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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Like I said earlier, MM, DAS put it out there already - because of whom he is running against. That's the only reason the GOP would put up a non-Christian candidate on the ballot for president. Priority #1 is to get Obama out of office, whomever can accomplish that will be a hero.
  2. ^^ Answer, I have no f'in idea. I don't think that way, so it's beyond me. Question, why would anyone illegally tape meetings of another political party when they (the party doing the taping) are already poised for a landslide victory? Power hungry and/or paranoid is my guess...
  3. Well, MM, I guess you just got your answer above....
  4. Http://consortiumnews.com/2011/07/14/October-surprise-evidence-surfaces/
  5. We always do....have a good one, my Zeppelin brother!
  6. That was NICE! I've never seen that performance before. 3 times, Mstork? Must've been awesome!
  7. The whole political climate at that time made Carter's 4 years look much worse than they were. There was the hangover associated with the mess in Vietnam, political backlash after watergate/ford's pardoning and a large part of caucasians being pissed at the democrats/LBJ for signing off on the civil rights laws. Wasn't it LBJ who said the democrats had lost the south for the next two generations after signing off on that law? He was pretty much spot on with that call.... Again, Carter didn't turn things around in 4 years and was out - but he was pretty much in a no win situation at the time - that's all.
  8. Again read correctly, we'll end up getting pissed at each other....I am not pissed at you in the least. Even with your misquoting!
  9. At least read the post correctly....I was referring to the fact that 8 years prior to and the 4 years of Reagan's 1st term (we were discussing the unemployment rate issue) - which makes up 12 out of 16 years, or 75% of that time period being discussed.
  10. Don't see too many of the businesses being bought by Bain being turned around and sold when they were healthy and sustainable. They look like they were bought, milked, gutted and then sold when nothing else could be done with them. This whole discussion doesn't really matter anyway...we're not gonna change each other's mind and end up getting pissed at each other. Everyone is taking their usual stances. Plus only a few of us are in states that are not already predetermined. Let the electoral votes fall however they may.
  11. No confusion on my part. I was referring to Reagan's October Surprise, which was/is much more than a conspiracy theory.
  12. This country had been in a tailspin for many years before Carter ever took office. Starting with Vietnam and the civil rights movement through watergate and ford's pardoning of Nixon. Did Carter do a good job getting us back on our feet, no, but he received a country that had been in turmoil for over a decade. That's what I'm saying, it wasn't ALL his doing even though it's popular to paint that picture...
  13. Like I said....8 years prior and 4 years post - yet still 10.1% unemployment, but it was that POS Carter, lulz. Reagan runs up the highest debt to date during his presidency. At the end of the Reagan/Bush 12 years...recession again. Trickle down working well, just like '07. What was the definition of insanity?
  14. You mean after the GOP had the WH for 75% prior years (12 of 16)? Those 4 years of Carter must've been a bitch! That reminds me....DAS said that Congress should be held accountable for treason for the ACA vote, what about Reagan for trading arms to Iran while they held our citizens hostage, and he was only president elect, so they would release them once he was sworn in? Imagine if Clinton or Obama had done that???
  15. I said he was an acquaintance, but I'm sure we would have a warm meeting if and when we should reuinite again. As far as governor goes, I would hope he would at least admit it....
  16. Really? I have an acquaintance who does the same thing and has made millions upon millions doing it. It's legal, true. Just don't see how that translates to being a president in a political situation where you can't just write off a region of your business, err country.
  17. Seattle - 7/17/77 - DVD - Over The Top - including Out On The Tiles/Pat's Delight/Bonzo's Montreux/Moby Dick I usually don't listening to the solo's from the '77 tour, but I LOVE this one! Plus it's video just on John. Amazing!
  18. KB, you know what I like! Time to get the motorboat out!
  19. Mstork, Kansas is going Romney with or without DAS! It's Florida you want....
  20. Oh yeah, I do find that significant he distances himself to his past...Govenor is a pretty prestigious position. Making a hundred million on buying, milking, bankrupting and then selling off businesses is pretty amazing as well.
  21. Mitt did file an extension this year....for a multi-millionaire with a team of accountants, I find that to be interesting. But he was in a tight GOP race and it may have hurt him. Who knows?
  22. Wow, you've got some seriously f*ed up history books out there DAS!
  23. There wasn't much support at all for invading Iraq until bush put SoS Powell and his reputation out there with misleading, and I use that term loosely, information - to Congress and the UN. One of the reasons people were drawn to supporting this invasion was because there was an extreme amount of patriotism being capitalized on after 9-11 and an attitude of either you're with us or unpatriotic and against us. There was never room for debate during those times...this WAS only 10 years ago mind you. How can you not remember that DAS? BTW, if Romney's record with Bain is so strong for everyone, outside of his cronies of course, then why is his campaign manager distancing the campaign from it and why also not referring to him as Govenor Romney?
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