I would send one straight away!
  5. I hope you aren't referring to your thingy....ya know.
  6. Fucking hell you lucky bastard, you have the double neck guitar... Could you post a link to some music that you actually recorded/filmed/whatever....I would like to hear what your talents sound like... Thanks in advance. Rock on!
  7. Your version of Kashmir is enchanting, Elettra!

  8. Great shirt and a great pic, Lilith.
  9. This actually didn't make me happy, just gave me a real good laugh... We were watching 2 year old videotapes which we recorded with our camera to see what was on them. while watching these recordings we got a visitor who can be best described as a semi-nun (rather old woman, religious, no real kinky escapades etc..ya know). After some minutes of seeing baby images, family stuff etc. the scene on the film was more or less interrupted by something completely different....I even forgot that I ever recorded it. In some weird moodswing I had recorded myself dancing naked and making funny faces and forgot that it still was on the tape. I guess that was the last thing on earth somebody ever expected to watch on video while visiting us, the expression on our visitor's face was priceless. (and NO....I am not putting that movie on Youtube)
  10. Saw you were online.....in response to your comment: If you ever come to Holland let me know, you would be the 2nd Texan that I ever met in person then while visiting.

  11. Bleep bleep plip plook ploink bleep. Bleebadeep.
  12. Well, you are not the only one suffering of that, Ev....I have that from time to time myself, though the last time was incredible. I went out stoned on a bicycle at sunrise to experience bird music....which is the most complex song ever performed, hyperjazz (give it a try, birdmusic fits to any steady rhythm) I ended up dancing to the sounds I heard and was finally able to fall asleep.
  13. Here comes my motivated little girl....
  14. Short but rare...Tampa 1973 dubbed with sound from the concert
  15. My thoughts are all with you and your pets, Led Zepp45 and Tangerine. Wishing you both lots of positive cozmik energy on behalf of me and my family. Big virtual hug to both of you.
  16. What made me unhappy actually happened yesterday. Been looking forward to see a specific concert for MONTHS. Too bad that due to circumstances, traffic jams, a confused driver who refused to take an alternate route and more of that shit we arrived half an hour before the concert ended. Two hours in a fucking car for nothing. (combined with the greatest hits tape of Tom Fucking Jones which was the only tape in the car)
  17. Happy birtday to ya...

    With kind regards from the other side of the ocean,

    have a great day, rock on and kick ass!

  18. Happy birthday to ya....

    with kind regards from the other side of the ocean,

    Have a nice day, rock on and kick ass!

  19. Huun Huur Tu (Mongolian throat singers) with Angelite (Bulgarian female vocal ensemble).
  20. Wow, great profile picture....I am just reading a series of books in which roses and karma are very important to the plot of the story(The Dark Tower by Stephen King) and then by karma you just shot this picture.....greetings from Holland to ya.

  21. Can you post us some pictures of The Final Option, and some pics of the disks it contains? Thanks in advance!
  22. Just one more thing, since you wanted to visit Amsterdam....that city is a tourist trap, fictional reality. try Maastricht instead, for it reflects more the real side of Holland, and has a lot of history to it, including medieval buildings and ancient city walls, lots of great cafe's and a more relaxed atmosphere.

  23. Lol, that wasn't Plant in the picture but myself....

    i am happy that the guy on the surgery thread has finally hit the road, I guess we shocked him away....he got on my nerves and so the best thing to me seemed to make him lose bloated his mind.

    Hope I didn't shock too many people, my crazy days are over and I am a loving father now instead of a beast.

  24. Every big journey begins with one small step
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