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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I like John Freida but it's expensive. I have better things to spend my money on.
  2. My mom makes this bow tie pasta where you put bow tie pasta, spagetti sauce, and pepperoni in a casserole dish and bake it. Before you put it in you cover the top with monzerrela cheese. It's really good. Not to brag either, but I've been told I'm a good baker. Both of my grandma's like my baked stuff more than they do theirs. Baking is more my thing than cooking.
  3. Click Here:Pasta I use green peppers instead of red ones. You actually don't have to put them in if you don't like them.
  4. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I just reread it and it oes. I don't mean to sound like an advertisement. When I find something that actually for my hair I share the news because that's rare for me. Oh God, now I sound like it again.
  5. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I use Sunsilk captivating curls leave in conditioner and it makes me hair so soft. then I use Sunsilk curl creme. It is gel and creme swirled together, it looks really cool. Blow dryers and straighteners ruin your hair.
  6. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I have hair like that, not nearly as curly as yours but still really curly. I used to straighten it, but I quit because my curly hair is so much more me. It makes me stick out in a crowd and I like that.
  7. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    His hair is so pretty.
  8. On Sunday I get a white chocolate rabbit. I can't wait for it. I've been eating M&Ms from a while because there is a big bag sitting by the computer to snack on.
  9. I have a recipe for vegstable pasta italiano that is really good (and really healthy!) when I find it I'll post it.
  10. Moody Blues: Days of Futurew Past on vinyl (for my dad) Outer vinyl sleeve protectors
  11. For Your Life. My g'ma is at church and the music is all the way up and you can hear it through out the house.
  12. I like white chocolate the most. We have a bag of chocolate covered blueberries in the kitchen. I kow how bad it sounds but they're really good. Recipe: 1 bowl of traditional chex mix Chocolate part: Add white chocolate to taste. It's the perfect mix of sweet and salty.
  13. I bought an itune last night of Janis Joplin's Trouble In Mind.
  14. I have more pictures for you. A tired smile:
  15. Yes he does. There are alot of pictures where you can't really tell because he usually wears hoops and his hair hides it. Does he still wear an earring?
  16. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I try. I think I've posted this, but a repeat is okay. The hair in action: One Of My favorite Robert Pics:
  17. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I was hoping you'd think so. I do, that's why that dumb dinosaur picture made me mad.
  18. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I got it to work again!!
  19. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I'm assuming that the chick is a groupie. I have another but the wrong picture shows up. See? I haven't ever seen that picture before in my life. I"m going to try and re-upload the Robert one.
  20. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I think that '77 was a great time for Robert's hair. I have to find that picture, I'm looking now. Or here: Don't mind the stoned-ish look on his face, just look at the hair. And I need to stay out of photobucket because I just post way to many pictures.
  21. I know. When Janis hit the cop, I can see but they got into a fight because the cops weren't letting the kids dance! They were in the aisle and the cops didn't like it. I always thought that dancing at a concert, especially when the performer wanted you to, was acceptable.
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