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Everything posted by hummingbird69

  1. I can see that the left has you firmly under their wing. Have a Nice Day
  2. I can see that you've already been swayed by the lefts bullshit. He took a picture with that bitch and then she used it against him to gain money. He paid her off because it was the easiest thing to do. Famous people go through that shit all the time. If you bothered to look at the results of all that she owes him money and her lawyer is in jail And If you had bothered to read my original post to you, you would see that he did indeed do all those things in his first term and if anyone can do it again he can. If you listen to what the left says then you will think orange man bad but if you look at the actual results of his first term unclouded by the lefts mischaracterizations then you'll see he did just fine. If you knew anything about the world then you'd know that most other countries want the exact same thing, what's best for them. Oh and don't listen to the climate nuts they are scamming the world so they can make money and if you think they will ever change the way they live I have abridge to show you.. About the world series, we all know it has nothing to do with the rest of the world. It's just a name man, just a name. Kinda like how Cricket has nothing to do with bugs.
  3. You're all wrong about Trump. all the accusations against him are false. period. His political opponents have devised it all because he is going to kill their agenda and they can't have that. That's why none of it has worked yet. As for Jan 6th. You cannot have an insurrection without the military to back you up. Without the military there is no way you can hold power because the police will simply come in and arrest you. The jan 6th committee was a sham because they wouldn't allow any republicans to be included except of two who were obviously in the tank for the left. He hasn't even been charged with insurrection let alone convicted of any crime at all. In all cases against Trump they have done everything possible to keep him from presenting his side, if that shit was happening to you I doubt you'd find it fair. Imagine saying you have what you believe is evidence of wrongdoing and the judge says I don't care or imagine you're being tried for fraud and every witness the left brings against you says you've done nothing wrong and were all happy with the business you did with them and the judge says I don't care you're guilty anyway. In that case the judge said Trump was guilty before the case even started. Or they change the laws so a nutjob who fantasizes about rape comes out of the woodwork to say you raped her 30 years ago but really cannot remember when or where it happened and you aren't allowed to present evidence that destroys her credibility. I don't think you'd find that fair either. If you're letting the lefty news orgs to sway your opinions maybe it's you who needs to get out more.
  4. Oh the irony! Remember when they started making accusations against Trump? biden said he was getting money from China, They said Trump would start WW111, Trump was racist, Trumps document case, and that the 25th amendment was now in play because of one little tweet with the typo 'Covfefe' ? Now that biden has shown himself to be IMHO guilty of all those things the left forgives all of it and each and every fuckup biden makes! He should be removed with the 25th amendment, mixing up Mexico with Egypt and all the others, give me break!. If Trump had made any of the gafs biden has the left would have been all over him for it. Now, it's all right in your face and it's no big deal. If you're going to vote democrap you need your head examined
  5. Oh, forgive me for not knowing he's not from America.
  6. If you read his post he says he'll take trump but he doesn't really want either because they are old. Trumps age isn't a factor the way it is with biden and if you don't want Trump then you mustn't have liked what he did during his time in office.
  7. So what you're saying is that under four years of Trump you didn't appreciate that he put more of your own money in your pocket, got rid of isis, kept the taliban quiet, set china back, kept russia quiet, kept NK quiet, didn't get the US into any new wars, created the Abraham Accords and kept the middle east quiet, ran a great economy and was bringing the country to energy independence which kept gas prices low low low and lower energy costs ?? I guess all that just wasn't what you wanted from a president.
  8. They are ordering Peter Navarro to jail before his appeal can even be decided. They found him guilty now want him to be punished before his appeal could possibly exonerate him. This while hunter biden runs free to smoke crack bang whores sell influence all while accused of the exact same thing, ignoring a congressional subpoena. Anyone else notice he has disappeared from the news lately? This administration is the worst in American history.
  9. So once again there are no charges for democraps who either take classified documents or destroy them and the devices they had them on but you better make Trump pay for the PRESIDENTIAL documents had! What a load of hogwash!! I say to you again if you vote for biden then you are either stupid or just an asshole.
  10. one of the biggest problems for the left is majority rule. They hate the fact that white people are the majority and they claim that minorities don't get enough representation. That's not true, it's actually proportional and that's what the left hates the most so they want to skew the dynamic and over represent the minorities as underrepresented so we get all this gender, race and class baiting bullshit. this is why they cry about saving democracy but they aren't really crying about that. The core principle of democracy is Majority rule. You have a vote and the majority gets their way. The left hates this so they bring the courts into it so they can claim that civil rights have been stripped. So, when 37 states voted no on gay marriage they had the courts override the vote and thus subverting the democracy they claim to love. Same thing with trying to stop Trump from running. They don't really want a democratic vote because they could lose and losing means they don't get their way. Same thing with men in womens sports. A 6'5 man swimming against a 5'5 or 5'8 woman is going to win every time on his worst day. There is no true competition there at all. Why don't they just give them their own class? The reason is this. If they start a transgender class they are admitting that they are not really women and the left cannot do that because it destroys their whole argument that men can become women and visa versa. These people do not want democracy they want their own way period and they do not care how they get it. Vote biden if you want more of this bullshit. Vote Trump if you want four years of sanity and normalcy returned to this country. And remember this. They started attacking Trump even before he won the election and kept it going for the last 7 years all to make you think he was the problem when all along it's been the left.
  11. How do they complain about that guy covering chapmans song but not a peep about miley cyrus looking like tina turner for halloween??. I think they even bronzed her.
  12. What are you compared to each of those stats? Do you have 60,000 in savings? Is your health failing at 65? Do you have enough money for a 500 dollar emergency or how about a thousand dollar car emergency? Do you have enough money to replace your car if it fails completely? Are you renting? if so how much is it costing you? After the pandemic many peoples saving have been trashed. Business owners have had to close their doors. Home owners have had to sell their homes, Many people lost their jobs altogether and have not found gainful employment. All those things can be real at the same time.
  13. I want, Secure border = Radical Low crime = Radical Low Energy costs = Radical Energy Independence = Radical Great Economy = Radical More Of My Own Money In My Pocket = Radical Support the Police = Radical End No Bail For Criminals = Radical Stop Letting Criminals Out Of Jail For Woke Reasons = Radical Strong Military = Radical Strong Foreign Policy = Radical End Woke Bullshit = Radical Smaller Government = Radical Less Government in my Personal Business = Radical Stop Allowing Protesting Mobs To Get Away With Destroying Everything In Their Paths = Radical Stop Government From Trampling My Rights = Radical End Funding For The War in Ukraine = Radical Support For Israel = Radical Put People On The SCOTUS Who Aren't Afraid To Define Men And Women For What They Are = Radical End Men Using Trans Rights To Destroy Womens Sports = Radical Stop Defining MAGA As Racist Phobic And Fascist! = Way Radical If all that makes me a Radical then I am proud to be Radical.
  14. Thumbs up your own ass you have no argument to combat what I post
  15. You might think it's an election year??? As far as jobs go, many people are being laid off right now. So soon you'll see a bad jobs report. Gas price down, yes but only because they had to allow the leases to produce. He cancelled a shitload of new leases. biden is going to cut natural gas exports so when he tells you he will end fossil fuel you should believe him. The stock market is booming because of the wars not because everyday people are making money. core inflation is still at 5.25% which is high and that means we are still paying more for everything. It's like california cleaning up before the chinese came over for a meeting. make it all look as good as we can before the election.
  16. We don't matter. I'm not talking about what we say online. we can sit here all day long and say blah blah blah till the cows come home and it will not matter at all. I am talking about people who are willing to die for what they believe in and you cannot "talk" to those types of people. No amount of talking will ever change the fact that the palestinian people want Israel wiped off the earth. They will tell you that to your face. But it seems no one ever listens or believes its true. They blame Israel and they attack. Israel responds and they scream vengeance, it's a vicious circle that they themselves perpetuate. Israel isn't completely without blame but it's the palestinians who are always looking for revenge that keeps it goin.
  17. Sure you have, you think exactly what the left wants you to think about Trump. Whether you like it or not when he gets re-elected and sets this country straight you can go cry in your cornflakes.
  18. SO I guess the hundreds of miles he built before he was put out don't count??? He built what he could and he will finish it when he gets back in.
  19. I don't care where they are coming from or what color or denomination they are. If they want to come here, come legally. The left likes to tell you that the immigration process is broken but it's not. What it is, is too slow for the lefts liking. They don't like that these people need to learn about our country and they don't like that it takes years in many cases. If you want to expedite the process just letting them in by the hundreds of thousands is not the way to do it.
  20. The left that is telling you to believe that. Trump isn't going after anyone. And if you want fascism just look at the tactics the left is using, forcing the gay agenda on people who do not want it.
  21. I'm 57 years old and I have been around long enough to know that Trump was good for this country. I don't need him to tell me what I can see with my own eyes. Trump is that new blood. Don't let his age fool you. He didn't need to become President, he didn't need to leave his life of ease for 91 fake indictments and judges and prosecutors who are as corrupt as they come. Imagine a President is asked what do you think should be done about Trump and the documents case and he says He should be prosecuted to the fullest and then you find out that same guy won't be prosecuted for the documents he had and clearly shouldn't have had. Imagine someone says you raped them some thirty years ago but cannot really remember the details or when it actually happened, you claim you are innocent and the judge tells you you cannot say that or present any evidence to refute this persons claim. Imagine you ignore a subpoena from congress and you get arrested, put in leg shackles and get sentenced to 4 months in prison while the Presidents crack smoking, whore banging, influence peddling son does the same thing and laughs at congress and walks free. Do you think that's justice ? The only reason they are doing this is to destroy him so he cannot destroy their plans for this country and they plan to destroy it. The left mischaracterizes everything they can about him and lefties eat it up because they are so sold on their woke ideology that they can no longer see the truth. The left is the party of division and victim class creation, the right is unsure what the hell they should do because many of them are in bed with or scared of what th eleft can do to them. Many of them talk a good game but haven't got the teeth to follow through like the left does. You are old enough to realize that everything the left accused Trump of doing is exactly what they are doing right now. Afghanistan debacle, the border, the economy, 3 new wars in three years, If you really think that's good then I have a bridge for you to look at cheap! One more thing, If you really think that jan 7th was a serious attempt at an insurrection ask yourself how was Trump going to maintain power without the military to back him up?? No dictator would even attempt a coup without military backup. So there was no insurrection and he hasn't been charged with it either. Half this country has been bamboozled by the lefts mangling of the narrative don't fall for it yourself.
  22. You can't talk to people when you don't believe in what they are telling you to your face. Take the Israel palistine shit. The palestinians say right to your face that they want nothing but the destruction of israel yet the rest of the world keep on complaining about Israel as if a 2 state solution will work. Ask yourself why the world isn't telling russia the same thing, why arent they calling for a cease fire in that war??? HHmmm? biden has let so many unknown peoples into this country that when the next terror attack happens there will be major support for it in the streets of our own country. The left is bent on killing western civilization just listen to their rhetoric.
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