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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I need to put The Beatles' Love back into my computer but I'm too lazy. I don't have any Bealtes on my ipod. I have John Lennon but no Beatles. Otherwise I have everything unless I buy new.
  2. I listen to Fleetwood Mac's Rumours except OH Daddy and Songbird because they don't keep me energized.
  3. I have listened to all sorts of stuff today. I'm about to get on itunes and see if I want any songs.
  4. That sucks. I hate when that happens.
  5. I have to go, my grandpa just got in from Deleware. Rich pm me if needed.
  6. Why do I miss everything?! GR!! It's okay Rich, the world's still hurdling itself through space, your still alive, we're still here. Everything will be okay.
  7. It's okay, Rabia. What's wrong with Richard?
  8. In the earlys 70s, before the dragon suit and that hobo beard. I love the tartan pants look.
  9. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I try. I think I've posted this, but a repeat is okay. The hair in action: One Of My favorite Robert Pics:
  10. I have never seen that picture before in my life. I have to go now, someone else needs the computer. I'll talk to you guys later.
  11. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I was hoping you'd think so. I do, that's why that dumb dinosaur picture made me mad.
  12. I wasn't laughing at it. That freakin' dinosaur has made me mad. Although I reuploaded it and it worked.
  13. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I got it to work again!!
  14. I don't know but it's really making me mad. Look at it: It's supposed to be a nice Robert picture. Edited: It worked!!!!!
  15. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I'm assuming that the chick is a groupie. I have another but the wrong picture shows up. See? I haven't ever seen that picture before in my life. I"m going to try and re-upload the Robert one.
  16. I am so mad. I tried to post a picture of Robert, it's where he's younger. I"d say in about early '69 and his left shoulder is closer to the camera and he doesn't have on a shirt. His hair is shorter, about to his shoulders and he has on a necklace. It's from mid-chest up. Really a lovely picture and some stupid dinosaur picture that I have never seen came up. It looked like it had been done in paint.
  17. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I think that '77 was a great time for Robert's hair. I have to find that picture, I'm looking now. Or here: Don't mind the stoned-ish look on his face, just look at the hair. And I need to stay out of photobucket because I just post way to many pictures.
  18. Hi Rabia, I asked how you were. How are you?
  19. Doesn't take much to cause problems on this board.
  20. My mom told me that this morning. Her boss had it and died within 6 weeks of finding out. I hope that he isn't in any pain, and is in the best health possible.
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