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Everything posted by hummingbird69

  1. Sure you have, you think exactly what the left wants you to think about Trump. Whether you like it or not when he gets re-elected and sets this country straight you can go cry in your cornflakes.
  2. SO I guess the hundreds of miles he built before he was put out don't count??? He built what he could and he will finish it when he gets back in.
  3. I don't care where they are coming from or what color or denomination they are. If they want to come here, come legally. The left likes to tell you that the immigration process is broken but it's not. What it is, is too slow for the lefts liking. They don't like that these people need to learn about our country and they don't like that it takes years in many cases. If you want to expedite the process just letting them in by the hundreds of thousands is not the way to do it.
  4. The left that is telling you to believe that. Trump isn't going after anyone. And if you want fascism just look at the tactics the left is using, forcing the gay agenda on people who do not want it.
  5. I'm 57 years old and I have been around long enough to know that Trump was good for this country. I don't need him to tell me what I can see with my own eyes. Trump is that new blood. Don't let his age fool you. He didn't need to become President, he didn't need to leave his life of ease for 91 fake indictments and judges and prosecutors who are as corrupt as they come. Imagine a President is asked what do you think should be done about Trump and the documents case and he says He should be prosecuted to the fullest and then you find out that same guy won't be prosecuted for the documents he had and clearly shouldn't have had. Imagine someone says you raped them some thirty years ago but cannot really remember the details or when it actually happened, you claim you are innocent and the judge tells you you cannot say that or present any evidence to refute this persons claim. Imagine you ignore a subpoena from congress and you get arrested, put in leg shackles and get sentenced to 4 months in prison while the Presidents crack smoking, whore banging, influence peddling son does the same thing and laughs at congress and walks free. Do you think that's justice ? The only reason they are doing this is to destroy him so he cannot destroy their plans for this country and they plan to destroy it. The left mischaracterizes everything they can about him and lefties eat it up because they are so sold on their woke ideology that they can no longer see the truth. The left is the party of division and victim class creation, the right is unsure what the hell they should do because many of them are in bed with or scared of what th eleft can do to them. Many of them talk a good game but haven't got the teeth to follow through like the left does. You are old enough to realize that everything the left accused Trump of doing is exactly what they are doing right now. Afghanistan debacle, the border, the economy, 3 new wars in three years, If you really think that's good then I have a bridge for you to look at cheap! One more thing, If you really think that jan 7th was a serious attempt at an insurrection ask yourself how was Trump going to maintain power without the military to back him up?? No dictator would even attempt a coup without military backup. So there was no insurrection and he hasn't been charged with it either. Half this country has been bamboozled by the lefts mangling of the narrative don't fall for it yourself.
  6. You can't talk to people when you don't believe in what they are telling you to your face. Take the Israel palistine shit. The palestinians say right to your face that they want nothing but the destruction of israel yet the rest of the world keep on complaining about Israel as if a 2 state solution will work. Ask yourself why the world isn't telling russia the same thing, why arent they calling for a cease fire in that war??? HHmmm? biden has let so many unknown peoples into this country that when the next terror attack happens there will be major support for it in the streets of our own country. The left is bent on killing western civilization just listen to their rhetoric.
  7. You are wrong. Trump has the business acumen to bring this country back from the brink of destruction. If you want woke, dei and equitable policies you're asking for more of this shit e.g Mob rule, rioters being payed millions, support of terror in your schools, and your rights being taken away.
  8. Yeah, playing roles. Trump will play the role he played in his last four years and bring this country back to where it should be or at least try. biden will kill this country because the American people are the only ones left who are still armed which is why they want our guns. They really don't want the scenes of American military having to wipe out citizens when they make their move to task over completely. Trump is our only hope and it's only for a four short years. Whomever it is that gets elected after his last term better be able to stand up to the likes of the left and the NWO or we will be right back where we are knowat the bottom of the barrel.
  9. You obviously need to stop listening to what the left says about Trump. He was being tongue in cheek with at comment. WTF!
  10. You wouldn't know what a jack boot authoritarian was if he stepped on you.
  11. Inflation my be coming down but the price on goods isnt. The special at the local subshop used to be 8:50 now it's 12:75 . Shrinkflation is also a thing and it's not getting any better. Many products are giving you less for more money and the base interest rate is still at 5.25% very high. The only reason gas is coming down is because it's an election year and they want to try and make themselves look like they've helped you but they did it to you in the first place. Smarten up. If you want to support these crooks then go ahead. I will take the four years I had under Trump over any other four years of any President. I made money, I saved money and I had extra money for the kids. That all went away under biden. Thats my proof.
  12. What is Nikki Hailey's deal??? Does she really think she will be the republican nominee??? If she were to actually run against Trump in the general election all she will accomplish is to syphon off a few hundred thousand votes from Trump and help those charlatans known as the democrats to win the election. Maybe she's nothing more than a dummyocrap in republican clothes.
  13. He won just fine in New Hampshire he won all counties except one
  14. Brand New Key was a really cool tune, Rasputina did a good cover of it.
  15. After losing 4 straight the Bruins win 5 and then tonight lose to Carolina. They didn't show up to play until the third where they score 2 goals to tie it and then play their asses off for 5 minutes, get several good chances to score but can't and then give up the go ahead goal with 230 left in the game. What a let down.
  16. Get drunk and thank the stars he did get elected. He will turn this country around and bring back low inflation, low gas prices, get us out of the Ukraine Russia debacle and more than likely broker some kind of deal between those murderous hags and the Israelis while keeping china from invading Taiwan. He will also close the border and stop the influx of millions of illegals. If that's not good enough for you then I suggest that you go to the country of your choice and continue drinking heavily.
  17. A world where livable space is at a premium and too many people living in unlivable conditions. That being said, the United States cannot fix it by having them all come here. If they all come here, soon, here will become there and then we will all be screwed.
  18. I can't believe that there is anyone in the world that thinks a two state solution will solve the Israeli palestine crisis. Whether there are two states or not the palestinians will never stop attacking Israel. I mean they themselves say it all the time so what makes people not believe them??
  19. Local wallmart locked up the socks and under ware! I had to look around for an employee and when I found one she couldn't speak a word of English, so we had to find another employee who could speak both and then after she opened the case she literally had to walk me to the checkout like I was gonna run out without paying. Thank you Brandon for the shitty world you've created.
  20. I wonder what they would have said if you posted Ice Melts!!!
  21. When do you think they will formally charge Trump with insurrection ?? Before or after SCOTUS comes down with a ruling?
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