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Everything posted by Walter

  1. 4-4 for me thus far....afternoon is not looking great either!
  2. Agreed! That's why I think the title is perfect. It is probably my least favorite, but that's not saying much because I love all of them so much. As I get older, the lyrics and mood strike me more and I understand it better.
  3. ^ They rip our hearts out everytime.... Every game I thought was a toss up has gone the other way for me today. Guess it's the law of averages! Lions just defeated the Eagles!
  4. I also enjoyed Godzilla movies growing up. The Smog Monster was a good one, Rodan too. But King Kong vs. Godzilla was like a heavyweight title fight!! BTW, wasn't there a Godzuki as a child of Godzilla or am I imagining that?
  5. I was thinking of that exact song too! Listening to it yesterday I thought it was one of Pagey's all-time best solos, plus I LOVE the wah! Live No Quarter anyone???
  6. Great pitching job CC Sabathia! Fantastic series....the Orioles have nothing to hang their heads about - played like champs. They'll be back in the mix next season. Tigers will be tough in the ALCS!
  7. ^ I guess the guy giving that kind of review must've been on "horse" at the time, while listening to Presence!
  8. Man, all of these pictures are soooo awesome! Can't wait for next Wednesday! Hope you have a great time henrybonzo!
  9. Tough games this week, that's for sure! St. Louis/Miami, Indy/Jets, Minn/Wash are all toss ups as far as I'm concerned. Detroit has to come out of their shells eventually and could knock Philly off. My Cowboys, well.....hope they enjoyed the off week!
  10. I'm not trying to start shit with you Bingo, just give the kid a break. He's a high schooler, so let's teach him how to not rub noses in it. You're right - you win with class and lose with class, IMO. Have a good one, my fellow Yankee fan! Peace.
  11. Rick sorry for your loss, it was a tough one. I'm serious I know how you guys live and die with these games. Even as a fan of the opposing team, I feel for ya this morning. Went to bed after the 9th, so I had to watch the highlights this morning. It's not over yet though.....
  12. Again, if you need an Oriole appreciation thread then start one. This is a baseball thread and last time I checked there were no time parameters involved! That was a completely uncalled for statement. Oh yeah, the Yankees win - thaaaa Yankees win!!!
  13. Nice story, Strider! Did you have any sort of conversation with him? Happy Birthday Diamond Dave!!!
  14. As much as I would like to have been 13-1, I was 12-2 (missed the phins and colts wins).
  15. C'mon dude I just need a little something to tickle my nose with!
  16. Time to crank up the ole motorboat!
  17. Over vomit? It's not like it was intentional, she tried to hide behind her dancer while it happened - and the show went on! My tickets were printed today for Tampa, according to ticketmaster!
  18. I know your Oriole history Rick. Just pointing out that when the Yankees win titles it's due to home grown talent at the core. A-Roid has only won one there because he's truly a loser, they won inspite of his choke jobs and I will NEVER accept him as a Yankee - just like Clemens!
  19. .....and who won two titles and played in 3 World Series in the 70's? You guessed it! Actually, the Royals and Yankees ruled the AL pretty much through '81. Then the Yankees never won again until what '96 when they came back with a bunch of home grown players! Your argument doesn't hold much water. Baseball has changed since the 60's - a lot! Yes, teams in smaller markets with smaller payrolls do have a chance - they just have to be smart about how they conduct their business. Money does not = championships. Biggest contract paid out this year in the history of the sport and guess what, they didn't make the playoffs - even with an extra "Wild Card" team! Enjoy your win last night, you guys earned it and I'm glad for you. Just stop whining already!
  20. You are correct sir! People are always bitching and moaning about the Yankees. They don't even bitch about the Red Sox having almost the payroll (before they traded them all), the Angels and Rangers spending like there is no tomorrow, etc. Just the Yankees! Hey, if you got it - spend it. It is not against the rules in MLB, for better or worse! Plus Baltimore has a former YANKEE manager that FINALLY got them to the playoffs again! Oh, the hypocrisy of it all!!!
  21. Wasn't he third string last year for Denver behind Orton and Tebow? That's tough man, I feel for your team. Good heart vs. Baltimore last week though!
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