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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I coloured my hair once and I won't do it again. I have brown hair, but in light it's really red. It's hard to explain but when you look at it, it's dark brown but turns red. It's all natural though. When I coloured my hair I used some bright red and it got messed up. It was heavy with colour on top but my normal hair colour on the ends.
  2. Mandy, I love your hair. I couldn't do anything like that, I don't have the personality, but it looks great on you.
  3. I don't have any autographs. I collect a little bit of everything when it comes to Zep though. I'm really close to having all their albums on first pressing. I only need LZ1, but I can't find an affordable copy of it. I'm not made of money and can't afford a few hundred for a first pressing of LZ1.
  4. It looks earlier, around '70-'73 maybe. I'm not very good at guessing though. It isn't '71 because that's when Robert had the viking look.
  5. I have no idea, but I've never seen that photo before. Robert's shoes look painful to wear for too long.
  6. I laid out in the sun, and got a little burnt but it's starting to turn to a tan. I'm really really white, so to me a tan is a big deal. I can't even get a spray tan because it turns orange. I don't mean orangeish tan, I mean orange like you sprayed the spray tan on paper orange.
  7. I went to Buaffalo Wild Wings today, it was really good.
  8. I don't think so. He doesn't appear to have done them , and if he did he came out on the other end really well.
  9. I'd like to see him in concert. He looks really got and has aged well. How old is he?
  10. He plays guitar really well. As for his professional side it's another story or at least used to be. He was known for throwing fits, missing practises and gigs, etc. Like I said, I don't know if that's still true but it was at one point in time.
  11. I just figured out what It Might Get Loud is, but can someone answer my other question? Does Jimmy have a mullet or what? Not that it makes a difference, he's earned the right to one if he wants it, I'm just curious.
  12. A copy of Rolling Stone with Jimmy Page on the cover.
  13. A Janis Joplin tin box set at Wal Mart and 20 vinyl outer sleeves at the music store.
  14. Today was my last day of school.
  15. My dad had me listening to it before I could even talk.
  16. It would be. I don't really care for the bangs he had, it reminds me of a pre-mullet, but his hair is very pretty.
  17. When I got it I was expecting a bunch of head songs like White Rabbit that I could sing at the top of my lungs with my stereo turned up as high as my dad will let me have them. (Not that he's against loud music, but it can be disturbing to have pictures fall os walls, which I have done before.) I was disappointed but I listen to it all the time because after I got over that and really listened I loved it.
  18. Pearl is amazingly GROOVY!!!! Half Moon is probably my favourite. I'm singin' it right down and danceing. My dad makes fun of me when I listen to it on my stereo because I really get into and start jumping and dancing around. But isn't that what she wanted the fans to do?
  19. A bulletin that Vannis posted.
  20. I'll look into those sets; I'm always looking for new music to listen to. Some of Plant's stuff from the 80s is really dated but some of it is really good. One of my favourite songs by him is Ship Of Fools which came out in 88 I think. It's on Now and Zen, which also has Tall Cool One, imho opinion is the ultimate 80s song from Robert.
  21. I"m sure that there was good music from the 80s, I just haven't found it. My mom was a teenager in the 80s and likes Boy George, Culture Club, etc. M dad is a few years older than her so he listened more to hair bands and the heavier stuff. In between somewhere there is probably something I'd like. I do like Robert Plant's 80s stuff, some of it I admit if it weren't Robbert I probably wouldn't listen to it though.
  22. I hope you have a great time. It's a wonderful show.
  23. I don't either. Jefferson Starship is ok, I have Red Octopus and it isn't bad, but it isn't Surrealistic Pillow by any means. I don't even listen to Starship. I like my music to have a thick substance to it, pychadelic if you will. Not 80s cheese music. We Built This City is one of those songs that people will always know, but only a select few will like. I sometimes clump Starship with bands like Duran Duran and the Culture Club, my mom likes them all. The 80s, overall, was not a good time for music. I didn't even know Barnes And Noble sold CDs. I like Barnes And Noble and could spend $1000 in there easily, but our closest one is an hour away.
  24. It makes me so mad when they do that. Just because I'm not about 60 doesn't mean I can't like older music. I also went to the doc the other day and I have a fake tattoo on the inside of my wrist, it's a peace sign and I had on a Zep tshirt. The doctor asked me what I listened to. I put him into shock after saying Janis Joplin but he was REALLY surprised when I said Jefferson Airplane. He said "You didn't say Jefferson Starsship, so you do know old music. Do you like We Built This City?" Why is that the song they are famous for. I don't really like it, it's a little bit 80s. Something like White Rabbit or Plastic Fantastic Lover should be their big hit.
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