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Everything posted by Inthelateafternoon

  1. Steve, would love the link please, and thank you for all your work.
  2. Steve, Can you send me a link? Looking forward to it, as all your other projects have been superb Thanks, Terry
  3. On the topic of medleys, is the HMMT medley from RAH DVD an edited version, and if so, what did Page leave on the cutting room floor?
  4. Is there any reason they didn't release the full version in DVD?
  5. I have the initial tapes on godfather, but isn't that version edited? Is there a complete version from the multi-tracks or soundboard around?
  6. Listening to a lot of 69/70 Zeppelin this weekend, and I don't seem to have a great sounding version of Zep doing Long Tall Sally. Can anyone point me in the direction of the best version of this rare encore. All help most appreciated.
  7. I see in the picture here a blue label for the Blimp Record Blueberry Hill. I remember mine as having a red label. Any idea if there was more than one pressing, or label variations?
  8. For sentimental reasons, Blueberry Hill. I had the LP on the Blimp label early on in the 70's, and that show is just burned into my brain. And it has Out on the Tiles, which I loved.
  9. Moonchild has the title Ultimate Blueberry Hill. Does anyone know if that uses the Nite Owl source?
  10. I have the Godfather box set of the HTWWW shows. How does their versions compare to Burn Like A Candle and A Night at Heartbreak Hotel?
  11. This my first posting ever. Just joined up. Steve, I would love to get a link to your remaster. Looking forward to jumping in on other topics
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