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Posts posted by JTM

  1. They were all good but my favorite was the Blow By Blow tour in 75. Bernard Purdy on drums and Max Middleton on keys. Great band. I wish I could have seen him more recently but work commitments made it impossible

    Also......Wilbur Bascomb played Bass

  2. Oh no. I ain't admiring shit about those guys. Their conviction isn't admirable... it's annoying.

    I remember one time on a Friday the 13th, a door-to-door proselytizer was walking around the neighborhood. He went down the street on one side. As he disappeared over the little hill on my street, I ran to my computer, printed out a huge pic of Satan with the words "if you knock on this door you will forever be possessed by the devil," and taped it to the door.

    The proselytizer skipped our house...


    Well yeah, the last one that called was when i was having a really bad day. I opened the door and this really weasley looking guy says "i've got some good news"..... I told him to f**k off.

  3. You guys must enjoy the peace. But do you have those door-to-door religious salespeople? They're the worst...

    Oh yeah, The WATCHTOWER pushers (jehovahs).. I love em'... if you talk to them, they just keep coming back no matter what you say to them..... you have to admire their conviction.

  4. I understand and respect Electrophile's point, and your points. Too bad more people can't be more like you guys. It makes me sad when people from England have better respect for separation of church and state than we do. What the hell is this country about when we're fighting like kids in a sandbox over gods and religions. The older I get, the sadder it makes me.

    Luckily, here in England, we don't have any of those really scary "End Timer" nutters that you have over there............. no wonder you feel sad.

  5. I see a difference in "sparking debate" and being outright combative for no reason. I'm Catholic and I myself don't give a damn if people think there is no God and can't understand why I follow a particular religion, but I do give a damn when people insinuate or outright say that I'm crazy or deranged or stupid or whatever the sentiment of the day is.

    Insulting people doesn't "spark debate". Ask anyone who was ever in debate club, or has done professional debates; there are things you just do not do.

    Your Dave Mason "signature" quote is spot on.

  6. The mind boggles when some assume everyone believes in the christian god and the christian god alone.

    I suggest you take your genius genie little self into a lab with no heat, no chemicals, no flasks, nada, squat, nothing, ZILCHIO. Then in six days with all your assumptions come out with nothing. Then get a big fat 0.0000000 in chem, theology, and physics ohhhh wise one.



    PS Only open minds learn...please dont mix me a drink either, I like alcohol not an empty vacuum.

    ( yawn) I think in six days with nothing ..... i might need an ambulance.

  7. Here's a hint for you; when debating whether or not God exists or whether or not religion is a good idea, try doing it without insulting people. It's a touchy subject for people and it's debate-worthy, but if all you're going to do is degrade people for the choice TO believe, you might as well not open your mouth.

    It's outrageous comments and freedom of speech that spark debate... is'nt it ?.

  8. It is a statistical, mathematical certainty that more people on this earth believe in a supreme being than those of you that do not. That is a FACT. Are you denying this? If so, you are wrong. As for controlled, politicians try and control us all of the time and so does government. Religiion is choice. Yes there are some that are extreme and go too far and bother people when they shouldnt. But that doesnt represent all of them. To say we have "fallen for it" is absurd. What can you prove? Nothing more than the next guy. There are many a very smart and brilliant man that believes in God. Doctors, scientists, Presidents, etc. And you come on here and think you have all the answers and try and mock those who believe? How in the hell can you compare God to the tooth fairy, and the Easter bunny. That says something about you right there. Churchs get hurt as much as everything else by economic hardship. Look at the price of gas, the war in Iraq and the economy. And as for the churches being in such a terriible state, I couldnt get in to either of the ones I tried to attend on Xmas or Easter because they were overfilled with people. I had to watch the mass on the internet through the webcam. Get your facts straight and go create a thread for atheists that cant stand the fact that they are vastly outnumbered and are in many a case hypocrits that blame God for all the problems in the world.

    Web cam eh' ..... you should have gone for a beer.......and as for atheists hypocrits that blame god !!!!!.... Do you know what an atheist is ?

  9. Why do you give into these "know it alls" saying that the Bible is a lie. what proof do they have that God does not exist as they always throw it in our face that he doesnt. They are a vast minority. And the ones here are mocking and are trouble makers to mock us believers. You be nice nice with them if you chose. I shall not. Prove to me you atheist that was here yesterday that all the witnessed miracles that have happened are all lies. Prove to me that God does not exist. Prove to me that Jesus did not rise on the third day and appear to chosen believers and non believers! Until then, stop mocking us believers.

    "Know it alls" thats rich...All you people who believe the bible is the truth do so because you were told it was "The truth" You have fallen for it, you have been taken in by it, you have been duped, taken for a fool like millions of others, used had your minds washed , your ability to use common sense taken away, CONTROLLED........yes control because that what the purpose of those word of mouth stories were for HUNDREDS of years before a bunch of people decided to put them to paper. World created in six days, adam 'n' eve, noah, resurection etc etc what utter nonsense........... and as for non believers being in the minority you really think that do you... then tell me why there are'nt more churches...why so many of them are poorly attended. Religion, thankfully is dying a slow lingering death ( at least in most of the civilised world) just as it should do. Do you still believe in santa, tooth fairies, easter bunnies, the bogeyman ? no you don't ... so why are you still taken in by the bible stuff ?. The mind boggles.

  10. God.

    I believe God caused the Big Bang.

    Yes, yes, atheists, I know. Ridiculous, not possible, etc, etc, etc... but ledzeppIV is right. Something had to cause the Big Bang. Something had to set it off. It didn't just come from nothing. Big Bang is proof that there was, at least, something there before. Something created that tiny, volatile speck of matter which would expand into the Universe, which still is expanding to this day.

    Here's what I think. Something was there before. I call that something God. Y'all just don't have a logical explanation for it, yet, so you're waiting for one. "God" doesn't necessarily mean some humanoid-looking spirit in a flowing white robe, a long, flowing white beard, and long, flowing white hair who can control nature. God may very well be that spark that set the Big Bang off.

    So, where did this god thing come from then... if this god thing created the universe, what created the god thing...........i'm not mocking you, you are free to think what you like.... but the concept of the god thing is wholly illogical..... man has come up with some big whoppers throughout history... but the god thing is the biggest lie of them all.

  11. I'm considering getting Warpaint.

    How do you like it?

    After 3 listens i'm not sure. There is nothing on it that has really stood out for me. Maybe i need to get into a Crowes groove, so i'll put it on my ipod and give it a good blast in work next week....... I'm listening now .... defo better than "By your side" or "Lions" or even "3 Snakes"..... I'm thinking it falls somewhere between "Southern Harmony" & "Amorica".... Ultimately it's a Crowes album so it is an essential purchase.

  12. Purchases of the last couple of weeks.

    Black Crowes - Warpaint.

    Porcupine Tree - In Absentia (DVD-A)

    Van Morrison - Too Late To Stop Now.

    VA - Glastonbury Fayre (1971)

    Pink Floyd - PATGOD (3 CD w Book)

    Pink Floyd - Meddle (again)

    Man - Back into the Future.

    Bob Dylan - Hard Rain.

  13. I'm a big Who fan. By Numbers is a fav and shows Pete at his most introspective. Another great one is Odds and Sods, particularly the remasted one with bonus tracks. And EVERYBODY should own Rough Mix, the LP Pete recorded with Ronnie Lane.
    Rough mix, truly an excellent album and like JT says Everybody (every Who fan at least) should own it.
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