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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Seattle - 7/17/77 - DVD - No Quarter Enjoying this show while cooking some spaghetti sauce. It's not as bad as I remember, but it does have a few of those WTF moments! Enjoying a few shots and a puff, or two, as well....
  2. Oh but Rick, they're playing for home field advantage in the series - so that makes the game better than the rest! Baseball is such a statistic based game, but they want to satisfy the fans by putting it to a popularity contest. Btw, the KC fans showed their usual level of class by cheering so loudly when Cano didn't hit a HR in the derby last night....
  3. ^ Beautiful! I've had a few of those deja vu moments with him as well.... FTFY
  4. ^ Where will they go, what will they do? Or are they ALL retiring? What an article, especially the comment about Wright and the reader's comments at the bottom of the page!
  5. As they say down here in the south....it's fixin' to storm! Severe t-storm warning, with quarter sized hail in it, and it's moving in quickly right now! Sucks cause I just finished cleaning the pool earlier today!
  6. Beverly Hills 90210 and catching a buzz.....nice!
  7. Great job Kiwi! Just coming off a long weekend of sun, fun and racing! Good luck with the Tempe show MM, looking forward to your review - hope you don't end up in the unhappy thread because of it!
  8. First, your generalizations are tiresome...when did I make the statement you have attributed to me? Second, it has ALWAYS been about personal accountability to me. I don't subscribe to," if I make bad choices, others can take the loss for me.... ". People who can't afford HI or who are already sick don't even have options right now, once they do they should also be held accountable by this fine/tax. What's your problem? You don't like the govt telling you what to do? If they can tell you to do this then what else will they be able to tell you to do? What if, what if? Or just a plain fuck everybody else and I'm gonna get mine attitude, which seems to be prevalent anymore?
  9. I didn't think you would, knowing the lady you are and, btw, I wasn't trying to offend Jahfin either.
  10. Gentlemen, thank you for posting those thoughtful and awe inspiring letters. Those words have parallel emotions that should be remembered on this nation's birthday. Thank you. Happy birthday America! God bless Sgt. Stacey and Mr. Henry.
  11. ^ When I saw you responded on this thread, I thought your answer would be "no"! Glad I wasn't disappointed.... I believe, even though I haven't read it due to the ignore function, the point of this thread was to tell about a disc you wished you'd hadn't purchased, not to convince people to give things a second chance. Let them vent....they already paid for it!
  12. Absolutely! Steal from Peter to pay Paul.... So, how was your time in Vegas?!?
  13. You mean our insurance companies that charge outrageous premiums, don't pay out for procedures unless you fight them tooth and nail, then drop you if you truly get sick - shouldn't be buying name rights to football stadiums, racing series, golf tournaments and sending lobbyists to Washington to buy the attention of our elected officials? Kinda what I was thinking....
  14. ^ completely agree with that statement ally! We all just want something that works, doesn't kick us out when we need it most and doesn't put limitations if things get costly. IMO
  15. So, it's responsible to have the hospital "take the loss" and you really think that cost or "loss" is not being passed on to the rest of us? Yes, Type O, there is no way I can cast a vote for someone who believes in wearing magic underpants. KB, it is not a federal mandate to have car insurance I know but in the states I have resided in you are supposed to have it to register your vehicle so you don't make someone else "take the loss" for you. Doesn't always happen that way, but it's the lack of personal accountability that gets me....
  16. Yes they should be forced to have insurance, same as auto insurance. If that wasn't mandatory, how many more idiots would be driving around running into responsible people and not being able to pay for their damages? WE (those of us who have HI) are paying for those who are irresponsible, who don't have HI and end up in the emergency room. As far as I see it, it's all about personal responsibility. Why should somebody be allowed to bet they won't get sick and not get health insurance, but when they do we have to pay the bill on it? That's not infringing on someone's freedom, it's ass backwards logic. Maybe a pair of magic underwear will make everything go away.... Yes, govt is not perfect, but what is? Certainly not private businesses that don't complete the services they are contracted to do or fuck over the people who pay into premiums and don't have things covered that should be without a fight or ever for that matter. I am loving watching these idiots spin out of control up in Washington over this. Especially given Roberts was the deciding factor!
  17. It's The End Of The World As We Know It - REM
  18. Agreed! But that wouldn't further their agenda, and that's what it's really about - right?!?
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