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Everything posted by aen27

  1. Thank you and it's my pleasure!
  2. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Thank you both and that's very flattering if it's true, Stairway!
  3. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Thanks april-lynn. You're welcome. This is the interview. http://www.youtube.com/embed/o_9TtVYoN8c
  4. Happy Birthday to PageAngel, wherever she is today!
  5. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Thank you, kenog. That looks like the man that runs the Outside Edge theater company that Jimmy helps with as his charity. I recognize him in the Outside Edge interview with Jimmy when he first joined them.
  6. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    My friend unknowingly also shares her birthday with Scarlet. Happy Birthday, Pagette!
  7. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Happy Birthday, Scarlet! 03/24/1971 With her father at the London premiere of Song Remains the Same.
  8. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love his smile here much more I think.
  9. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love it too!! You're welcome!
  10. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    For you, Miss April.
  11. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    These are all beautiful!
  12. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Thanks so much for this! I love his memory and this picture of Jimmy. This is such a beautiful copy, Stairway!
  13. I'm glad planted. and april-lynn -- I hope they are banned again if they try to return. I PMed you Knebby. Please don't worry about 'attention seeking.' We care.
  14. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Here. http://www.ledzeppelin.com/image-galleries/photos-home
  15. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    They are one of the other choices besides the forum at the very beginning. I have learned to check almost daily as he adds new ones a lot.
  16. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Look through the pictures Sam adds. You'll find a lot you've never seen before. There are so many great ones there he posts.
  17. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love that one and the one with the beard is my favorite when he had it.
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